Possible New Vault Goal!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Feb 1, 2013.


Should those who earn their 100th vault page be rewarded with it being a wild accessible page?

Yes. 215 vote(s) 70.7%
No. 89 vote(s) 29.3%
  1. See below:

    10101Link10101 likes this.
  2. The reason the vault took so long is because EMC is no longer doing things "Fast" to get out quick features, we are doing things right from the start.

    Much of EMC's code has been rewritten/refactored since I came on board because a lot of it was "hacked together" for quick results.

    This quick hacks is what is keeping us from extending Residence.

    EMC's Standards are a bit higher now. This quick hack code is too hard to maintain and expand.

    As for why things need to be done in a certain order: Professionalism.

    We want to deliver a solid product to our players. We will not sacrifice quality for speed.

    Wild Update depends on the plans we have for Dragon Tombs, by means of requiring the Dragon Eggs. It's a progression system... you work to earn the right to claim land in the wild outside of purely rupees.

    But, Dragon Tombs will be bringing us a HUGE influx of players (this will be a truly unique experience no other MC server has...)

    This has its problems:
    • Performance: The server needs to be able to handle 60+ players without lag. So work has ben done here to get the server to have better performance.
      • Entity Limiter
      • Entity Activation Range
      • Code Rewrite (Database)
    • Retention: Ensure our players have a smooth experience when they join the empire
      • Fixing the bugs
      • Having the vault actually support all minecraft items.
      • Periodic Reset Areas: We can not have new players join, see a horrible wild, not be able to find resources
        Sure most other servers have this problem... But we are not trying to be equal to other servers, we are trying to be BETTER.

        Our bar is set higher than them... A destroyed wild is not acceptable, and it is a high priority to fix it so that it regenerates on its own, so that all players can join, enter the wild, and play minecraft as they expect to.
    • Standards: We want the major changes to how EMC operates and its regulations to be out of the way BEFORE the influx. Stuff like the Entity Activation Range is only getting complaints because it's a change, not because it actually impacts peoples game play. If the entity changes were in place from day 1, no-one would really make much comment.

      It's easier to get these standards in place, so new players know "This is how EMC is" and not look at it as "New rules/regulations has been added.".
    We are in a transition period to support the wild... this process takes time. However as i stated above, we are not taking the quick approach, we are taking the RIGHT approach, and doing things correctly and building a long term stable process for this.

    Actually we spend barely anything on wild grieving... We monitor logs for signs of grieving, and investigate accordingly, but its not a huge problem.

    Yes, but that is not up to par with the quality standards we are setting in place. You will just have to wait until its done the right way.

    We are having talks about potential ways to help alleviate the issue of grieving in different ways for now.. We will post once we are decided :)
  3. Ive seen that everynow and then, so many residences are opened up because of the derelict policy, but players come in and grab them quickly. I like that whenever I am on emc, the server is never laggy. There is always less than 60 people on smp2, but that definitely will change. I'd like to see many new people start small stores of their own, not have the economy controlled by a few people who sell everything.
    matthew12hydro and RainbowChin like this.
  4. ^This
    I fully believe that smaller shops make for much better shopping experience.
    I would much rather shop at a nice small shop then any other.
    10101Link10101 likes this.
  5. Not sure what ICC means - as in, for 1,000,000r you can access the vault one, and one time only, in the Wild?

    If it's once and once only for one million rupees, then I'm happy with that. I can't think of a reason you'd ever want to do that, but at least the option is there. :D
  6. That is planned for the shop update... but that is after the wild updates:

    The new system will give everyone a better shot at selling goods, but that is going to be many months from now...
  7. For 1,000,000r any player can buy a wild vault. Diamond supporters get it for free once they buy their 100 vaults (so it still costs 1,000,000r).
  8. Lets be clear -- these are all ideas -- we are not set on any of these.

    This is just a topic for discussion, just to see what the community thinks/wants
    cnquast likes this.
  9. +10

    Here's an idea: make mentioned parts of the wilderness cheaper to claim. The new owner is obliged to repair it and make it of acceptable appearance.
    (This is how it is sometimes done IRL...)
  10. Too funny. :D
  11. And the community appreciates the opportunity to do so. Whether they know it or not. :cool:
  12. That doesn't change the fact that you will have a tiny, tiny proportion of players with a substantial, game changing advantage over other players.

    I always loved EMC because it was one of the very, very, very few servers which had Supporter ranks that never made you think; "That's an unfair advantage / overpowered perk / etc"

    If it goes down the Wild Vault route, it's going to start going that way.

    If it's going to be brought in, which lets be fair, it probably will, it needs to just be really, really, really expensive every time you open it. Grant it as an automatic feature, a given, just sticky a hefty price on the key to open it. Why complicate it? Why alienate the feature / player that has it?

    So players will think;

    "Wow, I can access Wild Vault too? Damn... It costs 20,000r to open it... I'd best save up!"

    Rather than;

    "What the hell.... So to access the Vault, a server wide feature, on the Wild, I have to be Diamond (or) pay 1,000,000r which me, non-supporter, will never reach?"

    Of course, the entire reason it's aimed at Diamond is to get people to take out Diamond Status, which is only right and fair, you are a business after all.
    bloodra1n likes this.
  13. Good idea :) but it leaves everyone that isn't a diamond support out of the picture :( which really sucks in my opinion. It is an amazing idea, but its quite costly :/ like if you wanna be diamond its 20 a month and then 1 million in game rupees, which in my opinion is a lot. Overall tho, its an ok idea.
  14. Eight for gold but hundred for diamond, doesn't seem very equal......
  15. Can't allow claiming PRA areas or otherwise you couldn't take away build rights...
  16. As I said above, its essentially an increased perk for diamond. I wanted to do infinite, but computers don't understand infinite.
  17. That's just it, both groups have to pay 1,000,000r.

    A diamond member has to buy 100 vaults (at 10k each) to unlock the wild vault.
    All other members can pay 1,000,000r to buy it outright.

    There's no advantage to being diamond, other than getting the 100 in town vaults.

    Assuming it cost 10k to open it, that's still 100 opens you'd be paying up front by paying 1,000,000r. I agree that I see the way it could be abused, but it's going to cost 1,000,000r to abuse it. 1 million rupees is still pretty well regarded as a lot - and it would take a long time to recoop your losses using the vault.

    And that's not even considering the fact that enderchests (and a bit of planning) allow you to move stuff back from the wild already.

    These are all ideas though. It's already morphed since this morning. :)
  18. Exactly you wouldn't even have to die! the vault is cross server so they could go sell on another server and stay in the wild on another.
  19. Agreed!
  20. There is no guarantee that it will be like that.
    As an idea mentioned earlier, the wild vault could be unique per server and the town vault cross server.