Supporting 1.3 Server Reset

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by autumnrain26, Jun 14, 2012.

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  1. Well, im 55k out, but i havent found what im looking for yet... And i have a triple spawner within 30k, and 4 double spawners within 30k too. Currently from what the mods have said, the PRA hasnt been reset due to Justin being busy. So once Justin isnt as busy, it should be reset more regularly. And i should have explained my "1.3 spawn" more clearly, as i forgot the most important part. That spawn would have a URA, or Update Reset Area. it would be quite large, the farther from the current loaded world the larger it would be. And every update there would be a vote to update just the update spawn, so it would kind of be like the wasteland idea, except instead of reset part of what we have now and making the edges the wasteland, just make all of what we have right now the wasteland and make a new update outpost. If you look at the live maps, most of what is 2k blocks out right now is in good condition. I really dont want to lose my grinders, and im sure that leowaste doesnt want to lose his 5 spawner grinder either. If there was some way where i could pay 10k, 20k or something to have all blocks within a 50 block radius of a position of my choice not destroyed but kept as part of the next map, i totally would. But that seems incredibly unrealistic. Maybe he could add a spawner block buying plugin where people with 3+ spawner grinders could present picture coords evidence of their spawners, and they would be able to buy the same amount of spawners and set them up again? But that sounds unrealistic too. Because i dont know about you, but i have spent WEEKS looking for these spawners, and i had to buy my triple. What im trying to say is, those people who want to find pyramids and temples can go out and look for them just like us xp grinders did for the spawners. Why should they get let off easy, when we had to go searching for all our stuff. Coal and iron are plentiful in the world, you dont need a reset to find those. You need the same amount of time and effort to find those now as you will in a reset. If you need wood, the best and easiest way is to get tons of free dirt, and make a tree farm over your residence. If you REALLY want to find the new stuff, you should be motivated enough to go out 5k+ blocks. You dont have to make it hard for the rest of us because you feel like we should move out 6 times the distance you would have to travel to find the new stuff. And that "you" isnt actually aimed at the poster specifically, it is aimed at everyone. If anyone is thinking "well you are the lazy one who doesnt want to put effort into looking", i have been looking for these spawners since the last reset,so for about two+ months, and i just acquireda triple spawner. It will take you less than half an hour to find an unloaded chunk. The time difference is HUGE. I just got out of school, i just got the grinding setup i wanted, i am happy as can be. Just what i dont want to do during my summer off is have to restart all over again because people cant walk out 5k+ blocks. And i know im pretty much ranting right now, but it is extremely ridiculous that the people who spend the most time in the wild are trying to be told to move out 30k+ blocks so that the people (who are too lazy to go out 5k+ blocks) who will spend very little time in the wild can have pyramids and temples closer to the spawns. When you say majority, how about we look at amount of time spent in the wilderness, not the amount of players. Because a lot of players will take a reset, go out and maybe look for a temple or pyramid, then go back to town and never go back again. Most likely, people will replicate those and players will just go to the residence that has them and forget that they ruined a lot of peoples work so that they could look for those structures in the wild. Ugh.
  2. Why are people being so selfish about this at least half of the people on empire live in the wild or have some sort of wild base, you wouldn't reset town, as it is full of people's creations, it's exactly the same with the wild. If we have to have the wild reset every update, I say bring back the non live map wilderness and never reset but then reset the wild, so the people can make theif homes in the wilderness in the shelter from the live map and the reset!
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. The truth comes out. The fact that you are ranting about grinders is - disappointing. I honestly can not believe you have been playing the victim when all you are going to loose is a couple of lousy grinders.

    Grinders do not take "time" They are common and easy to find. They do not take effort to build. I've built a double in a few hours. When you were talking about having an actual life outside of the town - I felt some sympathy for you. I have lost all of it now. Here is my counter argument...

    a) Grinders will be worthless after the update.

    b) More people will be mining after the update. Mining is 50% of the game - Minecraft. So those of us who enjoy playing the game in its vanilla form should be punished so you can spend your day - afk at a grinder - playing other video games and causing problems for the server by letting your mob caps get to high?

    c) One of the big reasons I look forward to a reset is that most people will loose their grinders. Even before our "mobs are broken" issues. Mobs were constantly broken because so many people now sit and stare at grinders. Justin help us - if every grinder on the server got wiped off the map - I would be forever grateful. This is not how MC is meant to be played. The xp farmers are the most selfish people in the game. I am, now, not surprised in the least you are one of them.

