So what do you use your ALT for?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Feb 24, 2016.


What do you use your alt(s) for?

Poll closed Apr 24, 2016.
Collecting more promo's! 41 vote(s) 61.2%
Roleplay 3 vote(s) 4.5%
Building stuff more efficiently (includes testing things!) 20 vote(s) 29.9%
Economic reasons (stocking shop, transporting mats, auctions, etc.) 30 vote(s) 44.8%
To be in more places at once 37 vote(s) 55.2%
To keep myself company 14 vote(s) 20.9%
To play on EMC without people recognizing me 16 vote(s) 23.9%
Just for the fun of it 12 vote(s) 17.9%
I don't have an alt 13 vote(s) 19.4%
#altpowah! 22 vote(s) 32.8%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. I'm mysterious with my alts.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. To keep myself company...

    *glances around*

    Will it be a one-way trip to the insanity ward if I mention the many, many conversations I've had with my own alts just because nobody else was around?

    Some of them get pretty heated... one time it resulted in the death of SirHashhog. >_>
    607, ShelLuser and Nickblockmaster like this.
  3. I usually use my alternate accounts to be in multiple places at once. AltiPig runs a massive automatic sugar cane farm, iUlti keeps chunks loaded when my villagers are growing, and my secret alternate account is used to search for resellers. I usually only use two accounts at a given time: UltiPig and AltiPig. :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. I use my alt to tab out, its actually a combination, alt+tab. It saves me time and is pretty useful, but I recommend keeping it only to the left alt key!
  5. Get rich or die trying
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. I play on my alts to be a completely different person. Maybe I should have some of the 7 doing something else :rolleyes:
    ShelLuser likes this.
  7. You mean that guy Cholupacabra that follows anyone who buys from you? lol, I thought he was a stalker.
    607, ShelLuser and RealTomsmasher like this.
  8. I'm using mine to get promos, which i then auction off at extremely high end prices, and then make it rain use it to buy materials that i don't want to travel to mine (clay and glowstone for my builds)
  9. Oo god lol me too
    Not a good way to hide your alt

    Mine is realtomsmasher2 well it's mine and my bros
    607 and JesusPower2 like this.
  10. I use my alternate account to:
    • Collect extra promos
    • Spawn minibosses twice as often
    • Be in two places at once
    • Deal with my money, so I don't spend as much.
    • Have an extra res.
    • Make parody names for a month.
    • Stay at an outpost
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  11. Expanding my glorious, priceless, and overwhelming customized set of items.

    Giving all my admin flags to myself isn't a bad idea. . . Wrong!

    Need something done in town, but I'm too lazy to travel 60k... screw it that's what ALT's are for. :rolleyes:

    Firework display!? Why watch only here, when I can watch from different perspectives simultaneously. Besides people like a nice photo to look back on for our New Years celebration.

    It's always exciting when someone runs near my res only to see my chat yelling at myself. . . what's his problem
    *keeps moving along*

    And for economical use, I'll just randomly switch between different accounts to help owners keep their shops stocked up if and when I have the materials available to just dump loads of goodies into the markets. Little money for me and more happy shoppers for them. :)

    At one point I joined two more of my alts purposely for gaining more plots, but later afterwards I didn't see the need for the extra land so I decided to unclaim it.
    Hashhog likes this.
  12. Hm... is this a joke?
    Edit: Aaah, I think I may get it now :p
  13. Alts? You mean you guys have paid for multiple Minecraft Accounts? Really?...

    I love playing Minecraft, but I work too hard to spend money buying multiple licenses for one game...
  14. Maybe...
    Nickblockmaster and JesusPower2 like this.
  15. but I'm not sure about it
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  16. what do you think?
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  17. Note "multiple licenses for one game".
    Did you buy any other games, then?
    Why wouldn't somebody's first and alt accounts count as separate games?
  18. I have 3 alts, 2 are public, 1 is secret. I use the alts for afk purposes, occasional joke, etc, nothing too important. It's the private one that I use less often, and for a specific task; PvP. Now, I'm gonna go real talk here for a sec.

    Being staff is makes PvP a lot of fun, lots of peeps usually willing to join in to duke it out, but there is one downside; I tend to have a target on my back. Now, I'm cool with that 90% of the time, since it's not a big deal if I get killed. BUT, there comes that 10% of the time where I just want to chat with people and fight without sticking out like a green thumb (see what I did there?). When that happens, I'll just hop on my alt to PvP, I battle it out for a bit, have some fun, then jump back on my primary account. I get to fight, and people get to slaughter me later on, everyone is happy.
    Nickblockmaster, JesusPower2 and 607 like this.
  19. lol.
  20. I only have one alt, and it's pretty easy to spot. Also, it's no where near meant to be private. :p
    The mains things I use my alt for are:
    • 5th residence
    • Extra promos
    • Be in 2 places at once