Road To Top 5 []

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Oct 4, 2013.

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  1. We fell behind D: we are now rank 34!
  2. How....
  3. I think that you are looking at the total server status. We are currently #14 for all minecraft servers.
    Look here:
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  4. Just start a convo with ICC under the title "Top 5 donations"
  5. Thx, my bad...
  6. top5 now eh? ok so "get it to #1!" and "keep it at #1"-server spaaaaaaaaaaaam messages inc soon! And yeah "It is a common practice for many server lists to "bribe" their members with gifts, items, and sometimes even require it to play on their server." Glad youre atleast honest about your bribing :)(cuz who doesnt want your screen completly covered in whatever amount of bonus-vote status u got every time you log on!)
    Jcplugs likes this.
  7. 4 out of the 5 advertised servers are the same server :/
    gollark8 likes this.
  8. wat I got so confused reading that
  9. Its far from spam and or bribing we are offering items donated by the players as prizesfor a common goal. Whats so wrong with asking your member to vote. like you said it could be required to log on like some.
  10. Oh and what about the "bonus rupees" you get for voting excessively ?
  11. If you don't want the rupees for voting, I'm sure you can find a large number of people who'd be willing to accept them on your behalf. :)
    Olaf_C, gollark8, joshmcf and 8 others like this.
  12. Great answer, ICC, great answer;)
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  13. an incentive, and there not really massive..
    Dwight5273 and Damiensmom11 like this.
  14. i will gladly take them :) i try to vote on all the lists every day but most only allow one vote a day from same IP address.

    furthermore i do not understand why people complain about being asked to you dont have to. so dont and then dont complain when you cannot partake of the donated items from the players and staff that are trying to show other players how great this server is. As for the rupees they are a thank you from the staff for taking the SHORT amount of time it takes to type your MC username and enter the captcha. takes me about 10 minutes tops to vote on all before work. while wrangling a two year old into his socks and shoes and getting breakfast in his belly. LOL

    the messages we see in chat are a reminder as there are many players that do not daily come onto the forums. That way they are not left out. If you dont want to see them "/chat tips off - Turn random Chat tips off".

    anyways im done ranting, lol thank you ICC for the awesome server and the opportunity to be a part of the empire. i appreciate it :) I am very happy to be a part of the Empire family and hope to stay for quite some time :)

  15. it is amazing how many people forget about "/chat tips off - Turn random Chat tips off".

    -if you dont want to vote fine dont.

    -dont want the extras you get for voting if you do vote, fine give them away

    -dont care and just enjoy playing here then fine. Don't QQ when we hold events like this, all we do is ask people to support the server you enjoy spending so much time on
  16. That doesn't keep the spam away, Even turning off chat doesn't. :/
  17. Well, for those that consider a once maybe every hour reminder to help the server out message, "spam", I apologize. :(
    WolfThunderblade and cddm95ace like this.
  18. Good boy >:I
    joshmcf likes this.
  19. I also suggest those people become educated on the word spam. ;)
    hashhog3000 and WolfThunderblade like this.
  20. I thought Google might help me on the matter,
    I was wrong
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