My Opinion on Opinions

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kephras, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. Speaking of politics and paying - It's a good thing we don't tax pay tax on opinions. We all have plenty of our own, interest in others, and inherited many from our parents.
    Taps mic... Is this thing on?
    Gawadrolt and Equinox_Boss like this.
  2. Only Kephras can get 10 likes for writing five words :rolleyes:
    _Devil__, BlinkyBinky, 607 and 2 others like this.
  3. Well that's the trick, isn't it? They have to be the right words. ;)
  4. this is super great js
    Kephras likes this.
  5. I'll be honest, I never liked that meme. :\
    Also, BK beat you to it.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. That's your opinion, just, be careful with opinions. -Bo Burnham
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. That dude looks cool. He should come to EMC.
    Lady_Eliza, Equinox_Boss and Kephras like this.
  8. Somewhere in time, I posted an image which I found particularly fitting and wished to use again. After much digging, I finally found it:
    And I wondered to myself, "How do I remember where this is?" without bookmarking it (on a work computer atm) or saving and re-uploading it (already did that once, I think, and also: work computer).

    So I decided to simply quote myself with an easily-searchable tag.
    beating dead horse
    But then I saw how old this thread was, and had a moment of guilt because necromancy is morally wrong - and also banned by the Mages Guild.
    ...then I realized this thread was mine, and said "screw it."
    TomvanWijnen, __Devil_, Dufne and 2 others like this.
  9. A true example of uncontained, unfiltered, raw, and absolute badassery.
  10. I have come to expect nothing less from Kephras. :cool:
    607, Kephras, khixan and 1 other person like this.
  11. Why is IYO not a thing, but IMO is such a thingy thing?
    And that would sum up my opinion on opinions ;)
    Kephras likes this.
  12. So opinions on opinions...

    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  13. This was a troll thread wasnt it? Just my opinion.
  14. This was a "Keph was bored at work" thread. But hey, if you feel trolled...
  15. Let it be known that on Sept 1st, 2020, Keph returned to this thread to fetch that stupid Glue image again.
    Apparently the 'easily searchable tag' thing was a success!
  16. I was unaware of this thread until now.

    Now, I low-key want to write a small essay discussing what it would mean to have "too many opinions," what that phrase’s cultural implications are, and how I would view it. In short, describing how the phrase can be used both as an expression of something meaningful, and as a close-minded dismissal of valid cultural critique.

    Ironic, I know. :p
    luckycordel, 607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  17. o wise tiger, which path of enlightenment should I take 2 become a wise sloth?
    Egeau likes this.
  18. If nothing else, you'd be validating my five-year-old OP in ways I never anticipated.
    But I don't recommend it, since this was meant to be a silly one-off kind of thing for fun.

    Climb the high branches where the leaves are fresh and the air is pure.
    I don't know if it'll actually bring you wisdom, but at least the other sloths will look up to you.
    Mirr0rr and Egeau like this.