My desktop is supplied each day by a Bing app. The wallpapers are usually very good photographs of some interesting places. The app gives info on the picture. Sometimes the pictures are of current events but usually just a random pic. Even though I have a search box permanently fixed to my desktop I still don't use Bing.
What is your desktop? windows symbol with rain meter launcher over the front of it. Why is that your desktop? wanted something that was more dull-ish How often do you change it? had this one for 3 months now, so not often. Are you OCD about your icons? very. i have enough to fill my desktop, they can all be found in the icons folder.
What is your desktop? Parody of the starcraft 2 Picture Why is that your desktop? Thought it was funny and I like the starcraft series and Who doesn't love cats. How often do you change it? every now and then I will change it Are you OCD about your icons? Not really.
You have rain meter? I had it on win 8 but it was making my start time slow so I deleted it.... Great app!
Desktop for my nc6000. What is your desktop? Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th Special comic book. Why is that your desktop? I like Friday the 13th. How often do you change it? Lots. Every other day, mostly. Are you OCD about your icons? As long as they aren't all jumbled up.
What is your desktop? Link. Why is that your desktop?Because I like Link, grew up playing the games and "He come to town. To save the princess Zelda." How often do you change it? Dunno. I just now put this one up. It was some default LSD trip looking thing. Are you OCD about your icons? Somewhat. I only have a few up.
What is your desktop? Anyone can answer that. Why is that your desktop? Because I don't feel like changing it. How often do you change it? I probably will in a few seconds actually...and to answer the question, I don't. Are you OCD about your icons? I used to, then I decided it was quicker to just have them chilling out on the left.