I got the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory's main theme stuck in my head: It could be because I watched it today, even the live commentary audio track, but it's a nice call back to my childhood~ ^^
Um yeah, probably. The theme does not seem familiar to myself! Nice intro, though. Quite slow, you can see that the film's old!
I'd say "Having been made further back in time than the majority (maybe a big majority, like 75%) of matters in the same category that an average person in our society, or in some cases the observing person in particular, is exposed to". (I made that up in a minute, but I think it's pretty solid, for the time being )
Age doesn't define quality, I like this one better than the 2005 remake in many ways. Especially Willy Wonka's character. In the remake, he acts like a child... a LOT... :\
Wow, I haven't seen that in a while! It looks to be a very good film... but it's not easy to watch, because Cruella is so awful!
This one has been stuck in my head since last anime season when War of the Underworld was airing. Is this song in Japanese? Yes Do I understand a single word? No Do I still know the lyrics and have it stuck in my head? Yes Not sure why I like this song so much lol, but its stuck in my head after I listen to it every time. Another song that has been stuck in my head at random intervals is the ending song to episode 19 of Demon Slayer. The scene from this episode along with this song was a work of pure art- I mean after this episode aired people were suddenly all over the show like they weren't before this scene. I won't post the scene since it is probably not EMC appropriate, but here is the song- the song without lyrics only the instruments especially have been stuck in my head.
Through my study association's theatre committee's play of 2020, I got to know Smoke On The Water. I'm very glad for that, as I love it! And it is a tune that easily gets stuck in the head.