Sefl's Offical Stream Thread v2.0

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Sefl, Aug 29, 2021.


Mob that is the most fun to battle

Dragon 18 vote(s) 48.6%
Wither 17 vote(s) 45.9%
Creeper aw man 12 vote(s) 32.4%
Elder Gaurdian 6 vote(s) 16.2%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Will be live today at around 10 am (10 minutes from posting) Gonna destroy whatever economy is left :eek:
  2. Live Auctions at Noon! + Parkour Before at 11 AM + Dragons After the Auctions!
  3. Auctions are cancelled for today! Wasn't able to get anything in place so just Dragons and Parkour today! Going LIVE at 1:15 PM EST (EMC TIME)
  4. Turtle is back in action (hopefully) Test Stream today to see how my lungs do talking!
    As some of you know I almost died on thanksgiving due to covid :( My lungs aren't fully healthy and seems like they wont be for a while. I can't talk for long periods of time or I get short of breath.

    I'm gonna do a test stream today at 2:30 PM EST!
    Join us at the link below!

    Come say hi and hang out we'll be on smp7 exploring the waste!
  5. we all hope that you get better
    Sefl likes this.
  6. Will be live at 3 PM EST smp7 nether mining!
  7. Will be using Turtle Tokens in today's Harvest Day + Nether Exploration at 6 PM EST!
  8. i keep missing your streams
  9. Will be live in 5 minutes! (From time of posting) 3:45 PM EST Will post in game when Im live! Its a Horse Llama Donkey and Mule breeding day!
  10. SkeleTin007 likes this.
  11. Mid Day Iron Exploration
    Please Bring Nothing to Event Items will be Provided for the first 10 People
    Noon o'clock Start Time EMC / EST
    We will be exploring the waste with nothing but Iron Tool and Armor on diff 7 :eek:

    Got a Great Giveaway Planned for 2 Parts of the Stream!
  12. Auctions switching to every other week! So tomorrow 2/20/2022 will be Dragons and Withers at 1 PM!
    SkeleTin007 and Sharpie42 like this.
  13. Dragons and Withers in just under 2 hours! (1 PM EST / EMC time)
  14. ahh nice nice! i just found this thead. Also i will keep update.
    p/s: you're nice, best turture i ever know :D
  15. Time for a Random Mid-Week EMC Stream!? 1:15 PM Start Time!
    Gonna be doing random stuff :rolleyes: