Pokemon Go!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by FriedLikeRice, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. im sorry but in the weeks since pokemon go release i think i have seen 1 instinct gym
    kaptrix and TromboneSteve like this.
  2. Just drove by 5 tonight. Albeit when I passed them again 2 hours later 3 of them weren't yellow anymore. But instinct is still around ^^

    P.s. Also I believe kaptrix was making a poke at the fact that weedle was only 10cp :p not much of a defense lol
    SirTah and kaptrix like this.
  3. I tend to only try and take over gyms if I'm close to my bonus (the deal in the shop where you get 10 coins for each gym you're in). Otherwise I leave them alone so folks can enjoy them. Sometimes I'll fortify a Mystic gym though.

    Tonight I got up to 7 gyms but I put all my strongest Pokemon in them so I couldn't take any more down :(
  4. Thank you! I might finally be able to catch an evee now! ^_^v

    Also for those who don't want to spend money on items, here's a list of what leveling bonuses will give you. Also Lucky Eggs are scarce so it's best if you maximize your XP gain during the 30 minutes that it's active. Here's a tool that will do the math for you to help level up faster
  5. This game is really cool, but people are too addicted. My family and I were walking in the mall when a random teen playing Pokemon Go, ran into us. He awkwardly stared at us. Didn't apologize. People are too addicted.... But I have too much pidgeys lol
    SirTah and Kytula like this.
  6. naaaahhh, not addicted. i stay out til 2am every night catching Pokemon but definitely not addicted or anything.
    SirTah, Gawadrolt, kaptrix and 2 others like this.
  7. When someone at your work places a lure at the nearby pokestop, but it's too awkward to go around asking random adults if they're the ones that are also playing pokemon go.

    SirTah, samsimx, Sparticals and 2 others like this.
  8. When Team Instinct captures a gym
  9. man, i am so tired of the glitches.
    i am so very freaking tired of losing purchased pokeballs.
    i am so very very tired of practically throwing away an incense and or lucky egg because every single time i throw a ball at a pokemon the game freezes.
    i lost out on a 645 ponyta because the game crashed as i threw a great ball at it *cries* *broken hearted cries*
  10. Meanwhile it's been developed by Niantic Labs which is a spin off from Google and Google is kind of sort of ****ing terrible when it comes to taking user input and being responsive on social media.
  11. SirTah, battmeghs and samsimx like this.
  12. sorry Valor brothers and sisters, but im switching sides lol cant be on a team that has a terrible person xD
    SirTah likes this.
  13. Who?
  14. a) You can't switch teams

    b) If you want to leave Valor because of a "terrible person", then this terrible person must be none other than thou ;)
  15. >.> sooo... there goes my hope of catching the "mommy" pokemon kangaskhan T_T
    607 and xHaro_Der like this.
  16. 1) made a pokeaccount so i can start all over (no biggy really)
    2) nah, this woman is pure evil, she is the new onewhomustnotbenamed. ;P
  17. I managed to take over 6 gyms in my area tonight. Doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment except that I did it completely alone while there were at least two other people from Valor going behind me and taking them back over while I did all this. #TeamMystic4Life

    I grabbed my shop bonus and let Valor have their fun after that. I'll get my revenge later.
    607, SirTah, Aiyard and 2 others like this.