[POLL] Which Came First? Chicken Or The Egg?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Stnywitness, Apr 15, 2020.


Which Came First?

Chicken 10 vote(s) 45.5%
Egg 12 vote(s) 54.5%
  1. The thread is simple.
    Vote for the poll above, then type why you chose that answer below.


    Which Came First?o.(o)
    CarFryer, liamwill, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  2. The egg. Because eggs are eggs. And chickens, are just chickens, nothing else. :D
    Sachrock and luckycordel like this.
  3. Dinosaur eggs existed long before chickens ever did.
    MoreMoople, CarFryer, Egeau and 2 others like this.
  4. Human women occasionally have an egg in them. They are, however, generally not a chicken. This means that the egg came first.
  5. Chicken came first.
    because otherwise there would not be a chicken to incubate the egg, so the egg would die/not hatch, and there would not be a mom chicken to protect the chick so even if something else incubated it, the baby chick would likely get eaten
    Stnywitness and liamwill like this.
  6. Chickens came first Notch added Eggs later.... :p
    Stnywitness, liamwill and luckycordel like this.
  7. I think the chicken, because I imagine during creation God created adult animals, just like He created Adam and Eve as adults (as far as we can tell at least :p). I was considering Tom's idea, but then I realised that according to Genesis, humans were made after animals anyway. :p
  8. It would have to be an egg. I say this because evolution of the chicken as we know it today is always changing.
    If you think about a chicken breed with a turkey you get a turken. ;) But that egg came first, hatching the turken. Just a hybrid chicken but that egg came first.:D
    liamwill likes this.
  9. This needs a lot more context I think. For example: did that chicken cross the road?
    Stnywitness, liamwill and Lukas3226 like this.
  10. This is the most accurate, lol.
    I agree that the chicken came first, for several reasons:

    1: What 607 and EffenciencyV said. :cool:
    2: An egg would need a mother hen to keep it warm and to nurse the chick when it hatches and to teach it the ways of the chicken. :rofl: :lmao: Thus, a chicken had to come first.
    3: When God first created the earth, I am sure he wouldn't have placed bunch of eggs everywhere and just said, "Welp, just gotta wait." He most likely "spawned" ;) the chickens first, then they had chicks. This is just what I believe, some people might not agree. If you believed in evolution, your theory might be a lot different than mine :)
  11. /summon Chicken ~ ~ ~
    Stnywitness and wafflecoffee like this.
  12. Exactly.

    /summon Egg Chicken
    /summon Egg...
    /summon Chicken or Egg?
    Alexa, which came first?
  13. Earth was created long before a chicken came to be.:eek:

    Earth - 4.5 billion years old
    Man - 6 million years old
    Birds - 60 million years old
    Sprhyngtime likes this.
  14. also google said the egg came firstttttt I said it on my google home mini, google never lies.
    Stnywitness and luckycordel like this.
  15. This is why I said people have different opinions about things like how old the earth is :rolleyes:;)
    What I believe, chickens were created a couple of days before man, some people think differently.

    It doesn't matter when the chicken or egg came to be...
    All that matters is which came first? The chicken or egg?
    luckycordel likes this.
  16. Maybe so...

    They are saying just in the cycle of life and death that the egg comes first. Example:

    Egg --> Chick --> Chicken --> then back to Egg

    But... I don't think we are talking about the "life and death" cycle here. Are we?
    We are talking in more general, grand sceme terms.
  17. My apologies, I tend to be more of a science based individual.:cool:
    Stnywitness likes this.
  18. As far as I know Google Search does not utilise any built-in knowledge bases to answer searches. :p
    There's no need to apologise, but you cannot scientifically test such a thing as the age of the earth. ;) It's a matter of history, and whether the earth is ~6000 or ~4500000000 years old, it's clear that at the very beginning there were no people to write things down, so we have no first sources to consult about it!
    Stnywitness and luckycordel like this.
  19. Uh, actually, there is. You can see the age of rocks like this:
    "The age of a rock in years is called its absolute age. Geologists find absolute ages by measuring the amount of certain radioactive elements in the rock. When rocks are formed, small amounts of radioactive elements usually get included."
    Source: http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/earthsysflr/ages.html
    That isn't a subject for this thread, though. :p

    I do think that if we're following this way of looking that the question, that the chicken indeed came first. :)
    607 and luckycordel like this.