let's talk about skyrim!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by batmegh, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. What mod loader are you using? Did you create a bash patch? It's not impossible to tell, if you have the right mod loader.

    I prefer to use a mixture of Nexus to download and install the mods, then use Wyre bash to modify the load order as necessary, remove bad mods, create a bash patch for me, and then I use it to launch my game.
  2. Ah, the joys of modding... When they all run perfectly, the game is so much better, but the headaches getting it there sometimes... :rolleyes:
    607 and snow_freak like this.
  3. Ra'Shirr's adventures continue...

    Dinner did not interest Ra'Shirr.

    He sat at the corner-table by the door, lost in thought. Rosa occupied the other chair, leaning gently on the table as she looked at him. Finally, she spoke up.

    "Septim for your thoughts, Khajiit?"
    Ra'Shirr looked up as though only just realizing she was there. "That woman we met in the forest outside Riverwood. The one who escaped the bandits. Do you recall where she said their fort was?"
    "Somewhere in the Eastmarch, I think, south of the steam vents. Why, was slaying a dragon not action enough for you today?" She smirked, motioning to the massive skull now mounted above Breezehome's fireplace. Garath and his men had done an outstanding job renovating the cottage, Mirmulnir's head being only one of their many additions.
    "This one could use a rest," the Khajiit admitted sheepishly. "But if one prisoner is gone, those bandits may wish to make the others suffer for it."
    Rosa nodded. "Makes sense. I'll pack some provisions and we can head out first thing in the morning."
    "Khajiit does not think this can wait. They will surely notice her absence soon, if they have not already." He pulled his black hood up and stood.
    Lydia and Kharjo were at the other end of the house, sampling the kegs of ale behind the bar. At Ra'Shirr's movement they both turned, ready to join him, but he waved them back. "Ra'Shirr will go alone, and travel light. If he is quick, he may reach the fort by dusk. He will be but another shadow in the night, then."
    Lydia looked uncertain, but Kharjo just smiled and sat back down on his stool. Rosa was less amused by the statement but nodded her assent. They knew how gifted he was in the art of stealth.
    "Just be careful, alright?"
    Ra'Shirr's muzzle twisted in a wry grin. "Khajiit is always careful. Except when he is not."
    "If you're not back here in three days, we're coming after you," Lydia stated flatly, taking a gulp of ale. "Even Illia, if we can drag her away from Farengar long enough." After the fight with Mirmulnir, Illia had opted to stay in Dragonsreach and "study" with the court wizard for a while. The idea made Lydia's stomach turn.
    "Ra'Shirr will return by dusk tomorrow," he promised.

    It was still early in the evening when Ra'Shirr reached the cliffs overlooking the Darkwater, but the sun had dipped below the edge of the Throat and the mountain's massive shadow stretched well down into the steaming surfer pools of the Eastmarch.

    As he stood on the rocky precipice, he realized how close he was to the crumbling prison where he'd awakened scarcely a week ago. It felt like an entire lifetime had passed. A primal roar ripped through his introspection, and he quickly scanned the darkening skies.
    No sign of wings or scales - the roar had come from down among the sulfur pools. Quickly, he doused his torch and scrambled down the cliff, searching for the nearest river crossing. If the dragon was simply hunting food, he might let it be, but a gut intuition told him otherwise.

    There were times he hated being right.

    Three Imperial soldiers were desperately fending off the ice-breathing beast. Clad in light leathers and armed only with bows, Ra'Shirr could see immediately they were only a small scouting party and terribly ill-equipped to handle a dragon.
    Another bow will do them no good. The Khajiit winced. He was an assassin, a stealth killer, not a front-line warrior, but if these men were to have any chance at survival, they needed his shield.
    He whispered quick prayers to Khenarthi for swiftness and Baan Dar for cleverness, and rushed down the barren slopes.

    The battle was swift and brutal. The frost dragon would swoop low, spewing icy blasts down at them. Ra'Shirr dove for cover among the rocks or braced himself behind his shield, but the Imperials bravely - foolishly - stood on open ground, trading their lives for salvo after salvo of arrows. The Khajiit kept his shield in one hand, using what was left of his magicka to hurl bolts of lightning at the beast. He'd attempted to summon a Flame Atronach early on, but the dragon dispatched the unfortunate daedra in a single breath and the effort had left Ra'Shirr too drained to try again.
    At last, one of the soldiers' arrows found its mark in the dragon's wing joint, sending it crashing down onto the trail in front of them. Ra'Shirr dove in close, under its snapping jaws, and drove his scimitar into its scaled flesh. Behind him, he heard an agonized scream - those jaws had found their mark elsewhere - and he redoubled his efforts. Hot red blood flooded the ground as his blade struck an artery. Panting, he stepped back from the corpse, watching as it began to disintegrate as Mirmulnir's body had.

