Sefl's Offical Stream Thread v2.0

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Sefl, Aug 29, 2021.


Mob that is the most fun to battle

Dragon 18 vote(s) 48.6%
Wither 17 vote(s) 45.9%
Creeper aw man 12 vote(s) 32.4%
Elder Gaurdian 6 vote(s) 16.2%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Come have fun and Mine Obby with us! Will do a 100r Trivia Question after each stack I mine!

    Will be live at 7 PM!
  2. Scuffers likes this.
  3. Live Trivia!!!!!! /v +sefl on /smpu or /utopia 10 PM EST!
    DuckTapeCow likes this.
  4. Gonna be Fighting the Dragons today at 4:30 pm!
  5. Who's interested in learning to make Rupees!?

    Join me today at 5 PM EST if you would like to learn some secrets to EMC's economy!
    AncientTower likes this.
  6. Going Live at 11:30 AM EST on EMC! Got a fun Scavenger Hunt planned for you guys to start!
  7. Should be going live today on EMC around 3 PM EST Maybe slightly before! Hoping to do some waste mining and Bounty PvP
  8. Going LIVE over on - - at 2 PM (Maybe Slightly Before) For Mining PvP and Maybe Auctions if we get enough people :eek:
  9. Gonna try and start a Streaming Series on EMC!
    Going LIVE 9:30 PM EST

    Saving up for a Permanent Derelict Voucher
    With some Plot Twists!

    We3_MPO likes this.
  10. Parkour streams!? Come recommend good parkour res's!
  11. 10 Minutes Late but YOLO!
  12. 7:30 PM EST! Continuing the Adventure stream :eek:
  13. self you are not telling me u streaming im not angry im disapointed that in most cases is even worse
  14. I liked to battle skeletons before they had aimbot.
  15. ultiPig and Sharpie42 like this.