opinions you think others might not share

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by bitemenow15, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Back in December, this website compiled tweets from kids/teens. The biggest majority were crap like

    Mom is a $@!$%, she got me the white iPhone and I wanted black.

    This is the worst Christmas I didn't get a car, I'm taking all my stuff back and will just buy my own car.


    I'm sure some of these are the same people who tweeted during the VMAs:
    Who is Paul McCartney? He's old as hell. IS HE JESSEE MCCARTNEY'S GRANDPA!?

    and post
    Equinox_Boss, 607, no_thing and 3 others like this.
  2. 1. Most of what we believe and think has been programmed into us by society.
    2. Most people are idiots.
    3. There is no point to life.
    4. There is no god.
    5. Cats dominate all animals.
    6. Grant Morrison is the greatest comic book writer ever.
    7. Humans are slowly murdering the world and nobody has any right to say a human's life is worth more than an animal's.
  3. Then why aren't we all just killing ourselves?

    I'm a "progress, progress, progress" kind of person... Even if that means huge sacrifices. It makes me feel like a dictator, even though I know that's not exactly dictatorish.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
    1. Religion-Related
      1. God almost certainly does not exist, although that's more of a fact than an opinion. Come at me, Jtc.
      2. Schools should be secular. In Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, this is a huge issue with me. I'm currently starting a movement to make my school secular, and I wrote a whole 3000 word manifesto yesterday, when I was forced to attend an Easter Service in school against my will.
      3. Church and state should be separate.
      4. Churches should pay tax.
      5. Religion is not exempt from science. No, Jesus did not come back from the dead, because there was insufficient medical technologies at the time to allow for that.
    2. Political Beliefs
      1. I fiercely reject nationalism in all its forms because it divides us as a species. 90% of the seats in my country's legislatures are held by people who advocate a form of nationalism as the main ideology they represent. Welp.
      2. I am way too liberal.
      3. As a British citizen, I believe the British Army and NATO should be abolished, and the money put into closer relations with the countries which hate the British, and closer economic integration with the countries that are cool with the British. And that's a huge pot of money we're freeing up from the military, it'll be the best thing ever.
      4. The British monarchy should be abolished. The idea of pedigree bloodlines should've died with Hitler, a democratically selected head of state is needed badly. If we abolish the British monarchy, we're also depriving more than 10 other countries of a monarch, it means there will be a lot more democracy in the Western world.
      5. The world should be a single country. I don't care if it's 'never, ever going to happen', it is wrong and disgusting that we even consider different nationalities to be entirely different people, and even worse that nations and states are binded together.
    I don't think I actually have opinions outside of religion and politics...
  4. Let's say life hands you a lemon. Do you need a lemon? No. The lemon is pointless, but you should keep it, because Hey, free lemons.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. You should make Life take the lemons back. Make Life rue the day it tried to give you lemons.
    As animals humans have a strong desire to reproduce and gain social status, both of which are completely pointless.
    8. What that guy said.
    9. Armies should be abolished because war is futile and evil.
    Equinox_Boss, mba2012 and moyaboya like this.
  6. I think this is against the law in America. :confused:
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. Well, I now see why America is the captain of the football team.
    Equinox_Boss, mba2012 and Noxavis like this.
  8. My senior year of highschool one of my friends (we dont hang out anymore) had a baby. She was 17 and her boyfriend was 21, I helped her get into a community college and stuff by taking her on my spare time to register for classes. Instead she dropped out a week later and pretty much said she would just live off her boyfriends checks. And two weeks ago on facebook she was posting pictures of herself on the beach in California and turns out she just left the baby with her mom. I was like "Really?!"
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  9. By the way, I'll pm anyone who requests to see my manifesto. To be my general arrogant self, I consider it my latest magnum opus, considering I did it in a day. It'll likely create a you-know-what storm and derail the thread, its primary function is to allow me to express my grievances, and trust me, I'm not appeasing anyone with it, it's very abrasive, though quite an enjoyable read.
    Equinox_Boss, mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. Except sometimes it's to the point of excessiveness where it is nearly impossible to organize religious events that just take place on school grounds.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. I would like to read that.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. Where I went to school we had religious clubs but they didn't require us to take part in their activities. When it came to the pledge of allegiance we had to say it every morning except for High school, I think they didn't force us to say it due to most of us being 14-19. They would tell us that we didn't have to say the pledge, we could just stand and at least show it respect or step out of the room. They used to tell us that if we didn't attend the church service they have the Wednesday night before graduation that we couldn't graduate but then the Board of Education stepped in and said that wasn't allowed.
    Equinox_Boss and jkjkjk182 like this.
    1. Humans are weak. If it weren't for weapons, we wouldn't be an apex predator, but rather a scavenger that gets ripped apart eventually and succumbs to disease as a week old child and dies (usually).
    2. Dinosaurs are far more intelligent than people. They lasted millions of years longer than all humans, and they will continue to do that...because we're killing the world and ourselves.
    3. The world is 50 million years overdue for an asteroid strike worse than the one that killed the dinosaurs.
    4. Ever since I learned of it, I have thought the british monarchy is a waste of time should be wiped off the face of Earth. Is there a need to have a queen and a prime minister?
    5. I would only protect one person in this world. I mean...my brother and sister...I would be torn through choosing them over one another. I guess I would take a bullet for them, but the person I would definitely take a bullet for is my best friend. She's been there for me through what is the toughest phase in my life and she just forgave after I had been a complete douche and treated her like dirt for a few days.
    6. I educate my family on evolution, because they are poorly educated on it. My mum thinks we came from monkeys and my dad is just...like..."Adam was a reptile, and Eve was a monkey". I have to explain Bacteria came first, then some of it evolved into fish, some fish grew legs and clambered onto land, then they turned into the more successful reptile so they could colonize places further than the ocean. Then some of the reptiles got very big, and evolved into the dinosaur. Then the really small reptiles evolved into mammals, then the dinosaurs died out, and then the mammals got big and smart, thus spawning the unnatural and disgusting human being that is ruining and defacing the world.

    Yes, there is. It's to breed.
    That's it. That's the point to a 'roller coaster' of life. Enduring disease, emotional pain, and actual pain to eat and breed. How pathetic.
    Equinox_Boss and mba2012 like this.

    Good job, this thread will now turn into a flame war.
    Equinox_Boss, xoluss, mba2012 and 3 others like this.
  13. Yeah i always went to the Teens fighting for christ club in the morning for free donuts and coke but then leave, i dont regret it...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. That is another thing I don't like. We force children who are to young to possibly understand what they doing to pledge their lives to a concept that is completely flawed.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. Just no. Don't share your evolution beliefs here, because honestly they get annoying.
    Not everybody believes that. Also, evolution disproves itself. Supposedly we came from monkeys? Therefore, all monkeys would be humans and there wouldn't be any monkeys.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. Also, i heard that public schools are teaching kids income rate and taxes in fourth grade.
    If the governmanet in in a crisis, their going to rely on CHILDREN to help them?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. The world is so over populated that breeding has lost its point.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.