    Sadly, none of the soldiers had survived the attack. He resolved to bring word of their sacrifice to their captain, should he find him or her - as well as a few choice suggestions on how not to fight dragons in the future.
    He looked at his blood-soaked blade, and made a more immediate resolution to find some clean water.

    "A pity this does not flake and burn off as well," he grumbled, sheathing the gore-covered weapon.
    PenguinDJ, 607, Dwight5273 and 3 others like this.

  4. It was the smell Ra'Shirr noticed first. Even through the rank odors of the sulfur pools and the dragon gore staining his gear, he knew the scent of another Khajiit when he smelled it. In these northern lands, so far from Elsweyr, his kind stood out like the Throat of the World itself.
    He did not notice the foul smell of mammoth cheese until he drew closer to the camp.

    A single Giant stood listlessly by a large bonfire, watching the flames. His mammoth grazed nearby, chewing on the tough creeper roots that covered the rocks. And in the center of the camp, near a smashed wagon, lay the body of a dead Khajiit. A growl formed in Ra'Shirr's throat.
    He did not know who lay dead there, nor did it much matter. Skyrim cared nothing for his kind - if anyone were to look out for them, it would be each other. The ransacked trader's cart was all the witness he needed.

    Moments later, the giant lay dead by the fire, with two arrows protruding from his eyes. So much easier than killing dragons, Ra'Shirr mused. Then his ears twitched. Had that been a groan he heard?
    He knelt by the other Khajiit's body, but the poor trader was well and truly dead - and for several hours, judging by the coldness of his fur. But if there were survivors...
    Alteration magic was not Ra'Shirr's strong point and Detect Life was a strain to cast for even a few seconds, but it was enough. On the other side of the wrecked cart, near the road, something still lived.

    Ra'Shirr knelt by the survivor, trying to appraise her injuries. She did not appear gravely wounded, but appearances could deceive - Giants used clubs, not blades, and blunt instruments often left their damage on the inside where it was not easily seen.
    "No... stay... back," the Khajiit woman groaned, trying to motion him away. Her had only slapped the ground limply.
    "Be still, Khajiit is here to help," Ra'Shirr assured her. "The giant has paid for those he killed. We are safe, for now."
    "Tanita thanks you," she sighed, which turned into a coughing fit. Something in the chest - perhaps a broken rib? Ra'Shirr frowned. He was no healer, and the battle with the dragon had taken most of his potions. Still, he could at least ease her pain a little.

    Golden light flowed from his fingertips as he wove a healing spell around her. It was weak, and drained what was left of his magicka, but her coughing eased and she sat up a little straighter. "Tanita thanks you twice over," she said, this time with a hint of a smile.
    "It is the most Ra'Shirr can do, sadly," he replied. "Can you stand? This one does not wish to remain here, if the giant had a friend."
    Tanita nodded. "A moment for Khajiit to catch her breath, and she will try." The injured Khajiit looked lost in thought, opening her mouth as if to say more, but swiftly closed it again. Ra'Shirr waited. Whatever she was about to say, she would do so when ready - he would not pry more than needed. Instead he turned his attention to the camp, and its wreckage.
    "Was there anyone else with you when the giant attacked?"
    Tanita bit back a laugh, wincing slightly. "This was not the giant's doing, but bandits. They attacked the caravan, killed everyone. Tanita only survived by pretending to be dead." More stifled humor. "Lucky for her, they only wanted the gold."
    Ra'Shirr nodded, suddenly feeling guilty. If the giant was not to blame for the attack, the poor creature was likely baffled by the presence of dead Khajiit and broken wagons in his camp. And then to be slain for it...

    Tanita interrupted his thoughts. "Is Ra'Shirr travelling near Windhelm?" He arched a brow at her.
    "Khajiit are not welcome in most cities here, Windhelm least of all. They only barely tolerate the Dunmer."
    "True, but there is another caravan that stops near the city there. Perhaps they will have use of Tanita."
    Ra'Shirr chuckled. "Ah, you mean Ahkari's caravan. Yes, Kharjo travels with Ra'Shirr now, so Ahkari is surely short-clawed. This one is certain she could use the help." He stood, offering Tanita his hand to help her up.
    "Come. Ra'Shirr had not planned to head that way tonight, but it is only a few hours' walk north. He will see you safely to the city, and with any luck we will find Ahkari already there."

