Here's a noodle for you guys: why Mac OR Windows why you can also get both set up if you want to? Thing is I don't think that one can outdo the other. In fact, and this is a true story, if it wasn't for Microsoft then Apple would have been in some serious financial troubles quite a few years ago. At one time Microsoft contributed or invested quite a few millions into Apple to get them through some rough periods. And if it wasn't for Apple then Microsoft would most likely (I'd say 'for sure' but this is speculation) also have been in some trouble lately where their Office suite is concerned. Now referring to the fact that MS Office is available for both Windows and Mac. And I know for a fact that the "Mac market" is big enough to put some specific attention to it (I've followed the MS Office blogs quite a while, and noticed several presentations where Macs got mentioned exclusively). So I truly believe that one could not have existed (at least not where we are now) without the other. As for me: I'm mostly Windows oriented where my desktop is concerned (Win 7 professional) and Unix minded on my laptop (FreeBSD 10). And I've seen enough from Mac (and MacOS) to know that some of their features are plain out impressive. Ergo I vote "other". Because I'd have otherwise voted for both Windows and Mac
Well, both OS' are are good. I personally prefer Windows because it has a BUNCH more games to play (You can't disagree on that because it's true). But I also like Mac. Although We do have to consider that there are others out there like Ubuntu, or Linux (which is basically the same thing), and now Steam OS is coming too. If You ask me, I think all OS' have their good side and bad side. If I had to choose a OS to professional work I would totally go for MAC. If it was for gaming, Windows. If it was for any other reason Linux based OS'.
But Linux is a kernel, not a shortening for an OS. Mac is a shortened version of Mac OS X. Instead of Linux, say Linux based OSes, or Linux Distros. It's mainly just technical vocab.
Mac OS and a Mac are two different things. No way to dispute it. PC always refers to a computer running a windows OS in the modern world. I voted Mac. I think Macs themselves are great... both the hardware and the software. My only wish for macs is that there would be fewer compatibility issues. Some think that all things Apple are bad deals/overpriced, think again. Macs have become stereotypically bad in some areas, which Apple has worked hard to fix. (And yes it is most likely for the money, like every other corporation in the world) And by the way... Legally, you can get both operating systems running on a Mac but you can't boot Mac OS on a windows machine. In the US that is.
I have 3 Macbook Pros in my household, and I use them solely for schoolwork and essay-writing. They break insanely easily, and I wouldn't at all recommend them for gaming. On the contrary, PC is more of a gaming computer. My computer, if set on medium graphics, can run a smooth 60 FPS at a constant rate. If you want to play games, then PC is the master race. (Well, PC is the master race either way. =P)
Are we talking about the machines or the OSes? Either way Windows/PC is better overall. The only thing OSX holds against Windows is in video editing, but even that gap is closing. When you pay for a Mac, you pay for a lifestyle/looks. When you pay for a Windows PC, you pay for performance/ability.
The reason you can't legally run osx on a pc is because Apple restricts it. While it is technically illegal to run osx on anything other than a Mac, there are tons of people who do it anyway. Google hackintosh for an idea of what I am talking about. If anything, this helps the Windows side because it shows that Windows is more versatile and usable on more platforms. I have a few friends with Macs and it is pretty cool, but I haven't found any features of the os that Windows can't do. Also, unlike a lot of people, I really like Windows 8 even though I have a traditional mouse and keyboard. I have tried out Linux distros a little but but my hardware makes it a pain to run. I have tried Ubuntu, Arch, and Fedora with each one having its own annoying problems that I can't find a workaround for. Ignoring some of the incompatibilities, they all seem really cool and useful. The level of customization is fantastic and I will give them a second shot on my next computer, but until then, I will be using Windows.
I always find it funny when I get into this debates/arguments and I say "Windows can do XYZ", they say their OS can replicate Windows. But then it defeats the point of not having Windows. If Windows can do something you need then what's the point in purchasing something that can't? The problem with Linux based operating system is typically hardware. Microsoft works with leading manufactures to make sure Windows will work on pretty much any hardware configuration. With Linux however, companies like nVidia refuse to work with the distros, or even the Linux contributors themselves. Things like DirectX won't run on a Linux distro, because nVidia and Microsoft lock away the .DLL files that are used. Virtual machines cannot access those files.
It really depends where you live. Some countries (IIRC Germany is one) consider how Apple binds software to hardware to be illegal and so they nullify those parts of the EULA, ToS, etc.
Please keep in mind that both Mac and Windows-based operating computers are still computers, so saying "PC" would refer to both of them. You can do a lot more on a computer running Windows, so Windows gets my vote.
I disagree with this. Windows PCs are preferred because of their more open platform that is easier to use from a large scale viewpoint. It is also cheaper to license. It has much more support for it than any version of OSX (due to Apple's two year tech cycle), both IT wise and update wise. A Linux flavor is for developers.
In my country, the universitiy lecture halls are all just filled with Macbook's, there's a meme that I found ages that said "Not taking your Windows laptop to lectures because you know you'll get picked on for not having a Mac." I can't find the meme ^^^ :/