Sefl's Offical Stream Thread v2.0

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Sefl, Aug 29, 2021.


Mob that is the most fun to battle

Dragon 18 vote(s) 48.6%
Wither 17 vote(s) 45.9%
Creeper aw man 12 vote(s) 32.4%
Elder Gaurdian 6 vote(s) 16.2%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. yay yay self is back but not wen im there sord of disapointed but also happy we got aur famous streamer back
  2. Got an Appt tonight at 6 PM EST... So gonna hopefully stream the Halloween event starting sometime between 9pm and 10 pm EST!!!
  3. 3 Minutes Be there or be squa...... wait youre already square in the game :oops:
  4. Will be doing Parkour Trivia AND Prizes! :eek:

    5 PM EST Over on
  5. 11/4/2023
    8:30 PM EST

    Game Show Stream!

    Will be Drawing Random People off of the Residence to Compete to win Rupees

    ALL Competition are using Staff Approved Redstone Luck Machines.

    Residence is at /v 17500 on /smp8

    Best of Luck Tonight!
  6. 11/6/2023
    7:00 PM EST

    Game Show Event Res Building Stream!

    Building the ULTIMATE Game Show Event Res!

    Want your say in the designs and what games are available!?
  7. 11/8/2023
    2:15 PM EST

    Game Show Event Res Building Stream!

    Building the ULTIMATE Game Show Event Res!

    Want your say in the designs and what games are available!?
    Don't Judge the Copy Paste Plz :oops:
  8. Gonna be Using Katy's Thread to explore and support shops and malls on EMC!

    IF You know of any malls please Reply here and I'll try to visit them in tonights Stream!

    Hoping to make this a Monthly thing! :rolleyes:

    7:30 PM EST is the Stream starting time :eek: 11/9/23
    Raaynn, We3_MPO and NuclearBobomb like this.
  9. Gonna be remodeling the Game Show res... getting rid of such a golden mess lol
    3 PM 11/15/2023
  10. ultipig likes this.
  11. im missing you live efry time i cant stop cry ing efry time i see this
  12. oh man! I'm back *again*

    Got a slight cough still but not that bad... so It's streaming time tonight 12/2/2023 10 PM EST Start time!
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  13. Withers ... I showed up for the Wither summoning Party.

    Once again, in the heat of running out to the Waste Wither, I forgot to put on my jammies. But I remembered my respawning Bed.

    *Jammies is American slang for pajamas, I use it to refer to armors.
  14. 12/3/2023
    5 PM EST
    Resource Gathering Stream :rolleyes:

    IF You'd like to learn about the places I gather resources and use them with me come hang out!
  15. 12/7/2023
    4:00 PM EST
    Resource Gathering Stream :rolleyes:

    Gonna try and Gather Some Diamonds to Craft Netherite Upgrades

    Feel Free to join us and Mine with us!
    We3_MPO likes this.