If we're going to make it available as an option, others may not be using it only for the readability and we're getting a jump on the 'the light theme looks bad, do this instead' threads by seeing if we can sort out the issues prior.
I see -- you could also add it in like the rainbow theme, which was, let's be honest, also a mess in the beginning (and IMHO it still is ). Perhaps try to sneak a link in somewhere to a thread where people could post ideas for possible improvements. --- As for my opinion on this, I definitely wouldn't use it, as my eyes have a strong disliking for light themes (especially for things that I also visit late at night or in early mornings) (this made me wonder how I survive using Word for hours on end...), but if it is better for others, I think this would be a really good addition - more options is (almost) always good!
I'd rather not make this a suggestions thing constantly being tweaked. It won't take me much longer to figure out if I can fix the most important issue, then I'll just release. The text color of yellow on white like in one of the front page posts doesn't work at all. That's the primary focus atm.
yeah not even because it's bright or anything, it just looks disgusting then again so does windows 10 in general
One thing to bare in mind is that a light theme on EMC will never be perfect. Stuff like the wiki is extremely difficult to design to get to work with light and dark (long story short, the wiki doesn't know your display preferences), which I believe is one of the reasons why the light theme was removed. Stylish is a good option if you ever want to tweak the site's theme for your personal preferences.
For me, that actually is easily readeble, but that might be due to me being very senseble to colour changes / variation... I don't know what you can and cannot do, but, if it's only for readeblility, can't you just change the colour of all the text, like, all of it. I would imagine doing that by adding a [color=#000000] after every "]" or even, if you can, after every [COLOR=#xxxxxx] (It's just a hexadecimal number, after all) That way, every time someone does something technical, including a colour change, it is changed back to black. I really don't know what you have to work with though. I would have the time to help you, jet I know there are trust related issues with giving anyone permission to do stuff, and not only that, but you would probably also have to endure my ramblings about colour theory, which I don't know if you can stand nowdays
This is beyond normal trust perms, so no. Not even the SS mess with this, and I only touch things carefully. I've tried to override it, but it's not cooperative. I DID manage to fix the colors on the wiki/supporter page/fancy sales bars. I'll just do my best not to work in yellow text in announcements, and have that as a disclaimer.
What I think he was trying to say, is to automatically invert certain colours so they become easily readable again. On my phone, I actually can only read it if I zoom in a lot, and then it's fine.
I know, I was just saying that if you need help, I have too much time Also, Stuff changed, both of those used to be white. If you want to make it capatible with both, I suggest using a gray that's in between the white and the dark gray of the forums, this doesn't look that good in my oppinion
I'm curious, what does it look like if you select/highlight/[whatever it's called so you can then do ctrl + c to copy it] the text? This generally works with hard/impossible to read colours on the dark theme (even on mobile), maybe it also works on the light theme? If so, if you can't find another solution, you could also just continue to use yellow, and add a disclaimer below/above that is only (clearly) visible for light theme users, saying that they should select the text if they can't read it properly.
The issue is that the colors were manually changed in the post. The system doesn't have the ability to override a post's CHANGED state, only the default. I've updated the theme to the best it appears to be capable of, and it's now available.
Eh, retracted. Due to the parent-child relationship of themes, I need to actually rework this from a different side so it doesn't affect the primary dark themes. Pending continuation.
Figured that that was the case, unfortunately. FYI: I can't select it; the option is not there for me. EDIT: Ah.
For those of you not here right now: this is what the forum looked like for a bit: It's had me chuckle quite a bit, multiple times. And this: I literally almost can't read anything... On my phone, it's doable, but on my desktop, it's almost completely unreadable....