    *Apologies for the multi-post, I was a little worried about hitting the character limit, and figured each story segment deserved its own post.
    PenguinDJ, 607, Dwight5273 and 3 others like this.
  5. Cool! So it is true; more people are still interested in Skyrim eh? ;)

    I got it for the PS3 which is really a love/hate relationship because of all the bugs :( Which is often extremely annoying, right now I can't even normally travel to other places (by horse) because of the major lag I'm getting. Only option is to fast travel, and then I have to wait 3 - 5 minutes before everything is loaded. I have considered to get it for the PC, but I'm not too much a fan of that because I don't really play much games on it (the exception being Minecraft).

    In my opinion Skyrim is one of the best, if not the best, RPG on the PS3.

    The main thing which I like about Skyrim is that it breaks the "enhance loop" which most RPG's suffer from (as I like to call it & IMO of course!). You know: you should go out and explore & adventure, but you really want to get better equipment before you do. Unfortunately; to get better equipment you should go out & explore! But, you really want to get better equipment before you do ;)

    When I learned about the option to mine I quickly explored the mine near Riverwood and the one near Whiterun and that was the beginning of the end for me. I knew I should be checking out the Greybeards, but I was talking to (I believe) a female character who seemed much more interesting to me ;)

    That led to traveling (of course) and before I knew what was happening I had already defeated one of the dragon priests, got much (?) better equipment by making it myself, appeased some of the immortals (Daedra) and even got myself a follower (Aranea). She was so cool.... Dark, mysterious yet always there..

    Anyway, at this point I was approx. 2 months or so in the game and I hadn't even began the storyline yet ;)

    I don't remember every detail, it has been a while, but I loved this game. There were some points which didn't make sense to me (like being forced to follow Nocturnal to "gain needed powers" after I had already defeated Alduin. Surely I could easily defeat one backstabbing thief too?) and I disliked the bugs.

    But the game was a blast.

    What I considered the most brilliant in the game was the DLC. Most games get ruined by DLC IMO. Think about it: Fallout 3, you come out of the vault and you normally hear or see nothing. Its a wasteland and for the first time in the game you're alone. Feels creepy. Even the radio doesn't work fully. If you got DLC installed on the other hand your radio will burst with activity. Guess the wasteland isn't as deserted as I thought, it completely ruins the experience.

    DLC in Skyrim doesn't interfere with the story nor intrude on you. Only after a certain level will the followers of Miraak seek you out. It fits the feel and game completely!

    And I loved being a werewolf too ;)

    Like that Ork (I think) on Solsteim; he will send hitmen after me and "ha ha, you can't touch me here because the guards will get you". Oh yeah? Meet my furry alter ego then, and no one will be the wiser. ;)
    Kephras and 607 like this.
  6. *Suddenly a Yarn Ball is tossed in front of Ra'Shirr path
  7. Thank you for the story, Kephras!
    battmeghs and Kephras like this.
  8. Astrid's (that's her name that was oh-so hard for me to remember the other day) latest adventures in Skyrim haven't involved the main questline at all today. I decided to most of the Companions quest so I could get my key tactic thingy onto her character as soon as possible. Screw the greybeards. They can wait. Also contains Companion story spoilers.

    Once I've got that 'get that fragment of Wuuthrad' quest from Skjor, I go to find Farkas. I come back, and see him standing on the table. This game weirds me out sometimes.

    I thought this would be a cool cinematic shot to have. I pressed my screenshot key too late and it turned out...well... like this.

    Finally, Astrid is accepted into the Companions by the Circle. Hooray?

    This totally isn't suspicious...

    Time to dip my hand in Aela's blood from her slit open arm and magically become a Werewolf.

    I think I finally got that cinematic shot I was after...

    I became a Werewolf to kill that woman who skinned Werewolves, because... why not?

    Astrid got some fancy new swag off Skjor's dead body and looks like a proper Companion/Circle member.

    And for my epic, amazing finale of 3 hours of Skyrim... I went all the way to Bard's Leap (that Assassin's Creed reference...thing...) and jumped off it.

    And this is where I left off. Some bard who tried to do the jump and died trying's ghost trying to sing some weird stuff to me and Forsworn coming at me from every direction. Yippee!

    Probably because there's only five good RPGs available :p
    ShelLuser, battmeghs and Kephras like this.
  9. Just some random screenshots.

    2014-12-07_00001.jpg 2014-12-07_00002.jpg 2014-12-08_00001.jpg 2014-12-08_00002.jpg 2014-12-08_00003.jpg
    607, battmeghs, Kephras and 1 other person like this.
  10. Had a quick game just before school just now so I could make it out of Bard's Leap. And to calm my nerves before I get injected with needles ._. So, uh, the following happened...

