Meet Blizz Ard!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. That moment when you log in and see you're in the Wastelands, and then just as you type /town and press enter you get the Blizz Ard spawn message. And, of course, you have no idea which outpost you were at. :p
    607, emtec121 and FDNY21 like this.
  2. Have found two of the Holiday Magic Chests!! What a great event and the Chests hold some really good items.

    Thanks to all of the staff who have made this a great event cycle!! Well done.
  3. Just to be sure-There's no custom EMC items that spawn in the chests, correct? The one I found just had some gems ingots and food, but is there a rare variation with a promo?
  4. Correct, no special items in chests for this event. The Thanksgiving Event had the Feast for a King item in those chests, which you can still find.
    607 and Dragonhawk32 like this.
  5. Just found this under the AFK platform at my gold farm

    God knows how long that's been under there
  6. You all are gonna totally hate me... But....

    On my very first Blizz Ard kill. Teehee...
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  7. What can you even do with the Blizz Ard's nose, It says it might be magic but so far, not seeing anything to back that up... :/
  8. The use has not currently been implemented by Aikar. It will be usable soon.
  9. Well, i have the nose ! :) found the blizz ard i could not find last time.
  10. Anyone got the blizz ard nose for sell?
  11. Thanks =D
  12. So is there some way that negates the rewards of Blizz Ard? Because it was raining and the one I found took like 2 hits to kill and dropped nothing but snowballs and didn't even give me tokens.
  13. Yeah; I think the rain hurting it more than you did probably takes away from drop/token rate. I've stuck to snowy biomes for fear of that.
  14. Any suggestions on what to use to kill the Blizz Ard? I always about die when I use regular diamond stuff..
  15. Get him alone and don't wear your armor. The snowballs shouldn't hurt you directly, but they beat I'm armor I'm told.
  16. I have enchanted diamond stuff, but killed them with just iron armor. Unless you are playing on Difficulty 10, you should be totally fine. Blizz does virtually no damage to me at Difficulty 6. Weapon-wise, I just use an enchanted sword with Sharpness IV, Fire Aspect II, Knockback II and Looting III. Strength potions help too.
  17. I'd suggest using a Sharpness V Looting III Unbreaking III sword and voters armor, as the Blizz Ard does break your armor, and if you don't have voters armor just take off your normal armor. Also try to trap the Blizz Ard in a 2x1 pit and use Strength II potions.
  18. That's what I've been doing too, this one had actually spawned under ground, but came up to the surface it looked like. Unfortunately, since the biome I was in was technically extreme hills, only parts of it snow, and he happened to be at the bottom in between. Hence unwanted water damage. It sucks, since I was looking for that same dude for literally 3 days.
  19. Thanks for all the suggestions! :)

    Sorry this is a bit off topic, but if anyone would like to start a small outpost that is semi-focused on just getting Blizz Ards, please start a conversation with me! ;)
  20. Hehe you will never guess what I found in the base
    All those times it said it was getting colder it wasn't IN the base
    But rather the railroad leading to the base XD
    Found TONS of them there
    And I got a Blizz ARD's nose on the first one

    Edit: and I wasn't even looking for Blizz ards I was just on my way to the base
    When I thought I saw infernal's name tag (though he must've been working on the tracks) but then I got closer and saw a red name tag and I'm like
    /p banditLM
    but u weren't on XD
    I_am_the_sloth likes this.
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