[solved] Theres a hacker

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by _REMOVED_87055, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Not every in game account is on the forums.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  2. That is what I am saying, you said "300k total on the forums"
    PenguinDJ, 607 and FDNY21 like this.
  3. We're at 299,561 members, I don't think they're all of the ones that are on forums, they are probably all people altogether that are on and off of the forums... But we are very close to hitting 300k total! :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. oh....
    *notices post*
    I'll go and sit back in the corner now...
    PenguinDJ, 607, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  5. :p
  6. They could be using a VPN or proxy which will hide their IP. Plus, an IP only gives an 'accurate' location which is off by a few miles.
    AwesomeBuilder33 likes this.
  7. You can check the stats out yourself on the forum by checking the column on the right:


    299,561 :)
  8. I know, read the above posts :p
    607 and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  9. It was one of three people:

    Lizard Squad
  10. I always wondered what goes though the minds of the people that do this to people's accounts, servers and more.. It's ridiculous and immature! lol
  11. they used a proxy service, so cant tell who exactly it was, but ill be working on blocking that service entirely.

    pretty sure its an emc person who likely found the members forum password on some password list, as they didnt access the account in game, and didnt access any private info.

    So whoever you are, I guess thanks for showing some morality heh.
    PenguinDJ, hashhog3000, 607 and 5 others like this.
  12. Well, the in-accurate location is only when using civilian made systems right?

    Doesn't the FBI and stuff have better systems?
  13. Dang.. this thread exploded quickly..
  14. To put it simply, yes, but not exactly, and probably not using EMC end stuff.

    That said, does it really matter who it was? Someone's password was somehow accessed, but it's now fixed, and Square's just as secure as it was (hell, that thing logs EVERYTHING, so it wasn't ever not secure). Nothing to worry about, nothing to dwell on. Lets just move on. :)
    just_five_fun likes this.
  15. Any way the name of the proxy server can be released in case legitimate players here use it to play on EMC?

    I'm not one of those parties, but given the numbers we have there's always a possibility someone out there is.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  16. Oh.. I was looking at the number near the bottom of the page that shows almost 100k members. So that number is forums members and the 300k is game + forums?
  17. Correct :)
    ShelLuser and ThaKloned like this.
  18. glad situation was handled. Hope that all staff change passwords. :)

    All the stuff that causes a major reaction happens while I'm in school >.> :p
  19. Why the heck do people make those lists?
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  20. To raise awareness *. Often people release lists of very easily guessed and commonly known passwords. And although I can understand that its annoying if you find your password on one of those lists I really think you shouldn't "shoot the messenger". Because the message should be clear: if they got 'your' password then so can others.

    It's basically why I use pwgen for every new password I need and store that list in a safe offline database.

    Security starts with your password, and the best way to keep things secured is not using the same password on the entire Internet.

    * EDIT: For the record; I'm not talking about lists of compromised accounts which contain both the account name & password, but about lists of commonly used passwords. Those lists are quite common and also often used in server administration; many servers use this list as a database of unaccepted passwords.