Ma storage, what have ya'll done to ma storage?! Creepy, it almost looks as if dozens of green heads are now looking back at me: "don't open me up pls!", and now I can't build anymore lol, this is what you get for allowing server-sided textures to be used. I love it!
Server-sided textures? Sounds like you don't have much experience with playing Minecraft, because that has nothing to do with our server, haha!
As every Emc build has secrets, so does the new spawn, which in my opinion looks really amazing! But wait there's even secrets in the secret spawn area! Double secret (haha im so tired)
Aah! yeah, well; I am only 8 or so months into the game (started March this year) so this is kinda new for me. I assumed (oh dear) that it was the server changing all this. So now I know. I shall have to sue Mojang then for mentally disturbing images
Hm, March.... Then you did witness everyone changing to a villager and automatically having TEAVSRP (you know, with villagers saying every sound out loud) on april fools day? And some mobs getting a pumpkin on their head with Halloween?
Holiday themed chests levitating over a lava pool. There must be a little Christmas magic in the air.
"The Lost Flock"? I'm still finding these little guys. Had a heck of a time corralling them together.
Yeah, but around these times my brain sort of stops working Just enjoying good time with family and stuff, which leaves less time for other important things 8)
Yeah but I didn't have any leashes and I was a long way from my base. Ended up just digging some two block deep trenches to get them in one spot for the kill. It was worth it though. I added two more Turkey Slicer swords to my inventory for a total of five.
I turned around and he was staring into my soul ._. then again he may have wanted to eat my liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.