It's time we take a stand.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hashhog, Jul 20, 2020.


On the standard scale...

Strongly agree 2 vote(s) 10.0%
Agree 3 vote(s) 15.0%
Neither agree nor disagree 7 vote(s) 35.0%
Disagree (Treason) 5 vote(s) 25.0%
Strongly disagree (Heresy AND treason) 3 vote(s) 15.0%
  1. It is long past time we stand up and spread the truth. Too many live in denial.

    Airplane food is good. Delicious, actually.

    I'm glad we've finally put that all out on the (tray) table.

    EDIT: And yes, I'm talking about the complimentary meals they sometimes give on long flights, not mere packaged cookies nor any fancy stuff the first class people can buy.
  2. The little pretzel bags are good, but that's about it.
    luckycordel and DaybreakerMC like this.
  3. I love the peanut bags they give out for free
    luckycordel likes this.
  4. I’ve been on several planes but never had an actual “meal” from one. The prepackaged bags are alright but I coulda got that outta a vending machine. So overall its a 5/10 for me
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  5. The snacks are fine, but if you are talking about the meals... You should of got something at the terminal before you flew because there are far better and cheaper options.
    luckycordel likes this.
  6. Added to op. I'm talking the full meals they give you on long (typically overseas) flights. Always complimentary in my experience, but only on the long enough flights; I've never personally paid for food (or paid to upgrade food) on an airplane.

    But dang, those complimentary meals are good.
  7. I still stand on what I said ;)

    However, free food is "free"
  8. So what's the deal with airline food am I right???

    In all seriousness though I freaking love airplane food. It's got nice comfort snacks in the little carts and the food they sometimes serve is at least, pretty good, at most a delicious meal
    luckycordel likes this.
  9. I cannot agree nor disagree. I have never flown on a plane before.
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  10. Yeah, I wonder where all these people have got the experiences from. :p
    I have flown twice (to and fro once), but I think both the flight was too short and the airline was too cheap to get food. :p
    luckycordel likes this.
  11. I must commit treason and say that I disagree

    (to my friends, please remember me fondly, in case I am zapped for this post)
    __Devil_, luckycordel and 607 like this.
  12. The aeroplane food that I had last year was actually really nice - much better than I expected. REALLY hot though.

    That airline, the oldest travel company in the world, filed for bankruptcy a few months later though so LOL I’ll never have it again

    I also don’t remember much about what it tasted like or what was in it because my anxiety was literally sky high while on that plane. I also could barely keep the food down. I do not like flying at all lmao
    luckycordel and Impulsive_Egg like this.
  13. The one time I was on a long flight (Either from Chicago to Stockholm, Sweden, or Copenhagen Denmark to Chicago) I had this really good meatloaf. I don't know what kind of meat it was. It was just good.
    luckycordel likes this.
  14. We've never wasted enough money to go on a long enough distance flight to get proper food, so I can't give my opinion on properly made airplane food. :p
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  15. I always ended up eating the meal regardless since what other options do I have? I'm in the middle of an ocean... But the food was always either sopping wet or bone dry. Lack of seasoning, especially salt, and they dont even give you any drink to really go with it. You get a shotglass worth of water or maybe if you're lucky you actually get a little cup of whatever. Either way, the food is very lackluster. But all in all it's the only option ya got. so 3.5/10 for me.
    luckycordel likes this.
  16. Meh, I always just take my own water with me - it's so nice to be able to drink whenever I want and however much I want, without having to pay ludicrous amounts for it. :D
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  17. I don't fly commercially! So I pack what ever I want, have even brought a grill with me a time or two for some good 'ol steaks. lol Now that's some good eatin.:D
    607 likes this.
  18. Not what I was expecting this thread to be. Geez, hash!
    I haven't been in the air in a long time, so I cannot say of the foodz....

    Now I don't wanna fly...
    Joy_the_Miner and luckycordel like this.
  19. I thought you knew Hash better than to expect anything different. :rolleyes:
  20. Given that I've only extensively talked to hash to the point of PWU stuffz? xD