Lets Talk EMC about GID!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by finch_rocks_1, Aug 26, 2015.

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  1. Not a Debate Thread, "For Educational Purposes"
    Hey Everyone,

    I have seen many messages that are very bad, and others say some stuff that is very offensive, even if they say its an opinion. So I am making this thread to try and educate people, and not just players on EMC, Maybe even their family.

    Many people think that Trans is a Choice. They think that is something that you choose to do.
    Trans is NOT a Choice, the choice to transition is a choice, as that is when you choose to live the live you are inside.

    Transgender can be defined by the Following Definition

    Gender identity disorder (GID) or transsexualism is defined by strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with one's own assigned sex. People with GID desire to live as members of the opposite sex and often dress and use mannerisms associated with the other gender. For instance, a person identified as a boy may feel and act like a girl. This is distinct from homosexuality in that homosexuals nearly always identify with their apparent sex or gender.
    Identity issues may manifest in a variety of different ways. For example, some people with normal genitals and secondary sex characteristics of one gender privately identify more with the other gender. Some may cross-dress, and some may actually seek sex-change surgery. Others are born with ambiguous genitalia, which can raise identity issues.

    Associated Features and Disorders of Gender Identity Disorder

    Many individuals with gender identity disorder become socially isolated, whether by choice or through ostracization, which can contribute to low self-esteem and may lead to school aversion or even dropping out. Peer ostracism and teasing are especially common consequences for boys with the disorder.
    Boys with gender identity disorder often show marked feminine mannerisms and speech patterns.
    The disturbance can be so pervasive that the mental lives of some individuals revolve only around activities that lessen gender distress. They are often preoccupied with appearance, especially early in the transition to living in the opposite sex role. Relationships with parents also may be seriously impaired. Some males with gender identity disorder resort to self-treatment with hormones and may (very rarely) perform their own castration or penectomy. Especially in urban centers, some males with the disorder may engage in prostitution, placing them at a high risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Suicide attempts and substance-related disorders are common.
    Children with gender identity disorder may manifest coexisting separation anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and symptoms of depression.
    Adolescents are particularly at risk for depression and suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.
    Adults may display anxiety and depressive symptoms. Some adult males have a history of transvestic fetishism as well as other paraphilias. Associated personality disorders are more common among males than among females being evaluated at adult gender clinics.


    • Express the desire to be the opposite sex
    • Have disgust with their own genitals
    • Believe that they will grow up to become the opposite sex
    • Are rejected by their peer group and feel isolated
    • Have depression
    • Have anxiety
    • Desire to live as a person of the opposite sex
    • Wish to be rid of their own genitals
    • Dress in a way that is typical of the opposite sex
    • Feel isolated
    • Have anxiety
    If you have any of these, See the Support Section of the Thread, Do not Self Diagnose yourself!

    To be clinically diagnosed with GID:

    A. Must persistently and strongly identify with the opposite gender (aside from desiring any perceived cultural advantage of being the other gender). In children, the disturbance is manifested by four (or more) of the following:
    In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by symptoms such as a stated desire to be the other sex, frequent passing as the other sex, desire to live or be treated as the other sex, or the conviction that he or she has the typical feelings and reactions of the other sex.
    B. A persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex.

    Must have strong discomfort with own gender and may express these qualities:
    • Disgust with own genitals
    • Belief that genitals will disappear or that it would be preferable not to have a penis
    • Rejection of male activities such as rough and tumble play, games and toys
    • Rejection of urinating in seated position
    • Desire not to develop breasts or menstruate
    • Claims that she will have a penis
    • Strong dislike for typical female clothing
    In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by symptoms such as preoccupation with getting rid of primary and secondary sex characteristics (such as request for hormones, surgery or other procedures to physically alter sexual characteristics to simulate the other sex) or belief that he or she was born the wrong sex.

    C. The disturbance is not concurrent with physical intersex condition.
    D. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.
  2. Causes

    People with gender identity disorder act and present themselves as members of the opposite sex. The disorder may affect self-concept, choice of sexual partners and the display of femininity or masculinity through mannerisms, behavior and dress.

    The feeling of being in the body of the "wrong" gender must persist for at least two years for this diagnosis to be made. The cause is unknown, but hormonal influences in the womb, genetics and environmental factors (such as parenting) are suspected to be involved. The disorder may occur in children or adults, and is rare.

    There are no recent studies to provide data on prevalence of gender identity disorder. Data from some countries in Europe suggest that roughly 1 per 30,000 adult males and 1 per 100,000 adult females seek sex-reassignment surgery.