    I will not be responding to you again. Your arguments are lost on me as I no longer can respect what you say.
    Call_Me_DeJaja likes this.
  4. Well no, people who grind aren't selfish, that's ridiculous.
  5. I don't think people who grind are selfish, I think your a little bit selfish for thinking this to be honest. Some people put A LOT of work into their grinder, and it isn't fair to have that work erased.
    sqiggleyjeff and AlexChance like this.
  6. Really?

    I am pretty sure you just admitted to letting your grinders get to 500.

    So you are not only selfish. You are breaking rules.
  7. Anyone else find it amusing that a thread beginning with "I am getting annoyed repeating myself" ends up repeating itself?

    1.3 - "We don't know" - when we do, it'll be worth thinking about.

    ignoramoose and AlexChance like this.
  8. Why are you trying to twist my words? I did not know, and so I asked to community. Now I know, and it won't happen again.
    I am not selfish, I think that what the people of emc have made is not worth being erased for an update. It's not fair to them.
    sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  9. A fresh wild sounds nice.
    hayleycolgan likes this.

  10. Honest officer - I did not know it was illegal to drive 80 in a 35. I did not mean to run innocent people off the road.

    See why this excuse does not fly?
    roblikescake likes this.
  11. It was not an excuse. It is was me wanting to know what the rule was.
    It wasn't me saying "Honest officer I didn't know." It was me saying "Is it okay to drive 85 in a 35?" Before I was ever pulled over by an officer.
    sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  12. Oh melody... :)

    I xpfarm just about 24/7, but it's for several reasons.

    1. I have TEXP goals I want to reach
    2. The community loves enchants
    3. I am constantly filling out applications for jobs so it gives me something to do
    4. Cake

    Long story short, grinders can be good or bad depending on who's using them.
    Manglex likes this.
  13. Oh wait! I get it now.

    Its fine to break rules if you don't get caught!! Dang, if I had only known...

    The fact is you have been hurting the community by having to many mobs. You admit to letting them sit to 500. So the fact you did not know makes it ok that the community suffers for your errors?
  14. I know Rob, my friend.

    However - the fact is most people use grinders without (a) knowing or (b) caring about keeping their mob limits down.

    It honestly hurts the game that so many people are grinding at grinders. I hate playing MC without mobs. Which has been the case for far far far to long now - for one reason or another.
    Herbrin3 likes this.
  15. I don't see why everyone is fighting about someone's view on the subject everyone is entitled to their own view why not just leave it at that
    AlexChance and Manglex like this.
  16. You are sitting here blaming me for a post I made to see I was doing something wrong. I was! But your using me taking the right course of action as an argument against me. It has little to do with me saying that it isn't fair to people who put a lot of time into there grinders, and other things in the wilderness to be reset. I honestly think your being rude, and should stop bashing me for trying to ask and see if I had made a mistake.
    Edit: Also, I don't like fighting Melody. I would like to apologize for starting anything with you, and I think it would be nice if we would stop. :)
    sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  17. Yes! :D
  18. That thread is not about asking how many are allowed.

    You were asking a logistical - what number is best for my xp question. Then someone told you about the rule.

    You have been miss using your grinder. I am not making this up. Not knowing you were breaking the rules does not make the fact you were doing so ok.

    Then you blame me for using your own words against you when you chose to make a post admitting to your own rule breaking - then coming here and trying to say that I am wrong for my beliefs that xp farms are hurting the server.

    You are simply upset that I am observant enough to catch your mistake.
  19. Yes Melody, you are totally right. I apologize. I am also done arguing. I hope that you are as well.:)
  20. Seriously, what is your problem? Manglex asked a serious question in another thread about how many mobs she should collect. This thread was probably triggered after he/she saw the thread(s) regarding "mob spawners not working." Manglex was unaware that he/she was breaking any rules and said that he/she would not do it again, with an apology. Why do you have to make such a big deal out of this? He/she made a mistake., let it go.

    And with your issue with mob spawners - people play for different reason. Some like rupees, some like building and others like grinding. Instead of attacking other players because of what they like to do why not ask Justin about it and find out when he's going to fix it? It's not our fault this has been going on for so long.

    Respect other peoples opinions and beliefs and they'll respect yours.

    EDIT: Now, let's stay on topic.
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