    I just passed through Rorikstead to get progress onto the next level by killing some things. I went into the wilderness-y part and decided, 'I can't be bothered'. I try to fast travel to Whiterun. It tells me I can't fast travel because there's enemies nearby. Lol, kay, I can handle a few wolves. I leave the map menu and this guy lands right in front of me.

    I run back to Rorikstead to get the guards to fight for me after he almost kills me with just his tail. It works, slightly, but most of them are killed.

    Aaand it flew back to the fields. I followed it there, fus'd it a few times (I need to get around to visiting the Greybeards so I can get the 'ro Dah' part completed...), and then hit its face with my sword a few dozen times while circling around so he couldn't ice-breathe me to death. It worked, and I now have a Dragon Soul I can use to unlock that fire breathe thingy I got from the Wuuthrad quest I done yesterday :D

    Not pictured; I purchased Breezehome and am on my way to go pick up a horse.
    Also not pictured; me debating whether or not I should join the Dark Brotherhood before I pick the main quest back up.
    battmeghs, Kephras and ShelLuser like this.
  11. So pretty, but you really need to hide the compass bar for your screencaps. It just kills the atmosphere. :(

    607 likes this.
  12. Open console and type "tm" - for "toggle menus"
    That, or you can use the iHUD mod that hides GUI items until needed.
    HylianNinja, 607 and battmeghs like this.
  13. But I'm much too lazy for that.
    battmeghs likes this.
  14. I'll probably download this from Steam again sometime. I always loved being quite sneaky and secretly becoming a murderer and stealing everybody's things nice to everyone in Skyrim.
    Kephras and battmeghs like this.
  15. I ended up not playing for very long because the muscle pain in my arms has been increasing ever since I got my injections... Here's what I did...

    Astrid, just chilling out in her new house and looking kinda depressed. Actually, that's pretty understandable, seeing as I haven't bought anything for the house yet and the bed sheets are literally just rags over wool. She should go out and do something today.

    She climbed the Throat of the World and went to High Hrothgar to meet the Greybeards because she got bored.

    Arngeir is a very small man.

    I bought a new Spell Tome... three, actually. This was the most interesting and useful one.

    A day after meeting the Greybeards and procrastinating on doing their Dungeon spelunking - Astrid is out adventuring outside Whiterun on her new horse, Allie. Its just a quick trip around the block :D

    It was the Thalmor's fault... for being Thalmor...

    Oops again.
    His fault for telling me to go away.

    Her fault for trying to cut my horse's legs off as I galloped past her.
    Kephras likes this.
  16. I installed it! I decided to start over rather than going back on my previous save, but it's always nice to start off on a fresh slate... The game managed to close itself down and sync/update something just after I killed the first dragon. Looks like I'll be killing the dragon again but at least I saved the game just before it came. :rolleyes: Probably enough Skyrim for tonight though! :p
    607, Kephras and battmeghs like this.
  17. Ever wonder what your companions get up to when you're not around?

    For the fourth time that night, Lydia emptied her mug and set it back on the countertop. "N-not bad," she mumbled, a drunken slur creeping into her words. "Better'n what Hulda serves down at the Mare."
    Rosa raised an eyebrow, looking wryly at her. "Not that Shirr will know, the way you two are draining that keg."
    Kharjo smiled thinly. "Ah, but it has done wonders for this one's nerves. This morning was the first time he has seen a dragon so close."
    "Won't be the last, I bet," Lydia muttered flatly.
    "Another reason to save some of that ale," Rosa chided her.
    "S'pose you're right. Getting late anyway." The housecarl stood up shakily, and gave Kharjo a sly wink. "Want to come downstairs and turn in with me?"
    The Khajiit's eartips flushed, taken aback by the bluntness of her proposition. "Khajiit is sorry, Housecarl, but he... prefers the company of men."
    It was Lydia's turn to look flustered. "Oh. Well. Well then..." Even sober, she doubted she'd have had a reply for that. "I'll um... going for an air. Need some walk. Air. Walk. Right."
    As the front door shut, Rosa gave the Khajiit a skeptical look. "You're really-?"
    "No," he chuckled, sounding relieved, "but Kharjo knows of her reputation from some of the men in Dawnstar. To her, the bed is simply another battlefield. She is... rough."
    The pair dissolved into fits of laughter.
    PenguinDJ, battmeghs, 607 and 4 others like this.
  18. This me made laugh. Then cringe. Not as much the Argonian Maid made me cringe, though...
  19. Crassius Curio was one of Morrowind's better characters... albeit in some of the worst ways. :D
  20. Oh Kephras, you're great xD
    Kephras likes this.