    Onset of cross-gender interests and activities is usually between ages 2 and 4 years, and some parents report that their child has always had cross-gender interests. Only a very small number of children with gender identity disorder will continue to have symptoms that meet criteria for the disorder in later adolescence or adulthood. Typically, children are referred around the time of school entry because of parental concern that what they regarded as a phase does not appear to be passing.
    Adult onset is typically in early to mid-adulthood, usually after or concurrent with transvestic fetishism.

    There are two different courses for the development of gender identity disorder:
    • The first, typically found in late adolescence or adulthood, is a continuation of GID that had an onset in childhood or early adolescence.
    • In the other course, the more overt signs of cross-gender identification appear later and more gradually, with a clinical presentation in early to mid-adulthood usually following, but sometimes concurrent with, transvestic fetishism.
    The later-onset group:
    • may be more fluctuating in the degree of cross-gender identification
    • more ambivalent about sex-reassignment surgery
    • more likely to be sexually attracted to women
    • less likely to be satisfied after sex-reassignment surgery.
    • Males with gender identity disorder who are sexually attracted to males tend to present in adolescence or early childhood with a lifelong history of gender dysphoria. In contrast, those who are sexually attracted to females, to both males and females or to neither sex tend to present later and typically have a history of transvestic fetishism. If gender identity disorder is present in adulthood, it tends to have a chronic course, but spontaneous remission has been reported.

    Individual and family counseling is recommended for children, and individual or couples therapy is recommended for adults. Sex reassignment through surgery and hormonal therapy is an option, but severe problems may persist after this form of treatment. A better outcome is associated with the early diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.

    Some of the Nasty Messages;

    "Someone please shoot it, if not I'm going to kill it myself and make it die a horrible, painful death," is just one of the comments Jazz reads. "
    (Youtube post)

    Post Received From EMC..
  3. Now that you have a Small over View of the Detail, Here is some more information on the statistics of the matter. (These are based in the US)

    There were significant differences between transgender students and non-transgender students in how
    they identified their sexual orientation. Compared to non-transgender students, transgender students
    were less likely to identify as bisexual and more likely to identify as something other than gay,
    lesbian, or bisexual (e.g., straight/heterosexual, pansexual). In the 2007 National School
    Climate Survey, we found differences in students’ experiences based on sexual orientation;
    thus, we control for sexual orientation when testing differences across gender identity
    throughout this report.

    For students who selected “male” or “female” in addition to “transgender,” we could not discern whether
    also selecting “male” or “female” indicated the gender they were assigned at birth or the gender with which
    they currently identify. Thus, these students were not included in the analyses of differences within the
    group of transgender students. Students categorized as “multigender” were also not included in these
    analyses, as “multigender” was an umbrella term for a variety of ways of indentifying that may or may not
    share any inherent meaning.
    All Charts Taken From;

  4. Overall Safety In School
    In order to assess overall feelings of safety in school, students in our
    survey were asked if they felt unsafe in school because of certain
    personal characteristics: sexual orientation, gender, gender expression,
    and actual or perceived race/ethnicity, disability, or religion. In the 2007
    National School Climate Survey, LGBT students reported feeling unsafe
    because of a variety of characteristics, most commonly their sexual
    orientation and gender expression. Similarly, we found that a majority of
    transgender students reported feeling unsafe because of at least one
    of these characteristics, and in fact, transgender students were more
    likely to feel unsafe than LGB students who were not transgender.
    For example, as illustrated in Figure 3, 82% of transgender students
    felt unsafe at school because of one of the personal characteristics,
    compared to two-thirds (67%) of female students. As shown in
    Figure 4, about two-thirds (65%) of transgender students
    felt unsafe because of how they expressed their gender (i.e., a
    student who does not express themselves in a way considered to be
    appropriately “masculine” or “feminine” according to traditional societal
    norms). More than two-thirds of transgender students felt unsafe
    because of their sexual orientation (69%), and more than a third (36%)
    felt unsafe because of their gender. Furthermore, a
    quarter (25%) felt unsafe because of their actual or perceived religion,
    and less than a fifth felt unsafe because of their actual or perceived race
    or ethnicity (15%), or because of an actual or perceived disability (9%).
    Transgender students often felt unsafe because of multiple
    characteristics, illustrating the ways in which multiple dimensions of
    identity may intersect to shape students’ experiences. As shown in
    Table 3, a closer look at the three most common reasons transgender
    students often felt unsafe at school – sexual orientation, gender
    expression, and gender – revealed that students most commonly felt
    unsafe because of all three characteristics (27%) or because of both
    their sexual orientation and gender expression (29%). Fewer students
    (16%) felt unsafe because of only one of these characteristics.
    Feeling unsafe or uncomfortable in school can negatively affect
    students’ academic success, particularly if it results in avoiding
    classes or missing days of school. Thus, we asked students how many
    times they had missed classes or an entire day of school in the past
    month because they felt uncomfortable or unsafe in school. As shown
    in Figure 5, almost half of all transgender students reported skipping
    a class at least once in the past month (47%) and missing at least
    one day of school in the past month (46%) because they felt unsafe
    or uncomfortable. Given that transgender students were more likely
    to feel unsafe at school, it is not surprising that they were also more
    likely to miss school due to safety concerns than non-transgender

