Mistakes and sanity

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by M4ster_M1ner, Jan 22, 2013.

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  1. Well i don't know about u guys but i m getting a crap load of pm and finding all the mistakes i see in lots of malls
  2. icecream better watch out for me
  3. I find that hard to believe, since there arent exactly that many malls. Its also kinda greedy of you to charge for a service that an honest player would just point out for free. Its almost like taking advantage of someones shop mistakes. Actually, it is. Just in "sneakier", somewhat dishonest way.
  4. yer of course its greedy when i m the only player on this server actually helping people with there malls not complaining or just saying people should get perm banned
  5. If i notice an issue with a shop sign, i tell the owner ASAP. Im sure most others do. What i dont do is look around for mistakes, so that i can charge shop owners for something that should just be an act of courtesy.
  6. u don't go to there mall for half an hour checking all their prices and all the mistakes they made and telling them how to fix something
  7. Wait, wait, wait...

    This coming from the guys who yesterday said -


    You seem to have changed your tune rather quickly?
  8. shutdown jkjk
    MR2R2M likes this.
  9. Correct. When i notice a mistake, or an outdated price, i tell them right away. Based off of how the community reacts to this issue, i suspect that they do too. A large group of us are constantly doing for free what you charge for and only do once. What you are doing is basically what car repair shops do today. They look for anything they can change, just to make money. We are the friendly neighbors who lend a hand when that hand is needed, whenever the timing is right.
    What i said yesterday i still stand by, it should be their responsibility to be up to date. But that doesnt mean that when i notice something, that i just overlook it:)
  10. And you will be struck with the banhammer and eaten. Bye bye.
  11. So for basically as long as I can remember you have had this in your sig.

    Now you want to help mega malls? You are changing your tune as well.
  12. i will decide if i want to or if u piss me off maybe i don't
  13. and who are these people
    its like saying hey i will build i giant epic mega mall for u and waste my time just for u
  14. Pab10s, Panda, Britbrit, Term, Dwight, Soul, mba, Gap, any mod, yankees, Jack, Pen, batt, and others. These are the people who i would expect to do that, just off the top of my head.
    Not really. Its saying "Hey, if i notice something out of the ordinary, i will take the small amount of time to let you know."
  15. Second post, watch the rudeness
    PandasEatRamen and SoulPunisher like this.
  16. Manic, I just want to know -- What are you basing these ideas off of?

    What major successful gaming community do you know is ran these ways?
    What REAL WORLD society is ran these ways?

    Surely not America... In America elected people determine if they believe you broke the law and then you are punished.

    Society can not then come out and say "I don't care if they broke the law, I like that they buy from my business and want them out of prison."

    What country gives society as a whole the ability to change judgement on a persons transgressions?

    How is this necessary for healthy development as you say, when there is no real world or game world examples to back up your utopian view of how a community should be ran?
    sonicol1 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  17. Coffee is more than allowed to charge for a service to check out shop sign prices. He will be punished just the same if he takes advantage of them, but I can see the usefulness of having someone go through all the signs and determine any loopholes / pricing problems and I'd say it's a pretty reasonable idea.

    Not saying he's going about it the best way... could definitely be handed better, but still.
  18. Expect....
  19. Those people (the ones that tell shop owners), "Hey, you have a mistake." instead of abusing it are the people who are nice, and highly respected members of the community.. Which happen to be more then just the Staff team, because good people do exist.
    Dwight5273, mba2012, sonicol1 and 5 others like this.
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