Not as much players on EMC

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by CommunityGarden, Jun 21, 2012.


Is EMC losing players?

Yes 28 vote(s) 40.6%
Kind of 21 vote(s) 30.4%
No 20 vote(s) 29.0%
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  1. this thread needs more gir
  2. That's interesting. I'm in my late 40's and have watched the PC, web, and online gaming develop. My wife and I have played WOW, all the Diablos, Guild Wars, Minecraft, you name it. I've been playing games on computers since I discovered Star Trek, Lunar Lander, and Hammurabi in High School on the school district's mainframe system, before the IBM PC came out. I've bottle fed both of my sons while they sat in the crook of my leg while playing Commander Keen and other DOS games. Now they kick me around the map in FPS games.

    My parents mostly sat around all night watching TV and sometimes had adult company they played cards with. No idea what their parents did. Probably stared at candles or slept because they were up at the crack of dawn and worked all day. When I was a kid all I had was TV, the radio and outside to entertain me. My Mom and Dad didn't play much with us, but when they did we were all excited.

    I used to be made to feel odd by some of the comments I've gotten, but for the most part I just treat the kids I play with like anyone else. Occasionally, I find myself scolding someone like they were my kid, which is kind of funny(Git off my lawn!). I've also gotten a lot of comments like, "I wish my Dad played games like this with me", which makes me feel a lot better.

    I don't expect to ever quit and really don't care what younger kids think. If they are creeped out maybe they aren't open minded enough to be playing with all the vast assortment of people they'll encounter playing games like this. We could all play in Single Player mode, so really there's not one of us who isn't here for the company in some form. Someday most of you will have to make a choice whether to be the creepy old men and women playing some game or to quit and watch TV like you're "supposed to".

    Edit: To stay on topic, I think a little of what is going on is player maturation. A lot of people go through the learning process of a game then play until they've "conquered it", which will mean different things to different people. For me, I play most games until I've experienced all the material, so lately I've been playing with a few friends on a private server on a quest to kill the ender dragon, which takes us away from EMC. We'll be back. I've been neglecting my shop, and I'd like to finish my residence.

    I think the EMC demographic is probably at least 80% young people from the US. It is summer here and I've personally been playing later and for shorter periods of time because I've got outside activities I need to do. Several people I play with have been leaving for vacation, and there are sports leagues they have joined. People are just busy outside of their homes and don't have as much time for inside leisure. I think in September we'll see numbers pick up.
    IamSaj, Equinox_Boss, mba2012 and 3 others like this.
  3. If people continue posting on this- Can a Mod change the Title. Please :p
  4. I see what this thred means, we used to be rolling out a couple of new servers every few weeks a couple of mounths back, it may also be empire is getting a bit boring for people as you don't really want to delete your plot of you want to start a new building prodgect also there hasnt been an update for a while EMC and MC so there are not really any new exiting features of the game to fiddle about with.
  5. The servers used to be full. Sometimes, I had a hard time getting online.
  6. So you're saying pvp back?
  7. They aren't always online, just becuase you are a member, it doesn't mean you go online regularly.
  8. No i dont agree with PVPing but what I mean is I wish i could have been taught that lesson a different way.
  9. I see.
  10. I think its pretty obvious a trending theme is emerging. We Love EMC but, unfortunately, it DOES get Boring. We were promised new features, and since you seem so unflexible with the "Vanilla" Ideal, then its only fair we get what you deem as acceptable when you promise it.
  11. Justin is busy.
    Good things come to those who wait.
    I am waiting. He won't take much longer to get back to us :)
    Equinox_Boss and mba2012 like this.
  12. Nobody is saying he isnt busy. But thousands of us are waiting. If he cant do it all alone, and nobody is saying he can, then why not remedy the situation? Why not bring somebody else on to help carry the weight?
  13. I wish I could answer those questions, but I can't. I will trust the decisions that Justin makes for the community until he proves me wrong.
    chickeneer likes this.
  14. Just like your signature... except the chips are players... or vice versa
  15. I didn't understand a WORD you said.
  16. EMC will rise i can tell u that........ i also fortell them putting an and on the t.v about cookies XD
    Equinox_Boss and mba2012 like this.
  17. Let me interpret it- lol... I hope I get it right.

    My friends were banned because him (Person A) and a friend (Person B) were camping in the wild, and someone (Person C) pvp'ed one of them (A or B) and Died. So the Person (A or B) that wasn't attacked, attacked Person C. Then, Person A or B (who died) came back to get revenge on Person C.

    This is how I interpreted it.
    ZBSDKryten and PandasEatRamen like this.
  18. *i mean ad on tv soz
  19. Don't forget his reply to Curundu:
    So pretty much it's ok to PVP if they're your friend?:rolleyes:
  20. hmm i dont think emc is falling its just people are getting banned cause they r just wierdos who think it would be hilarious to scream,yell,cuss,swear ect to random people who are just trying to mind thier own buisness. tahts right who ever went of at me for asking if somone could sell me diamonds i am talking to yall
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