[SUGGESTIONS] List your easy dev suggestions

Discussion in 'The Suggestion Box' started by chickeneer, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. But I expanded on the idea with the local/res chat being colored as well. Or was that already in the works? Either way, it should be on the list for priority update.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  2. oop yeah... no reading comprehension today it seems... one TNT piece exploding should be able to set off other TNT pieces in the waste and wild. currently there are flags for this on residences, but it is disabled in the waste and the wild. since one piece can set of another, and that piece can set off another piece, it is called chaining.
  3. You need to place the tnt with /noprotectmode.
  4. Automatically open a container preview if a res has preview=true but container=false
  5. This is a really good one!
  6. Eyenders loot is garbage, sword dosnt work, is slow and useless. Add a larger loot table for him
  7. Sorry. This is not a helpful suggestion. I need suggestions on things to add. :)
  8. Token reward market should have more promos in it and/or add a booster item which would help the spawn rate of bosses as that is the only way (other then voting) to earn tokens.

    Would like to see a use to dragon stones. Maybe making them useful like sparks....So sparks are crafted with items to give them a boost, dragon stones should be crafted with armor/weapons to give them a boost (maybe in durability?).

    And last the enderblade needs a big buff. In its current form it is completely useless...a very slow sword without a lot of attack. It just teleports mobs to take a big of fall damage (rarely). Simple fix would be to give it a permanent crystal pearl effect (which makes it do more damage towards enderman and eyender). While on the eyender sword subject, the reward pool for eyender should be improved as it has no become the strongest/hardest boss on emc. Fighting one seems useless because of how bad the rewards are.
  9. To add onto my other suggestion post. I think something simple like dropping steel spikes (like 3-4 on diff 10) would be a great fix to loot pool. I know aikar also said he wanted to add netherite ingots to the reward pool of bosses.
    VoidDistortion likes this.
  10. Eyender sword proposed changes:
    + Increased swing-speed (match regular swords: change from a -65% reduced swing speed to -2.4 attacks per second)
    / Adjusted effect (teleport upward sometimes -> guaranteed randomly teleport it around 32 blocks away, on solid ground, use /spreadplayers for simplicity)
    - Slightly reduced damage (1 or 2)

    This would be more useful for people building in the wild who don't care about loot but do care about getting the monsters off of their back.
  11. Hot take: Make eyenders drop an extended invisibility potion. This gives eyenders better loot, adds invisibility potions back to EMC, and still provides some incentive to kill eyenders even if vanilla invisibility potions are eventually added to EMC.

    It's also reasonable for them to drop invisibility potions, because you know? Eyender? Eye? Seeing?

    Yes please, I just want a more reliable way to get steel spikes, especially since netherite has pretty much made steel obsolete.
  12. Perhaps some drop somewhere/reward would be Haste II potions? I would adore to have a "drinkable beacon" for those large rooms that I need dug ;)
  13. Okay, so my suggestion is to lower the road edit barrier so that players can build more of their builds prior to requesting a road edit. I am the type of builder that builds, looks at it, and then decides it needs to be tweaked another way, and then repeat this process until I get a design that I like. With the way the roads are set up currently, the creativity is hampered by this barrier for multi-res builds. Here is a picture of my current progress on the Tempered Welcome Center next to the EMC Park on SMP2. In this picture you can see a fence out front, and then the building behind it. The height of the taller portion on the left is 128 blocks. Even at this height, I cannot connect to the other building when it is built up to that level with the current setup. I will have to go at least one more block in height before I can connect these sections.

    Here is a closer view of the fence out front and looking down another street that has trees and lamps. As far as I know, the only real requirement to road edits is that they still have to allow passage. This should mean that as long as there is a 3 block high path, then the rest would be good. I do, however, note the trees and lamps though. So I was thinking if the current barrier of 128 blocks could be reduced to say 8 blocks, then the trees and lamps would not be impacted until an actual road edit request which would require SS involvement would remain intact.

    Here is another example of the current setup on the Tempered Welcome Center with regards to the Ferris Wheel. As seen in the pic, the upper portions were able to be completed, but the lower areas were not due to this hurdle. Surely, the completion of these beams would not interfere with passage on this road.

    Closeup of completed beams and incomplete beams.

    I believe a change like this could help builders across the Empire design their builds and also minimize the hassle imposed upon the SS to blend reses together. Road edits could truly be "Road" edits and not half the build height of the reses. As such, I also do not see what the restrictions below the roads are serving either, if in fact someone has ownership of the reses on both sides of a given road. To this, I would also like to comment that there should be something put in place that when a res goes derelict and new ownership takes place that all blocks in the road / dirt below, and air above should revert to their original state.

    I know this may be a tall order, but I just wanted to inquire and make these thoughts known for others to consider, and for you to ponder if there is merit therein. I do appreciate all you do to make the Empire what it is today and what it will be tomorrow. Thanks.
    Burki and wafflecoffee like this.
  14. Also to add onto the dragon stone use. Ive said before that people dont really use zombie virus enough though it does have a resistance effect. Maybe zombie virus in middle with dragon frags around (8 of them) to make it a zombie antidote (with all helpful effects) and if a zombie virus with dragon stones around (8 of them) it becomes zombie vaccine (all the effects of an antidote +1 to the tier and a longer duration). Antidote 90 second duration and vaccine 240 second?
    crafter31211 and VoidDistortion like this.
  15. Though I may disagree with the fact that steel is useless (I'm a bit of an item hippie), I most certainly agree that steel needs more sources- It's dummy expensive now (the cheapest armor piece is 160k on the low end), and I don't see much use in its rarity

    oh fix 1v100

    edit- to help fix lighting glitches, I propose a command that teleports you to your current location
  16. As far as I know, towns were created a certain way that would make this overly complicated and time consuming. I heard that explanation a few years ago, but it could be possible now! I'd like to see what chickeneer says about it. :)
  17. Sorry. I don't know anything about 1v100. Have never been involved in that project.
    So my question would be. What is broken? Bearing in mind that I am looking for quick things to fix.

    Also, to everyone. Please discuss things elsewhere. :( I will give a summary later that addresses what is easy/quick to do. I want mass amounts of "suggestions". Getting sidetracked with discussion will bog down the thread such that it will become problematic to be useful for me.
    VoidDistortion likes this.
  18. First, i must state apologies for not including any info regarding the issue. Currently, in 1v100, you fight 100 zombies, some of them enraged. You are supposed to be able to bring in items, and there's supposed to be a reward (from what I've heard), but neither of those are the case. Otherwise, 1v100 works perfectly fine, you can play it on your own any time.

    Additionally, for those in the EMC discord, see my first response to the fact that I killed 100 zombies with my bare hands.
  19. Can a one-liner be put into the new tablist feature saying to use /staff to check for online staff?

    It's a fantastic tool for community interaction/growth but it may not be reliable to find online staff if it goes past a certain amount of players.

    EDIT: Machine gun (mobs that shoot a lot of projectiles really fast) does not function with skeletons/ghasts and it only works on non-player mobs for withers; the wither fires at a normal rate at players even with that feature turned on. You can prioritize as you see fit but I'd be remiss to not request the fix for them (cause I'm crazy!). Feel free to poke me if you need further explanation/details on that. :D
  20. I have not opened my vault in a few weeks, but I MISS those previous/next arrows in the vault. Not sure if that's an easy or hard thing to do, or if it's on another list already. I loved that feature, and would be happy to see it return (assuming you didn't already fix it).