Public QnA, EMC Staff Livestream

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by iSmooch, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. This has been moved to the 3rd of January, for the reasoning that it will be easier to hold at such time. 12 PM CST 3rd January 2013. See you guys there. 24 hours of fun.
  2. Will Justin be there?
  3. Maybe he's here now, watching.....

    But anyway, I had a thought as to what the reward for hitting to the donation target could be.
    How about un-whitelisting stage for 24 hours or so?
  4. sounds cool :D go for it :)
    iball6119 likes this.
  5. I think this would be interesting to watch and helpful in many ways, best of luck with it, if you go on with this project!
  6. This Project is Definitely going to happen. You will probably see a more official post about more details after the holidays :).
    mba2012 likes this.
  7. Mr. Smooch, I suggest you editing the OP and writing the official day, as some people don't read all the comments, and they may get lost :p
  8. Well this thread was more a feeling out, seeing what the community thought. You can expect a more 'official' post soon :).
    mba2012 and ItsMeMatheus like this.
  9. :O January 3rd - the day my paypal expects me to get diamond - that's a double whammy of goodness :p
    mba2012 and AlexHallon like this.