Smp8... and all of EMC remembers CadenMann

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Sgt_Pepper4, Sep 6, 2015.

    • Offence details are kept private between staff and a player, including evidence if need be
    • Staff never ban without conclusive proof and evidence being logged into Square
    • If you don't follow the EMC rules during an Event, you will be punished on EMC in exactly the same way you'd be punished if the Event was on an EMC server. This means acting up during an Event can/will result in a punishment affecting you. -
    • Respect anyone and everyone
    • It's not really possible for non-staff to judge the situation since they can't see anything
    • Some things seem unfair when in fact they're completely fair. That's life.
    Remember to keep it civil guys :)
  1. NOOOO. the Piz arrols. He's... He's dead.
    CadenMann likes this.
  2. Hey guys, it's just my opinion, but this is Caden's appeal. I don't think it is going to help either Caden or the community if you try to play his attorney. =P

    People are getting worked up over this. The staff team is extremely good at being just. And if I can get a second chance after hacking, most likely anyone can. :p
    CadenMann and 607 like this.
  3. Finally finished reading the whole thread...

    Commenting as a regular member with no affiliation to the staff team. Caden, you were a nice guy and sad to see you go, thanks for the monument, guy.
  4. I disagree with two statements you made in this post,

    • Staff never ban without conclusive proof and evidence being logged into Square
    When I was banned, I simply asked for evidence multiple times, and was told that staff did not have to present it to me. I believe this should be changed, because it just makes staff look bad, and saying that makes it seems like there is no evidence at all.

    • It's not really possible for non-staff to judge the situation since they can't see anything
    "since they can't see anything"
    I spectated Caden's team quite a bit during the UHC, due to the fact that I was killed in the first 10 minutes of the game. If you want to call that not seeing anything, that's a bit counter-productive. I doubt any staff member spectated their team more than I did, as I switched between watching Spyrovsgnorg and Caden's team the entire time.
    I've heard staff's side of the story, and Caden's, and it just seems like a classic case of "his team won, now let's call x-ray because they kicked our ass". There was another team with nearly full diamond gear, which was the aqua team, and not a single person accused any of them of using illegal modifications, because they didn't win in the end.
    CadenMann likes this.
  5. I can promise that the story isn't that - and would be very doubtful that you watched the game as much as staff did.

    Staff may not always provide evidence to players, but I have checked, and there is evidence filed for your ban. Staff do not ban without it.
    607 likes this.
  6. If staff watched the game as much as I did, this thread wouldn't exist. :D
    CadenMann likes this.
  7. Actually.. aquateam was lucky to kill me and anon, got our gear, apples and 8-10 diamonds, gold and some other items, they had parcial diamond armor at that time. so after they got us, i followed them cause i was "routing for them" and i saw them kill players and aquire armor from them. most of the stuff i saw them get was by killing other players.

    my take on the whole, "we dont take player evidence as evidence", but as a reason to start investigation, is cause we dont want any banns to be bias, thats why staff is sent to follow the player, and record it, and then other staff watch it, if it is showing that the acusation was true.

    all i can offer in this situation is trust krysyy, ive been a mod a short time. but i have seen that she simply is not affected by bias, and she views all cases like its the first one ever. a bann supported or issued by krysyy. there must be a reason behind it. i have seen her overturn a permaban, for she single and sheer reason the proof, was not slam dunk.
  8. I think this thread shows how much players care about CadenMann
    607 and CadenMann like this.
  9. since you are not cadenman.. i want to doubt that you heard staff side of this ban ;)
  10. True
  11. Well, I suppose I should show my support. Caden is always a happy and welcoming individual who I would never affiliate with doing the wrong thing. Even though I say that, I doubt the staff team would ban a player with little to no evidence. I'm sure that they had found something that was, or seemed like an illegal mod. As this thread has shown, Caden has definitely made a positive impact on this great community. The only reason why I would see this from you if it was some sort of prank... or is it...
    The community will be more than happy to see you back, and we're all hoping the appeal goes well. See you then! ;)
  12. Caden, I already miss those days when we used to have those 1v1's. I also miss your Snapchats :/ Make sure you visit me in Brampton someday. And btw. I win.
    Hope you get unbanned. From your 1v1 mate-
    Harsh :)
    CadenMann likes this.
  13. I have no idea who Caden is. But I have great respect for the staff that just because an individual is popular it doesn't mean he can operate outside the rules. I know it can be difficult for staff to make unpopular decisions particularly when apparently so many players appear to be affected. Hats off to the staff for not bending to pressure and applying the rules consistently.
    607 likes this.
  14. If Caden doesn't come back, we shall miss him dearly. If he does, we shall rejoice in happiness!
    CadenMann likes this.
  15. Great observation which I would agree with. It appears that CadenMann has aquired a significant amount of respect within this community up until now.

    But! It is important to note that this ban is not tied to his popularity and is not associated with another player's ban. The evidence against CadenMann are for his specific account and is very conclusive. I recommended the ban myself after seeing the evidence and will continue to stick by this stance.

    This has happened before that a prominent community member has broken the rules and history will show that they were punished with a ban as well. Anyone remember PThagaard? I remember it well, as it was one of the first "Illegal Mods" bans of a high-profile player. He chose to use Speed and Fly mods to speed around the wilderness faster. We caught him and led to the standard purge of a perma-banned player's belongings when appealed. The rest is history for another time.

    What's my point? It doesn't matter how charismatic people are on the internet because each and every person can be two-faced by putting up a facade to make themselves look better when sometimes there are underlying nefarious purposes. Of course this statement is not completely pointed at CadenMann but rather in general.

  16. Thats what I meant I was staff on another server once and this append often. Sometimes it was sad but really you can't do anything about it, he did something against the rules. It was a big mistake but it was his fault that he did this so no one can help him. As much the community likes him every player deserves the same treatment.
  17. We are HUMANS we have our own opinions and we all have to be that person sometimes. BUT just because this is "Aikars Playground" doesn't mean we can't throw some good valid points towards him. Yes Aikar is the lead Developer Yes he is the owner of the server but Aikar is human and sometimes his judgements could or could not be right for the community
    ShelLuser, 607 and Zikko like this.
  18. Well most of his points are right because he finds opinions and help from other Developers, Moderators and SS. So pretty much all his decisions are fair.
  19. I'm glad this has been kept civil enough to remain open overnight. This thread is for community grieving of someone we cared about, but for some reason is in trouble. Let staff sort it out elsewhere amongst themselves.
    AverageWalrus and 607 like this.