opinions you think others might not share

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by bitemenow15, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Well, we could be a different species of apes that did evolve, and the rest didn't.

    Also, I agree with what Jacob said, we really, REALLY, don't need this here on EMC. Stuff like this has already caused huge flame wars.
  2. That's horrible. :eek: That can't refuse a high school diploma just because you wouldn't go to a church service. :(
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. 1. You don't understand how evolution works.
    2. The whole point of this thread was for sharing controversial opinions.
    Equinox_Boss, 607, xoluss and 4 others like this.
  4. Ok, people won't share their religious beliefs here if you don't share your lack of them here. Fair?
    Equinox_Boss, cddm95ace and jacob5089 like this.
  5. This thread was practically engineered to ensure a flame war at some point, it's about controversial opinions. If a flame war occurs, so be it, the thread shall come to a natural end.

    America sounds cool. Just no universal healthcare.
    Hate how I have to choose between the NHS and freedom from religion :p
    In all seriousness, the thing about religion being restricted to clubs is precisely what I advocate in my manifesto. There's a thing called 'Scripture Union' in my school for the emotionally vulnerable Christian enthusiasts who cling onto religion relentlessly, and I want all the Christianity nicely corralled in that.

    Pm coming your way.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. My Science Teacher is from Newfoundland, and when he got his degree, the school system was VERY religious, and they said he couldn't teach, because he didn't follow a certain fate. So then he got a call from the Alberta government that they needed teachers, and here he is now.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. lol thats not what it says xD lol it says we share common DNA with monkeys, just like we share common DNA with pigs thats why they can take pig veins and transplant them into humans. We didnt evolve from monkey but we evolved none the less but not from a monkey.
    Equinox_Boss and moyaboya like this.
  8. He can share his evolution beliefs here

    He can share his religous beliefs here
    Equinox_Boss, 607, kevdudeman and 4 others like this.
  9. I agree. The way I think of it.
    Swag never really existed. Now swagger, that it different. Swag is thinking your all cool and stuff, swagger is being full of yourself.
    Yolo? Nah, I'm Christian, so my believes are ICYLT. (In Christ you live twice) because if you trust in God you will live in Heaven.
    I hope to go on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic soon, on a mission trip. My sister went a few years back and all the children called her Barbie :)
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  10. I'm sure I'll get raged at by someone but sometimes I think to myself "Crap I wish I lived somewhere else." There are times I absolutely HATE living here. Today most kids think "Meh, I hate school, I'll just join the army." Yet you hear stories of Soldiers who fought for their country just to get screwed over. We're stuck with WBC. We also have a ton of intolerant jerks. There's good and bad. Healthcare is usually a pain.
    Equinox_Boss and mba2012 like this.
  11. I think we need harsher punishments at the lower end of the crime spectrum, and more in depth punishments at the higher end of it. Deter people from starting a life of crime. At the higher end, punishments should be unique. No minimum sentencing guidelines, evaluate every situation. Perform psychiatric evaluations, brain scans, anything and everything you can. The justice system shouldnt be a flippin factory line, that just creates worse criminals and hurts the ones who arent that bad.

    Mind my caps please. INSANITY IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO GIVE SOMEONE A LEANER PUNISHMENT. I mean, seriously?! Lock them up longer and dont try to rehabilitate them if it isnt possible! Dont give them special treatment.
  12. Oh my gosh Jack, finally another person who hates cheese :D
    Equinox_Boss and moyaboya like this.
  13. The people who pick on you, beat you up, because you have glasses, are smaller, smarter than them, or because you have a disability, people these days, I speak from personal experience...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. *Sniff* *Sniff*
    Bu-but cheese is yummy....
  15. well the thread was designed with the intention of first off seeing if you are the only one who thinks whatever way it might be and secondly connecting you at least impartially to those people with your like mindedness.
    so those of you who dont believe in whatever religion is the flavour of the weak (admittedly most of the people who so vehemently defend it are of an age where they have yet to break free from their parents ideals but that is besides the point) can take the knowledge of others you gain in this thread and develop closer bonds of trust and friendship to others with similar theories. or vice versa .
    flaming someone over what they believe in the long run is dumb, they arent going to change and neither are you so why bother hashing it out?
    look at this thread as more of a "statement of intent" and that extends beyond political-socio-economic and even spiritual beliefs.
    i really want to delve into the more "radical" or unheard of theories. show me things you believe that noone has thought of yet.

