Prayers Needed For Paris

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ww2fan168, Nov 13, 2015.

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  1. And for the world. It won't keep to Paris alone.
    This will spread to other countries as well.
    Be prepared.
  2. Some people can pray because they are unable to help in any other way.
    Plenty of children, and some adults, whatever the reason, are unable to send financial aid to France.
    I believe, as long as it is is good intentions, that anything will help France in their time of need.
    PenguinDJ, iNachos10 and 607 like this.
  3. What many people fail to realize is that this is not about religion. ISIS is bunch of terrible people who justify their actions with religion. Remember, they kill many more Muslims every day in Syria and Iraq than this unfortunate incident.
    FoxyRavenger, BCR and iNachos10 like this.
  4. They kill Muslims who aren't their type of Muslim. There are many branches of religions like Christianity has. Islam has branches too.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  5. They also kill many people who are from their branch of Islam too. They are twisted evil people, that's all there is to it.
  6. Wrong. They kill everyone. They use Islam as a scapegoat and since Muslims are a minority in the Western World not many people in US/UK know what a real Muslim is and assume we are all terrorists.
    iNachos10 and 607 like this.
  7. I thought, as a good Christian one should not only pray for the victims but also for the terrorists to release them from the evil, no?
    iNachos10 and 607 like this.
  8. I'm sorry, but why would you kill the ones who you believe are right or pure even? They target all but their type.
  9. Don't believe everything the media tells you. ISIS kills everyone. It's your choice whether you want to accept it, I can't force that on you.
    iNachos10 and 607 like this.
  10. The terror of IS is not only targeted outside but also inside of the organization. It is a typical pattern for a totalitarian system and can be found for example as such in different communistic (russian, chinese, cambodian) or nationalistic (nazi germany) states of history (during different epoches of their existence).

    I can elaborate further on this, but want to keep the thread on topic.

    Therefore, my condolences to all victims of terror inside and outside of the western world.
    607 likes this.
  11. Oh no, we do. We just choose to generalise them because Rupert Murdoch owns most of our news (and most of Australia's and some of the US's) and he's a right-wing racist, so we get that shoved in our faces all the time.
    Because they're terrorists? They want to terrorise people, mostly for fun. Hence why people say when you can't laugh at a joke about terrorists and/or terror attacks, or you're scared of one happening near/around you, they've won.
    PMSubhan likes this.
  12. What is a real Muslime then?
  13. That's not entirely true PMSubhan. When they were capturing hordes of Iraqi soldiers they tested them to determine which were Sunni and which were Shia. The killed all the Shia and allowed the Sunni to live. I've seen interviews with witnesses to this. I believe they have done this in several other situations also.
    TuckerAmbr likes this.
  14. Of course. The terrorists need the prayer more than the people targeted by them.
    TsuriNeko likes this.
  15. I don't really want to get into this but this needs to be said.

    This is not about religion at all. I am a Muslim from the tribal area of Pakistan, where exist many groups similar to ISIS. In reality they are tribes fighting for power, using Islam as an excuse to justify their bloody actions and to attract other individuals with blurred vision of mind. In December of 2014, they killed around 142 people, 132 of them CHILDREN in a school in Peshawar. If they cared about who was Sunni or who was Shia they wouldn't have done that. Pashto (people from the Peshawar area) are Sunni.

    The same can be said for ISIS, they are Arab tribes fighting for control in the Levant. They use Islam as a magnet for misguided people. It's not like the people in charge really care about what the Quran says, they just tell people that all westerners hate them, and these people, usually with some form of mental illness, go join their horrific group. In this way, they get a huge fighting force.

    That being said, my heart and prayers go out to Paris. It was extremely depressing hearing about what happened, just like it was hearing about the school attack on Peshawar, and hearing about Bashar Al Assad using chemical weapons on Syrian civilians. May God grant his mercy on the situation of the world today. It really is disgusting.
  16. A real Muslim does not use violence. A real Muslim does not commit suicide. Doing any of these is a sin Allah will never forgive. Allah has stated multiple times to not enforce Islam and killing one person is like killing all of humanity.
  17. I see you keep describing prayer as not "doing anything". Please understand that this is not how many see it. My God answers prayer. Going to Him is action. Yes there is a benefit to the person praying, and there is also value of those that witness answered prayer or hear testimony of it. There is also direct benefit to the person being prayed for. (All glory to God for answered prayer, not the person who prayed or the act of praying itself.)

    But thanks for toning down your initial response. I can understand the call to action and also agree with that. As Christians when we see a homeless man we can say, "I'll pray you get something to eat today," but we can also buy him a sandwich.
  18. Arming civilians is a terrible idea. dont you realise that is the number one cause of school shootings?? and also mass murder shootings?? making guns readily available would have made it easier for the terrorists in paris too perform the attack, as the guns would be given to them.
    607, mba2012 and SoulPunisher like this.
  19. "-snip by Lucky-"
    Grow up and respect others beliefs. I am devoted Muslim and I will believe in god till the day I die as are many others here.
    "-snip by Lucky-"
    What? Caffeine is not forbidden in Christianity. I'm not sure about alcohol but alcohol is forbidden in Islam.

    Bottom Line: Stop being ignorant and respect other people's opinions. I understand you are atheist/agnostic but that doesn't allow you to speak ill of us religious people.
    Gawadrolt and Doofni like this.
  20. As much as I agree with most of what you said, you should probably reword this so it comes across as less... 'offensive', and doesn't appear to crap on other people's beliefs?
    Alcohol, from what I can tell, is not forbidden in Christianity. Catholics and Protestants mostly come from Europe and originate from there, and we're like, the heaviest drinkers on the planet and have been throughout history, so I highly doubt it'd be forbidden :p[/quote]
    Karyuubi, 607, Kaizimir and 1 other person like this.
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