
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by pat2011, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. this guy sounds like a real pain in the donkey (jk jk)
  2. No that's not from one person. Those are just ones I hear from people every now and then when I sign into empire. Usually from people who just joined or have joined recently.
  3. yea i got it that's why I said jk jk (just kidding)
  4. Yeah this stuff annoys me. When I first started I joined and I looked around the forum after signing up. I read the guide, went in game and as I was doing the tutorial I was reading the guide again. I didn't beg or ask for a thing because I'm not so talkative at first. I was offered a "room" by someone which I kindly accepted but then when I couldn't find one on SMP4 I put my stuff in vault and looked at the server info until I found one that had more than what looked like two empty plots. Settled on SMP7 since I found around 6 near each other that were unclaimed and I went and claimed one. I told my sister who claimed the one next to me. We didn't really have many neighbors but we had fun. I would go out and gather stuff and if I had extra I'd give her stuff. I'd shop but I wouldn't complain about prices or anything like that. I didn't spam chat with "WHO HAS THIS ITEM FOR SALE!?" I rarely talked. I slowly opened up but I don't think I became a complete "noob" in chat. I try to have conversations and be active on the forums. I started out with the same amount of money everyone else does and I have yet to hit $0. I collect, buy and sell, farm buy and sell etc. I don't just blow my rupees on tons of things.

    I sometimes want to slam my face into my keyboard at the number of "How do I do this?" "How do I build a flag?" "How do I claim land?" "Can I join a town?" "How do I get wood?" "My base was griefed can I have stuff?" "Hey can I have money?" "I'm out of rupees can I have some?" "WHO HAS AN AWESOME CASINO/HOTEL!?!?!?!!111?" "I died can I have rupees?!" The other day I just wanted to punch the kid in the face through the screen because he kept asking if a certain person was on. Several people told him to stop spamming and hold Tab. He asked again and when I said "Hold Tab, look for the name." His reply was "Too many names, I don't feel like reading them all." There were even people who were asking "Where is this Wellington place?" "How do I get the notes?" "Where do I vote for the shops?" when it was on the forums.

    You get the idea.

    Edit: Holy wall of text Batman!
  5. Yeah kinda one of the reasons why I haven't been very active lately. I have my summer job but a week before that I didn't feel like coming on cause 1. hearing stuff like that. 2. I am not really in the mood to start building my house (Even though I should start on it but its difficult getting a good design to settle on). and 3. I am getting tired of the view from my res. When I first got my res there were so many cool houses and stuff near me. Since I got my res most of the res's that were cool ended up getting reset after the 30 day period cause the paid member didn't sign in before 30 days, or got claimed by others.

    I had some hope a month ago when the guy claimed the res below me and started building this cobble thing that looked pretty cool. I even helped and donated some cobble. He then forgot to sign in before 10 days or something and after a few weeks of work it was claimed by some noob. So far all thats around me is dirt houses or stuff like that. The best res I can see is my own. :(

    It just feels like a new server with all these small boring houses and stuff around me. The other thing is that they keep getting claimed by newer players which means new dirt houses. :S
  6. The res to my left has a giant unfinished wool tower, several buildings, some lava water towers. The one to my right is made of wool, has giant dirt fortress and diving board in the sky and a massive cobble gen. They were here before me. My sister lives infront of me and has sculptures and a giant sheered sheep house. Our friend is next door to her. He hasn't done any of that other stuff. I die laughing at the "COME SEE MY DIRT MANSION!" being yelled in chat.
    imBobertRobert and Curundu like this.
  7. poo thats like it probably for the people around me cause i haven't logged on i a while (I have a liable reason) so the res's around me probably look amazin! :D
  8. to what iamfuturetrunks said
  9. I hate people using the term 'noobs' or 'newbie' or any other connotation of it.

    We were all 'noobs' once and at some stage or another, we've all asked a question that we could have found the answer for if we looked for it. Especially when looking at some of the Forum Join Dates, there are some 'noobs' calling people 'noobs', if you want to play it like that.

    The Tutorial is well set up and unless a player wants to waste their time running through the maze, they'll go to the website. Whether or not they read it is down to them.