    example: i believe we were biologically engineered to be the proverbial wrench in the gears of this planet. and "god" is some greater alien race playing out an extended yet controlled social experiment present even within the confines of this forum
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. Pepper Jack ftw.
    Also your pony is awesome :D
    I thought i should bring a lighter air to this thread in light of The current flame war.......
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. Volt, argue with us all you want, but don't insult us simply for believing something that you disagree with. I am not vulnerable, nor clingy, and I don't appreciate that.
    Equinox_Boss and Curundu like this.
  18. finally someone touched on this:
    i hate how (specially amongst liberals) there exists a mentality that violent prisoners that are convicted should be given basic human rights. call me crazy but it sounds like to me we are encouraging those crimes to people who feel they have no other options. i understand the whole "an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind" concept but harsh punishments specified to the crime would deter the crime in question more then a lengthy prison sentence and cost less.
    they have in some countries where castration and public humiliation await those who perform the most heinous of crimes (i dont know how to do that spoiler thing so ill just leave it up to your imagination) that crime is the lowest of all performed in those countries its simple math the cost outweighs the benefit.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. I kind of agree here, it was one thing when Soul made a post asking for help, but he does kind of shoot us down sometimes, it's almost as if he doesn't want help. :/
    I understand on some level what Soul is feeling, but when people try to help you should accept it and not just say "Ohh I don't think i could do that...." or. "Oh but this person does this when i try that." because that to me means they aren't really in a condition of that sort, they want attention. If they wanted help, they would be trying all they could to make the best of the situation and stay positive. Try to help yourself instead of asking everyone to do it for you; only to shoot them down and try to make them sad too.

    Crap like that will only make you feel worse.
    It's the people who THINK they are depressed and tell themselves that everyday that end up actually GETTING depressed.
    Everyone gets upset and feels like crap sometimes, that does not mean that just because someone said something hurtful, you go home and hurt yourself so that you can "Feel" that's a load of crap.
    If you wake up every morning in the mindset that you are depressed, You will end up getting depressed, you will become sullen all day and start to think about self-harm and all that other stupid stuff. Seriously? How is going home and cutting yourself going to help you get better?
    If you wake up every morning with the mindset of bettering yourself and those around you, and making the best out of each and every day, seeing the good in things, and doing all you can to keep a happy and upbeat mood. You will end up faring better.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  20. I strongly disagree. I believe that the question of how much blame we attribute to a person for, say, committing a murder, is completely arbitrary, and people should be given the benefit of the doubt and compassionately rehabilitated. Some would describe it as grace, as they're getting something they don't deserve, me, I think it's a basic human entitlement.

    If someone murders someone, it really is not a situation as simple as "you caused the murder, it is your fault". Think about what brought them to kill another human being with some sort of surmountable intention. Everything we do is influenced by everything which we have ever experienced, which is in turn influenced by a mixture of human activity which has also been influenced and the movement of the natural world. A person may have been severely abused as a young person and have been taught hatred instead of reconciliation throughout their life. As a result, they lashed out and murdered someone.

    I would be absolutely mortified if I was given a life like this, and I got the chance to look over my life after I died or something, and noticed I wasn't given the chance in life other people get. I got screwed over at the very beginning by something out of my control, which in turn took any control I had over myself, causing me to lash out and kill someone. What I want to do is restore that chance with my ideal of justice.

    So, someone commits a crime.
    They are put into a facility.
    In this facility, they are given education.
    With sufficient education, they eventually come to completely repent of what they've done.
    Then, they learn skills.
    They use these skills to prevent an equal or greater amount of crime than they caused.
    Once they have done so, they leave the facility.
    If they reoffend, they are required to prevent an exponent of the amount of crime they caused (e.g. if I caused 4 units of crime in one incident, and reoffend causing another 2 units of crime, 4+2=6, 6 squared is 36 units of crime I must prevent in my second imprisonment)
    No death penalties or even life sentences, other punishments may be used in cooperation with the facilitation system I have laid out.
    The system applies to everyone.
    If Hitler committed, say, 61 million units of crime (according to the number of Allied soldiers killed in the Second World War) and it was his first offence, he'd be treated like everyone else. Remember something must have badly influenced him to bring him to that point. He'd be protected from slander by the media (but of course not political criticism) just like everyone else. He would be tried, and made to prevent at least 61 million units of crime, or if it were his second offense, he would have to prevent 3,721,000,000,000,000 (3 quadrillion 721 trillion) units of crime. That's essentially him preventing crime for the rest of his life.

    I've used the Hitler example before, I do not in any way condone what he did, but I just think we were just too filled with hatred and resentment towards him to rationally conclude that he was influenced to do what he did by his life experiences.

    But you get the idea and I believe I've made my point.
    Equinox_Boss, 607, Noxavis and 2 others like this.