Misc Updates / Bug Fixes - 5/28/15

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, May 28, 2015.

  1. If you aren't going to share any ideas, then why post? And if we need to add hoppers in order to keep the entity count down, why wouldn't we want to do that?
  2. active hoppers are an entity, you are shooting yourself in the foot with that one. A floor of hoppers is extremely inefficient and a huge drain on server resources. ;-)

    Edit: Been sitting at my hopper minecart guard farm for over an hour and the ent count seems to be fluctuating between 35-45. You guys sure your hoppers that pull out of the minecarts aren't just clogged, or otherwise full?

    Second edit: entc is around 70-90. Items count(armorstand/other number) is around 35-45. In the past ten minutes the highest it got(now actively watching it) was 59 and jumped all the way back down to 43 and slowly got lower again. This put the total entity(well those that are tracked by that command) at around 100, less than half of the max.

    Third edit... yeah I do that: You may want to make sure that you are using ALL powered rails on your tracks to as the hopper cart has to be powered to actually suck anything in. Just thought about that.

    Our hopper carts span the length of the farm and cover every possible space the guardians can land. it takes around ten seconds for the carts to go down and back and in a 5x5 area there is always a cart underneath of you. Youtube: 100k+ item guardian farm(the 45 minute-ish video), thats the collection system we are using.

    Hey, why don't we just go ahead and edit again? half an hour later, never went over 60 items or 110 ent count total to include animals and monsters.

  3. As long as at least one block of the monument is in Deep Ocean then it follows the spawn mechanics as according to the wiki so I would guess that its fine. I found one in a desert Saturday, was with some new people. One said something along the lines of "I think I soiled my pants." My immediate reaction: "Where are you, we gonna get some sponges." lol.
  4. I cannot share anything because. it's just idea i need to organize in my mind first.
  5. Our farm has exactly the same setup as yours Gawa, but I'm almost positive that items are despawning before they are sucked up by the hopper minecarts, substantially decreasing yields.

    And on a side note, automatic minecart stations are not working properly because of this change as well. Now when a cactus breaks your cart at the end of a trip, it ends up in your inventory instead of going into the hopper under the track. Not really a huge deal, but worth mentioning.
  6. With the changes in place its actually now better on the servers to use the floor design. If I made any change to help minecarts, it would make all of the hoppers cause even more lag....

    I have some ideas that might help with item pickup speed ill try to investigate soon as I can (by making item spawn 'activate' hoppers nearby to make them check faster temporarily)

    Essentially, all hoppers run at 1.6% of the normal speed for item pickup (vanilla is 20 times a second, now its once per 3 seconds)

    so that gives significant performance boost to hoppers on floor, and to bring hopper minecarts back to usefulness by reducing that rate would remove 80%~ of the performance boost...

    We don't want to do that, so please be patient until I find alternative ways to improve the speed.
    607, ThaKloned, AmusedStew and 3 others like this.
  7. Four hours later, I still don't have an entc over 110. It can't be this design. Something else has to be going on there.
  8. How much will it slow down, exactly? I have an auto-potion maker that relies on a hopper timer, and I'd have to change the amount of items inside to keep it working. Not a big deal, but I'd like to know if (a), the speed can be predicted, and (b), if there will be some sort of notification to tell people that hopper speed has changed ingame.
    607 likes this.
  9. By 'floor design' you are talking about a floor of hoppers right? Just wanted to make sure :D
  10. I'm guessing that if hopper item transfer speed slows any, it will only temporarily slow for short periods, the same way a video needs to buffer when you download it.
  11. It broke allot of machines no auto farm works now.
    fishmeal and Ultimamaxx like this.