Rules Updates: August 11, 2018

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. staff has already said they arent willing to listen to "forum players" input and "theres is going to be an adjustment period" so idk why yall are even bothering commenting in this anymore, its clear that they dont intend any kind of compromise except a link to the auction forums somewhere insignificant. im saddened and disheartened that despite literally every other change on this list having community input the one thing that affects almost strictly the forums wasnt brought up anywhere on the forums prior to its implementation.
    TomvanWijnen, 00void, FunWart and 2 others like this.
  2. Exactly what I am trying to say. Its only trying to reorganize and lessen from the old inactives to make room for new ones.
  3. It shouldn't have to be the majority, though.
  4. if you read the thread that was krysyys reasoning for this implications by aikar and the team
  5. nothing has been changed by players on this server lol
  6. But the point is to try to lessen up on the old inactive areas and try to become more flowing.
  7. then why did they remove bumping
  8. ded
  9. To make lighter regulations on the threads to make it more organized.
  10. Sorry my point is just that many people are saying the majority of the server hates this thing when really it's a drop in the bucket compared to the whole. This doesn't mean your input or others means nothing. It very much is important and wanted. It's just that not everything we all want can be done or is needed. It's not a personal slight. We should all just take a breather, let it unfold and go from there. Let it do it's thing for awhile and make adjustments if they are required.
  11. Can we just read this before anyone says anything more?

  12. I am starting to think this is getting out of hand with the harsh comments.

    I also agree with Kryarias
    Kryarias likes this.
  13. And?
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  14. its invalid duh
  15. Like I said before lets all act like a community instead of lashing on others just for their opinions.
    Kryarias and Bromine_XD like this.
  16. In my opinion, the only way this new system would work is if there were like 1000 people betting and hosting auction at the same time which tbh is very far fetched. there was nothing wrong with the auction page just the system that was running it
  17. Just going to leave this here...
    jossytheninja, _BRZ and Otus_NigRum like this.
  18. At this point you are verging on the edge of punishment. Inciting public drama is still against the rules. I advise you stop going the way you are heading and make a u-turn fast. That's my last warning on the matter.

    Not agreeing is one thing. You're taking it too far.
  19. Adding on. It is worth noting Krysyy did not make these decisions alone. It is misguided to blame Krysyy, at least blame the entire staff team for all y'alls disagreement. ;)
  20. So citing Krysyy's reasoning as a good thing makes my argument invalid? You asked for positives, so I'm giving you a positive. I think that the ability to host smaller auctions is something long overdue, and making sure active auctions take the spotlight is a great way to make sure these smaller auctions see the light of day. Not everyone has time to get on EMC to find the thing they're looking for, but they could go on the forums to find a small auction not in a DC quantity that might have what they want