Meet Blizz Ard!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. The minimap and such yes will still work.

    It will no longer show monster/animal/player heads on the minimap, and the cave finder feature will also be disabled.
  2. See, I find it upsetting it's getting blocked so easily off of the complaints of a single person after all this time. It's been around for awhile now. You can't really call it an "advantage" over one person or another by any legal terms. The mod is accessible to every single person. If they don't want to use it, that is their choice. If they don't know how to use it, ask. If they don't know it's there, they don't read the forums enough. So no... it does NOT "give a HUGE advantage over another player."

    If it's being blocked because it's not "vanilla", then all mods should be blocked along with the live map. Yes all these features are amazing and nice, however it's not part of the vanilla experience.

    I could go on, but limiting my post because as I said, I find it EXTREMELY upsetting that it's getting blocked after all this time for reasons that, in my opinion are not even valid.
  3. Well until someone has a problem with that too...

    First off I don't need to explain myself to you. And secondly, don't sit there and tell me what I use it for. You have no clue what I use it for. You just see something that you don't like and just assume everyone's trying to cheat the game. You boo-hoo'd about and got your way. Move on.
  4. [picture removed by staff]

    Were they on the approved mods list? Voxel is an approved mod and has been. - This is aikar's choice, but I don't see anything that really changed.... - also, marlix doesn't ALWAYS move really freakin' fast, there has been a time that I didn't go after it 'cause I missed the message, and it showed up as a normal mob...
    GoodnightSmith and ThaKloned like this.
  5. No, however it is, or was not, ever part of the approved mods list either. So no, it is NOT a ridiculous argument.
  6. Obviously Aikar attempted to block this before and it didn't work. So this isn't about a single person or a single complaint.

    In fact I did ask. It was either when super turkeys or blizz ards were first around I saw players making references to being able to see them with a mod but I didn't know what mod. I asked several times what they were referring to and those players never responded. I figured they were trying to keep it a secret because they found an exploit.

    I personally don't care if players can see regular mobs, it's just the special mobs where the unfair advantage exists.
  7. Obviously... pics or it didn't happen... =P

    I've answered the question as to which mod, early on in this thread... first time I was asked.

    download the mod... you can use it too! and how is seeing super turkeys on minimap helpful? they look like chickens... only 50,000 of those roaming around..
    ChickenButler likes this.
  8. Again, I fail to see where it is unfair. Up until it gets blocked any player has full access to use it as well. Maybe you are upset you didn't use it and that's why you call it "unfair". Maybe you are bothered that you didn't know about it and that's why you call it "unfair". However, according to Webster's dictionary, "unfair" is not the word you should be using. There was nothing unproportionate, nothing unjust, nothing dishonest, nothing undue, nothing beyond what was proper or fitting. It gave no advantage that you yourself could not take advantage of yourself. It barely gives an advantage at all. Unless you, yourself have used it, you can not comment on what it can or can't do. The line of sight that it gives is minimal at best.
    ChickenButler likes this.
  9. To those exclaiming that this was blocked due to just a few people's opinions, I would like to bring your attention to Aikar's post.
    He intended to have it blocked all along, it was not a new idea.

    There is no reason to point fingers at each other about this, as there is no individual person or group at fault for this. This new fix was brought to his attention due to the argument as a whole.
    wkramer79 likes this.
  10. Picture was a bit rude. Debates are good, however, directly insulting another player is not tolerated.
    607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  11. What an asinine response. "It was allowed once, so it should always be allowed." Slavery used to be legal. Should it be legal now? To attack my logic on that basis is farcical.

    It is indisputable that mod users are given an advantage that non-users are not. That places it outside the scope of an allowable mod. Period. There's no more discussion necessary on the point.

    You've lost the argument. That's why it's being disabled as we speak. :)
  12. Ok Dinthar, I'm not going to argue with you anymore. Comparing the use of a mod to slavery is asinine and ignorant in itself. It is along the lines of comparing a property code violation with the holocaust.