    For example, 46% of transgender students had missed
    at least one entire day of school for this reason, compared to 27% of
    male students.

    Classification as a disorder

    The argument that the deletion of homosexuality as a mental disorder from the DSM-III and the creation of the GID diagnosis was a sleight of hand by psychiatrists, who changed the focus of the diagnosis from the deviant desire for the same sex to the subversive identity (or the belief/desire for membership of another sex/gender), is discussed among sources By contrast, Kenneth Zucker and Robert Spitzer argue that GID was included in the DSM-III (7 years after homosexuality was removed from the DSM-II) because it "met the generally accepted criteria used by the framers of DSM-III for inclusion. Some researchers, including Dr. Robert Spitzer and Dr. Paul J. Fink, contend that the behaviors and experiences seen in transsexualism are abnormal and constitute a dysfunction.
    Individuals with GID may or may not regard their own cross-gender feelings and behaviors as a disorder. Advantages and disadvantages exist to classifying GID as a disorder Because GID is classified as a disorder in the DSM-IV-TR, many insurance companies are willing to cover some of the expenses of sex reassignment therapy. Without the classification of GID as a medical disorder, sex reassignment therapy may be viewed as cosmetic treatment, rather than medically necessary treatment, and may not be covered In the United States, transgender people are less likely than others to have health insurance, and often face hostility and insensitivity from healthcare providers.
    The DSM-IV-TR diagnostic component of distress is not inherent in the cross-gender identity; rather, it is related to social rejection and discrimination suffered by the individual Dr. Darryl Hill insists that GID is not a mental disorder, but rather that the diagnostic criteria reflect psychological distress in children that occurs when parents and others have trouble relating to their child's gender variance. Transgender people have often been harassed, socially excluded, and subjected to discrimination, abuse and violence, including murder.

  5. More Information Coming Soon......
    NathanRP likes this.
  6. More Information Coming Soon......
    NathanRP likes this.
  7. More Information Coming Soon......
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  8. NathanRP likes this.
  9. Sources
    • Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
    • National Institutes of Health - National Library of Medicine
    • Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

    Taken From;

    Overall Safety In School
    Taken From;

    Post Received From EMC..
    Taken From;

    More Coming Soon!

    Cant fit it on the thread as i keep hitting the Limit...



    Coming Soon!

    Support Link's

    Coming Soon!

    Hope that This thread can be used as a Education.

    Sorry for multi Posts, hit the word limit haha.
    NathanRP and EquableHook like this.
  10. *Hides in storm shelter*
    Gawadrolt and SoulPunisher like this.
  11. Why?
  12. +1 I hope that all those kids get what they desire or adults. Everyone is not the same and some people just want to be who they are and that's what they should do. I really love this thread to educate all those stubborn people who are rude and not nice to those children or adults everyone wants to live a dream life and if this is apart of it so be it and do it :)
  13. I will be adding more information when i get a chance.

    I hope that does in fact educate others, and maybe help people that are also confused.
    We3_Nub_ and Zikko like this.
  14. Wow...

    I read it, some of it, and I'll be very honest here: I'm a little uncomfortable with the subject. Not being negative; but I do think you should have picked a better topic (subject line) because right now it looks as if you're trying to start a talk about EMC (that's how I picked this up) and then I fell into this. Maybe "Lets talk about gender identity disorder"?

    Anyway, I'll read more later on, though I also wonder what triggered you to share this on EMC? Just asking.

    Alas, my first impressions here.
  15. -Tracking/Marking to read in the morning-
  16. It does in fact to educate others and hope to see the more info :)
    We3_Nub_ likes this.
  17. Well, i made this as i have seen many people make very rude comments to me on EMC Mumble as well as on threads and in-game.

    I also get this on many other sites and so does everyone else.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  18. finch made me post here And it was very well written...
    deathconn and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  19. finch made me post here
  20. Thank you both for your support, :)
    We3_Nub_ and PenguinDJ like this.
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