
Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by stormboy231, Jan 16, 2014.

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  1. I'm sad to say I like the new update :p finally I won't have to think about making an iron farm to be as rich as everyone else because now I know everyone's who are rich from emeralds, iron and gold are to lazy to get it the hard way. So that means I'll spend my time afking at my gold farm waiting for my pc to lag and go crazy, then bring out my looting 3 sword and get xp and gold by actually DOING something like I always have
    darkvilla and THE_LEGEND4 like this.
  2. I agree with you on this one storm
  3. So I'm confused, after reading over the villager trades I saw that doing any previous trade will unlock new trades or unlock old trades. Doesn't this mean that it will only take one more step to get all of your emeralds still?

    Also I saw on the purple robe it says he now only sells redstone and lapis, and only buys rotten flesh, does this mean no more glowstone and bottles o' enchanting from trading?
  4. What did mojang even do to pigmen and golems anyway??
  5. They screwed them up so you have to hit them in order to get the drop

    Another dumb feature:
    Now spawn with Stained Clay rather than Wool

    Desert temples are abandoned old structures (they were suppose to be) adding stained glass in them is going to make them look hideous, replacing the wool with stained glass is plain STUPID, stained glass Dosnt even look nice, is just going to be another on of them overused blocks that everyone is going it use, just like quartz.
    607 likes this.
  6. i like this update because it makes me want to mine again ! :D I feel like before mining was unnecessary because you could farm it all
    607 and autumnrain26 like this.
  7. Iron Farms and Gold Farms ruined the game for me in my opinion, and villager spawning is laggy as hell.
    I do agree, however, that the game isn't heading in a good direction. I've had this opinion for a good year now.
    Just my 2 cents worth, i'll go back to my cave now.
  8. Yes. #agreed
  9. You know what, I think we need to look at this as a problem on the tracker.
    Current Status: Will Not Fix. #YesThatJustHappened
    607 and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  10. Well I use a gold farm which you don't afk at all day, it's an exp and gold/mob head farm. (PigZombie only btw)... I love the new 1.8 features and changes, especially enchanting, and the slime block. :D
    607, Importerer and WeirdManaico like this.
  11. I have an idea to help fix this problem for iron farms but im keeping it a secret for now so mojand doesnt "fix it" ;)
  12. That one is actually so complicated to wire and maintain, that I completely forgot about it. I was talking about transmuting redstone in obsidian in a water row machine. It causes the lava to be considered non-moving lava and the contact with water turns it into obsidian rather than the cobblestone reaction with moving lava.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  13. What I was gunna do is make a 15 minute timer with instant damage potions on a dispensers
  14. potions from a dispenser will not count as a player attack, only potions thrown by a player will. likewise, only tnt set off by hand or a fire arrow fired by a player will count as player damage
  15. Arrow from dispenser with lava in front, with pistons pushing TNT that was placed by a player on a 15 minute timer
  16. will NOT count as player damage.
    jkjkjk182, 607 and mba2012 like this.
  17. Stupid pathetic 1.8.
  18. None of that stuff ever counted as player damage. Just deal with it, there have been bug fixes that has fixed a bug that caused iron golems to drop iron, when they probably shouldn't have.
    607 and Importerer like this.
  19. just simply do what i do when mob farming, build something fun while you wait instead of being afk.
    i built a giant forest around my first natural grinder. i think it was like 300x300 by the time i was done. i even made the grinder look like a giant tree with the storage as a house cut into its trunk
  20. Just kill them with a Looting 3 sword? Problem solved. You're making a HUGE deal about this update.
    AliceF3 likes this.
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