    Yes, it is indisputable that mod users are given an advantage. I never said otherwise. However... my whole argument was.... EVERYONE HAD ACCESS to it. So there was NO unfairness of it.

    Every mod gives such advantage, and by your definition, would be "outside the scope of an allowable mod." There is an allowed mod that helps you in pathfinding while caving so you don't get lost. Clear advantage to those using it versus those who aren't. There is an allowed mod that will help you locate your lost horse. Clear advantage to those using it versus those who aren't.

    I'm not posting again after this. Akair is boss and will do as he pleases. However, the BIGGEST reason I'm not posting again is.... well... there is a saying about arguing with some people is like playing chess with pidgeons....
  13. LOL at "comparing mod use to slavery." No, that's not at all what was done. I was using an extreme example to illustrate how fallacious it is to say that "something that was allowed once should be allowed forever," which was the "logic" underpinning your support for the mod.

    And for you to harp on logic when making an "anyone can use it" argument is silly. Anyone can use any hack. They're freely available and easily accessible. But they're not allowed for obvious reasons. It's an incredibly poor argument. Incredibly.

    I did enjoy your attempt to take the high road after losing an argument so resoundingly. Good show.
  14. To people moaning about blocking it, stuff like that's been blockcoded for at least 2 years now, but the Voxel (or Zan's as it was back then) codes were never setup correctly. Reis was always blockcoded, so yeah, no-one's recently caused this.
    607, hashhog3000, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  15. For those of you with finding issues if you make a quartz room the red names will stand out I believe havent tested it that is with finding blizz ards
  16. To all involved in this argument, the matter was decided several posts ago by Aikar. There is no need for you guys to fill the forums with hatred for each other. I have seen people called one word in particular (as well as several others) throughout these last few posts:

    Foolish, unintelligent. Just plain stupid. The Empire is supposed to be a friendly, welcoming community, and yet I, as well as many others, are seeing people blatantly insulting the intelligence of other members of the community. EMC should be a safe place for people to share their opinions and ideas, not a place where people should have to worry about getting called stupid just because they believe something is one way or the other. So, to sum up, please stop it. It hurts me to see a thread like this marred with a little flame war like this, and I think it's time to fix it.
    This is the decision. The feature is being blocked, and no more discussion is needed. Thank you.

    Now, anyone got any ideas about what the Nose will be used for? I'm bouncing up and down with anticipation! :p
    princebee, 607, Pab10S and 6 others like this.
  17. they're totally going to be added as an upgrade to voter's gear randomly adding better buffs to the gear o.0

    or...possibly not o.0
  18. The nose will get used for making a million rupees. I'm going to try to be the first one to auction one once it's announced what it's for lol
  19. The name calling stops.

    Thank you for your cooperation in returning this thread to its original topic. :)
  20. Just wanna put in my 2 cent's right quick. Could we disable donator perk's?

    It's not fair that those who pay the $20 or to 500k+ rupee's are able to claim 2 - 4 plot's, Get a max # of vault upgrade's, a utopia plot, Extra rupee's per day ( weather or not they log in mind you ), ETC. these " Users " have an unfair advantage over those " non-user's "

    Yes, the "non-user's" have access to those perk's if they pay the $20 or 500k+ rupee's just like the " User's " but still should be removed because they took the time to read up on there supporter perks and " worked " to get them ( Claimed there res, built there farms, there chest room's, etc. etc. )

    So like that mod that people took time to read through the approved mods list to find, read up on to learn about the perk's it provided should be entitled to use it.

    And be for i see someone say that the Donator perks have no advantages over those who choose not to use them. let's take into account that those who choose to use them are not plagued by the " Sucks to be you not enough slots to join the server " message. So during big event's Fire floor, Mob arena, Friday night mining, Special celebrations " veterans day" , or just plain alot of people on the server. They miss out on all that and regular play while others are Gaining and unfair advantage.
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