Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2021 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 15, 2021.

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  1. 4 months old to be exact! 😂
    SkeleTin007 likes this.

  2. Midnight Pic! I might have found a Burki as well!
  3. I’ve had this lovely accessory for a few weeks post-surgery. Mr. Poof thinks I should join the Matrix cast 🤷🏻‍♀️ I would just like to see again and get through a day sans pirate jokes.

  4. You are still amazing as ever Poof no matter what :)
    Nickblockmaster, 607 and Jwlpo like this.
  5. 100% agree
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  6. Agree
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  7. Oh hell, why shouldn't I...? I think the last time I participated in this is a whiiiile ago.

    Taken this year, tho at the very beginning somewhere haha
  8. Yay for more people that have been around since 2011! :D
    FadedMartian and SkeleTin007 like this.
  9. You look so dapper dude! I hope to see you pop in once a while on EMC when you get a chance! :)
    607 and FadedMartian like this.
  10. you look like the same person from years ago… good to see youre the same eclip i remember ;)
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  11. Very nice image! Hope you can stick to emc more ;)
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  12. I've been poppin in again :) even picked up some old and new projects! What time are you usually on?

    Now I'm curious to find out when I last joined a Show Yourself thread... hmmm, I'm gonna dig it up.

    Have been since 2011 and will for longer:D
  13. I am on anytime I get a chance to :)
    Eclipsys likes this.
  14. Did you manage to find it? I was looking for the oldest picture of you that I remember... couldn't find it, though. I seem to remember the word 'fly' appearing in the post, but I couldn't find it with that. :p
    Nice to see you again!
    UltiPig and SkeleTin007 like this.
  15. I found it haha

    It was in the Show Yourself of 2018:D
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  16. Actually, scratch that. Found another one from 2016 with Hasorko!
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  17. Not sure why I hadn't thought of posting this yet!
    My 2021 portrait. :)

  18. I was told that now's my last chance to get into the 2022 banner. :p
    MoreMoople, SkeleTin007, 607 and 6 others like this.
  19. One more because I like this picture!

    Me at the office! I'm working as a sustainability advisor at an infrastructural firm.
  20. ahh nice nice. Hope you like ur job :)
    Eclipsys, SkeleTin007 and 607 like this.
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