Quartz Express

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by M4ster_M1ner, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Why do you need this:* full armor
    * enough food
    * a pick (diamond, efficiency 3 + unbreaking 3 is optimal)
    to use the station?
  2. Do I pay him or you? and I already am in the Nether waiting ^_^
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  3. I would like to know how to get there..
  4. Contact me in game and I will show you where it is
  5. Ok. Just to mention at about z -5000 in the track it sends you backwards back the way you came. So you want to be careful around there.
  6. Good luck with this. I've built two nether rails now and both were discovered with a few weeks and all the powered rails stolen. Curious how long this one will last intact.
  7. I'm on a trip for few days, I'll be back home on wednesady.
    I'll try to check the station at -5k though.

    I guess all people here are honest enough to pay the admission fee before using the track.
    Pay to me please and send me a PM, and tell Silken (if he's showing you the way) that you've done so.
    I'll send you the coordinates in a private conv.

    There are already people who want to help open tracks on other servers.
    Even after Wastelands are added, the tracks will be useful for outposts,
    especially for trade between the town and outposts.

    Is there a gifted architect among use who would like to design nice stations? :)

    Have fun! :)
    o0_Jetfire_0o and mba2012 like this.
  8. Did you report it?
    Did they catch the thief?
  9. I will do some station design.
  10. I don't think people would do this considering this is helpful for everyone and if they do they are just Very mean people.
  11. The first time, yes, and no they didn't as far as I ever heard. I was told the thief didn't do anything they keep logs of so they couldn't help. The second time I didn't bother since it was the same situation, they only stole powered and regular rails which are apparently not logged, so why waste staff time if they can't help anyway.
  12. That's what I thought; why destroy something you could use yourself. But experience says otherwise, I've had two nether rails and an iron golem farm ransacked. Kids r dum I guess.
  13. Not to die if you accidentally hit a pigmen :)

    If things go well, I'd like to add fair-use food chests to some stations.
    But for now, please don't starve on the track ;)

    To open secret passages :)

    ... for netherrack :)
    I'd like to have happy customers, not only because they'll have a fantastic ride,
    but also because they will return alive and with full inventory of quartz and glowstone :)

    I've checked the track and I've added some delay to the loop at -5k.
    It seems to work well.
    Perhaps someone could make a small "how to" video :)

    If you've paid the admission fee, please do send me a PM,
    as I won't check my rupees log before wednesday.

    (@julyloveyou: I've seen your payment, ty.)
  14. You and I can work together if you want. We could make grand nether station...
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. I would be happy to do a video on how to make the rail station booster and mid rail booster if that what you mean M4nic
  16. All payments go to M4nic for the use of the rail on smp7. I am happy to show ppl how to get to the Quartz express when I am on line. Pls install rei's minimap to make way points so you don't get lost and know how to find the station once you have been shown.
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  17. I mean video on how to use it, only simple things :)
    * how to create a minimap waypoint with custom coords and find a secret passage
    * how to set / record a waypoint when you leave the railway tunnel to explore and dig, how to find / dig your way back to the tunnel
    * how to use protected zone to teleport
    * where to place minecart
    * how to start in the middle of the track
    * what does a boost loop do, why entering speed and keeping distance is important
    * what to do on collision
    * what do pigmen do
  18. "All aboard the Quartz Express!"

    I love the quartz express. You should add stops where you can eat, or stay and wait before you leave. Also the express is really safe from ghasts. ;)
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  19. The QE, rail system is for more then just quartz as we will soon have wastelands, but you cant build there or set up a base unlike the QE, this will take you far out from spawn make a stop at any point along the way or go to the end and then dig on to a point you would like to make a portal into the wild. For every 1k blocks you travel through the nether you travel 8k in the wild.

    So I think at the moment you can get over 50k blocks from spawn in around 10 - 15 min.. now then how is that for ingenuity.
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  20. I'm going to donate as well as use this. I have a few things that would help you out. Such as an auto cart sender.
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.