Public QnA, EMC Staff Livestream

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by iSmooch, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. I have a made quite a bit of websites ... mumble used to - (Might still have one) ... a resizable html code or widget ... doesn't take up much space - so if you are interested, like previously stated - you could have a 'live-stream' button on the emc site near contact-us ... or near inbox or somewheres .... But the version i had on my site included text and video and voice ... so i'd recommend no video (almost a guarantee no on that one anyways) ... maybe if you'd like I could try and find you all the voice widgets I have and inbox you them sometime?

    As for the voice chat itself ... there's somethings too hard to type in-game ... or maybe you're away from your computer ,while if you have a little tablet or ipod you could still access voice and communicate. So it's a 'yes' for me.
  2. Just Yes, YES, YESSSS!
  3. Sounds AWESOME
  4. Which came first, the creeper or the egg? A question to mods in advance :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  5. :) yeah, it will be fun see some staff suffering under the members, lol just kidding, it will be awesome :D
  6. If you do a livestream, it may be interesting to "meet" at a server residence in an outdoor forum, in parallel with the livestream. I'm not really sure what we would do. Meet each other, have drinks, Maybe you would throw out t-shirts to the crowd. :)

    Things I'd like to see in Empire:
    1) I'd like a weekly email newsletter with happenings and user submitted screenshots of interesting finds in minecraft. Residences, wilderness, etc. Maybe spotlight an interesting residence that someone built.
    2) It would be interesting to hide "artifacts" in the empire wilderness. A statue, totem, sphynx, monolith, sunken ship, etc. It would be ideal if they "solid" and not destroyable, yet outside of the protected zone. Sometimes people would have to "unearth" them to be discovered. Find all 10 if you can.
    3) It would be interesting to have a "kingdom battle" server where teams would "capture the flag" once a week (every Sunday night). Monday morning the "common area" would be reset and the kingdom teams would arm themselves all week for the next battle on Sunday. Inventory would not be transferred in our out of the server. Maybe there's already servers that do this. I'm new to Minecraft so I'm not sure.
  7. Maybe it doesn't have to be completely about Q&A's, I'm not sure if anyone suggested this before but maybe it could include a news section and other topics. Some of it doesn't even have to be related to EMC at all - perhaps you could go sort of PKA style and allow special player guests to call up every now and then while discussing and answering. :)
    supereskimo likes this.
  8. So we can't ask them by voice :(. But what if my keyboard exploded? How would I ask a question?
  9. Sounds like a good idea!
  10. write on a piece of paper, take a picture, upload to imgur and text us the link.
  11. Multiple ways.
    1. Telepathy.
    2. Smoke signals.
    3. Sky writing.
    4. Ouija board.
  12. Awesome, but timezones are a bit of a problem. A lot of people come from Europe and the US, which means that in order to accommodate those timezones people from Asia and places around there will have to miss out. (And since the US is *sarcasm* of course the only place that really matters *end sarcasm* the streaming will take place at 3:00PM Sunday afternoon in the US or something, and at 5 on a Monday morning in Australia.) As other people have said, different mods or admins will have to stream at different times. This makes sure people from all timezones will get an opportunity to participate in the livestream. :D
    As for repetitive questions... if you notice lots of people are asking the same question over and over again, then just ignore that question XD There's no use saying, "TNT won't be avaliable to the general Empire any time soon," a million times in a single livestream.
    And the Child's Play thing sounds like a great idea. It'll be great to see all this go towards a real cause, not just for the amusement of the EMC'ers.
    mba2012 and ISMOOCH like this.
  13. So this got one long post, sorry if I repeat something said already Smooch, couldn't read all the answers to it.

    A stream basically supports two way of information: Visual and Audio. A QnA basically only lives from audio information.

    I conclude you guys want to make it more interesting while listening to the QnA. There for first of some things about livestreams. Whoever hosts the livestream should be aware, that anything he does is seen. also chat. There for my first suggestion would be, to have someone with a second computer next to his gaming computer and a second account. So the second account streams with chat turned off. This way the risk of showing something ... unrelated... is much easier.

    Second. If you put much effort in it, you can also show a video of the livestream in a loop in the time, where it is "off". This way player have the chance to catch up missed sessions. (As it is really hard to find a good time for this).

    Now back to the content. To really make use of the visual part, something rarly seen is needed. My first idea was to show somebody (somebody => with high potential to make something very interesting) build something. Like those speed up videos on youtube, but live... It doesn't really need to be a structure, but it also can be a redstone engine or what ever. Pro of this idea:
    - it is something what usually takes a while so it covers up the time of the stream
    - people usually miss that part in awesome construction
    - interested people might get some inspiration
    - you can switch to your game screen for a while without missing alot and can still listen to the QnA
    - the video content doesnt need the audio channel as it is silent constructing
    - You can also record the building process and show it in timelapse -> Needs some preparation though

    Con of this idea:
    - You will have to find well prepared people, which actually have everythign ready to build (Mats, Singleplayer version of what they build aso) -> They need this so the building process is "fast" enough
    - Different content might be needed if the building process reaches boring parts (you can also show intervalls of it instead of one big block)

    Besides that I would be interested in minecraft creations. Maybe wildcamp visits (hidden of course), or things in town.

    Obviously watching the mods do stuff will be interesting too, though I figured they do nothing ingame most of the time XD Right now I imagine a show à la discovery channel, showing somekind of wildcat hunting prey (mod = cat; cheater = prey) Would be fun indeed ^^

    Well so much to what I have thought of real quick.

    Edit: One more idea, maybe have guest visitors in the QnA, like good shop owner, wildcamp owner, creative minds or players which are special in someway (players who have been here from day 1, very old player, what so ever)
    margaritte, mba2012 and ISMOOCH like this.
  14. I love the idea. may I recommend black board collaborate? you can get a free trial for like a month and sometimes the have offers to give you more free trials. It's crazy easy to use and I can help you lern if you need.
  15. That was quite helpful. And in fact, your post has filled me some great ideas on how to add some content. That is our biggest thing, while we want people to ask questions and just get some 1 on 1 time with the staff for this event, we would also like to make good showcase of the EMC community. So people could invite others from outside the community to view us. I have some ideas... gonna hold it pretty close to the chest for the moment until I can get some feedback from the fellow the staff members on how to execute this.
    Hasorko and mba2012 like this.
  16. It would be awesome, please do it =3
  17. PandasEatRamen likes this.
  18. Updated post #2
  19. Great Idea and if it is for charity even better
  20. Can we have video footage of Aikar ruining the economy live?