    As for the complaint about regular players answering questions, of course they will, that's what makes a good Community. How they chose to answer it is their decision. If they give the answer, fine, if they give the answer and the website page to check, brilliant, if they give just the website, then even better.

    Regardless, the fact that they answer is what makes EMC such a good place to be.

    EMC is getting bigger and better and new players are flocking in, only a tiny, tiny percentage of whom actually come to the Forums. The majority of EMC players do not use the Forums and don't really care what goes on outside their Residence or bit of Wild.

    If the attitude of some of the people on the chat get to you, use the /ignore function and remove them from your existence, otherwise take a pro-active role and become an Ambassador for the Community by helping, answer and above all persevering (Where it's deserved, mind.)
  10. Dont even get me started on Cheaters -_-............
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  11. Well always happens to me when offer a new player a job at my tree farm, I will pay them 20-25r a stack which is pretty good pay on smp5, but after he/she only chopped two or three trees down they start to complain about it being too hard, and want to keep the wood I cut and you still pay me... Smh

    Ps. Each Lvl on my farm a player can make around 400r in a hour
  12. That's nothing new, that's something that happens all the time. I've had lots of people bail on jobs, so I simply say to them:

    "If you don't finish, you don't get paid."
  13. O yea it happens all the time or they want 60 per stack , and I provide a iron axe for them. Owell it's always hard to find a worker who will come back or won't greif your res
  14. Not to mention a great community member who makes videos for the newer members of the community ;) ;) No not you :p
    SecretAznEks and ISMOOCH like this.
  15. Who makes daily videos of emc?
  16. I can tell you by experience, although people still join and ignore every attempt for us to educate them, it is still 500x better that nay other server :) (based on our long registration process).
  17. The tutorial was the first thing that hit me about EMC. I'd never come across anything like it before. Very well done.
    I do think now that we've got the Teleport system that there's scope to make it, if you like, 'harder' and more beneficial to check the website.
  18. Yea I agree this is first Mc server I've joined and I like how it's organized, a great community, and etc. anyways I prolly become a supporter in month or two when I have better job
  19. Bare in mind, there are people who may have BEEN a gold or diamond supporter and then once their shop started making money they down-graded to iron or free because they already had a boat load of cash and a steady flow from their shops/auctions so the extra sign in rupees werent really needed.
    I mostly agree with the OP, however Im not pickin up my torch and pitchfork to join the angry mob just yet. I agree, it can be annoying when someone asks a question that is in the tutorial or EMC guide, but we were all there once. I remember when I first logged onto my first MC server how incredibly confusing it was and how different each server is.

    Something that seems simple to us NOW only appears that way because of our exp on EMC. Also, and I always try to keep this in mind, there are a lot of younger kids that join and frankly, just dont have the attention span to seek their own knowledge.

    Come on, Im 30 and I didnt read the ENTIRE guide before I logged in! I skimmed it and then i was all "lets start playing!". Now, granted, I went back and read the entire thing once I was a little more familiar with the server, but still.

    Lastly, that list someone posted above of annoying questions noobs ask is intresting and, yeah, they mostly are annoying, BUT asking if there is an admin is a question i dont think is that annoying for a new player. Escpecially since it says when you join, if you arent sure about something ask a MOD. If i was given a hard time for wanting to speak with a MOD when i joined I prob wouldnt have stuck around. It sucks feeling like you're left to fend for youself and figure everything out on your own.

    If someone asks for help, I usually ask them "whats up".. if its a dumb question that was covered in the tutorial I usually say "guess you didnt read the guide or pay attention in the tutorial, huh?" and direct them BACK to the emc guide. "i'm lost in the wild! how do i get back to town?" my response: use the live map or just kill yourself, theres no TP on this server. As for ppl asking for rupees? no way. I've given away rupees to newbies that DONT ask for it, but never to beggers. basically everything that you can buy with rupees you can aquire yourself. beggin for ruppes in town chat just shows that you're too lazy to harvest something yourself....
  20. Its only issue is minecraft without mods kinda gets boring.
    kilmannan and Dwight5273 like this.