Legit's 99.99% true EMC story!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Mrlegitislegit, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Hmm ok. That's all I have got to say. long thought.
  2. I remember when King_redbird was there... I used his wool farm all the time... and then, one day, I came, trying to use his wool farm, and everything was being destroyed :(
  3. I can evaluate some more about how copherfield was a lying bastard, even on MediCraft. He lied about most things he had ''fixed'', he was only ranting (i think thats the only thing he is actually good at...), and was just being a plain pain in the ass.

    As for when I knew him in Delta Team, he was always bashing me about building his HQ, how he was the Epic mastermind behind his design (which I don't even think is his). When I met him he even claimed to be a better building mastermind then myself.

    Now that you've brought it up, Legit, I never even knew about the SMP 3 base?

    copherfield was the person who would hunt you down until he got the answer his majesty wanted to hear. It was the same when I started building the HQ. First he told me to do whatever I wanted, then he wanted extra stuff added to the main building, I said no, its hard to fit that in, and he just kept on whining until he got it his way.

    I'm glad he's gone though, can't believe I trusted him.

    If anyone has any more copherfield questions, i might also be able to answer them =p
  4. Do you ever post anything that adds anything to the conversation?

    Yes, my SMP3 was a Delta Team base. I even posted it on the DT forum.
  5. I must've missed that memo =p
  6. Or Copher wanted it for himself. :p
  7. I'm sure the only population there would be you, copherfield, and copherfields million huge ego's
  8. More Copper-Field please.
  9. Added a new, non-copherfield part.
  10. Im confused, what exacaly did Copherfield do? I ish a newbb. Please explain VERY clearly.
  11. so did you grief?
    Mrlegitislegit likes this.
  12. Nup.
  13. I knew he already had his Delta Team thing going on. Otherwise, what Zulu already said.

    Talk is cheap. At least I give another person who had big plans near LLO some credit for actually doing the stuff he talked about (Havockstorm), though I don't know if he is still around.
  14. Last I heard he was on some other servers and took his "Team" with him went to other games and started drama etc.
    jkjkjk182 and Curundu like this.
  15. oh okay :3
  16. he he Copherfield has perm got into a Job, and it seems he is doing good he managed to buy a brand new PC himself and he's only 17, but he's still an utter ****
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  17. I really laughed out loud when I read your post. SuperLike.
  18. I was answering Curundu about Havock. But I guess it's good Voldemort Jr. got a job and a pc. Now if only he could buy some manners and all that.

    Well, he always said he wanted to "Get the Umbrella Corp. on the Minecraft maps." guess he decided to branch out as well. :)
    Curundu and jkjkjk182 like this.
  19. Gimme deh bookies of teh advenshures of deh legity and teh gopherfield
    Curundu likes this.