I Am an Ocean of Clovers....

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by CloverOcean, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Ooooh, you sound amazing already! :eek:
    Haha, sorry, when looking at your name, profile picture, different colours in your text and then the length of your text... I was definitely excited to read all of it! (both the entire post and the tl;dr ;))
    And then after your amazing introduction, you start talking about Mario? :eek:
    Can things get better from here on out? :p
    Probably, I think you'll be able to surprise me!
    Anyway, I'm sure you'll have fun in-game, and I hope you'll spend some time on the forums too!
    Most people stay in-game most of the time, which is of course good, but I myself prefer the nice place here, as I love reading and writing, and the character limit in Minecraft chat can be quite tight ;)
    And yeah... I tend to ramble too, especially in the evening :p But most people don't seem to mind much, they either skip my longer posts by default or kind of like them like Shel :D

    On an ending note: loving your signature.
    I'll probably talk to you later, you seem too interesting to pass up! :)
    Kytula, ShelLuser and AmusedStew like this.
  2. Yep you can my outpost is a 4 hour trip from spawn in starting work on a nether tunnel soon
  3. ok, 2 posts, didn't feel like inserting this into one :)

    No, not really. Each has their own community and their own feel to it. And of course every one from a particular server is usually heavily biased towards that server.

    Not me fortunately, no bias at all here :D My home server is SMP2 and it's simply the server where all the cool dudes hang (or hung) out. People like Aikar and Krysyy for example (Aikar is the owner and main developer, Krysyy is the community manager; consider her the head of the EMC staff).

    Just to be fair: that's a way unfair comment from me because although I do speak the truth (both have residences there) it's not as if they hang out there all the time ;) (my version sounds better though). But SMP2 is cool! ;)


    beware of SMP8!

    They eat new players here! :eek:

    The warning says it all, I rest my case :)

    Nah, SMP8 is a special one. They're weird, you'll get married almost when you step foot there (watch out for flying fish) but it's also fair to say that the SMP8 community (it's honestly a bit of a community within the EMC community) is a very tight one. Auth servers down so no one can connect? Chances are high that SMP8'ers will organize their own event and share pics and stories on the forums to give the others something fun to have too.

    And I've seen (parts) of SMP8 go out of their way to help their own out (when the derelict timer was ticking).

    SMP8 is weird, it's special, but it's also one heck of a server.
    Kephras, 607 and BenMA like this.
  4. The more I find out about it, the more intriguing it seems! It sounds like an adventure, within an adventure. And having read ShelLuser's last post, I see now why people were calling it the "Las Vegas" of Empire Minecraft. :D

    On a beginning note: I possibly love your signature more. :eek:
    That's one of my favorite verses.

    And your words have me smiling, Thank you!
    Can I put your name on the list of people I want to be good friends with? :p
    Also being a strong fan of 'reading and writing' I was hoping to submerge myself in the forum community.
    Years ago, I used to be a big part of an online game called NationStates. (Or, it used to be a big part of me) :D And the only way to be a big part of that is to be active on the forums. Ahh I love to talk write and read and make friends with people based around a common hobby/game. Out and about, I rarely find people who share any interests or have anything in common with me. So, when lacking for something in real life - turn on the computer! Right? Wrong! Never give up! But turn on the computer anyway because you don't go out looking for friends after dark! Ho, ho ho.. Sorry. :p I get carried away with run-on sentences when I'm "happy typing."

    I think we should interview people and start a biased topic about the awesomeness of each server! ^^
    So we can help new members who join the forums, find their perfect place of residence!
    Of course, that idea is coming from.. I now have no idea where I want to live! Haha. :D

    You certainly make a pretty cool case for SMP2 though... I mean, trickle-down coolness is a thing, right?
    Awesome by association in SMP2, Weird & Fun by SMP8. And the undeads from from SMP3's death valley.

    Ahh, this is just all so exciting! It's like, finding the oasis in the desert that you always assumed was a mirage.
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  5. Don't forget the very friendly SMP7! I like to consider us one of the friendliest SMPs on the Empire. As I said before, we can be very talkative at times, and a lot of funny stuff can happen.

    If you want to learn a little bit about SMP7, read this thread, you will get an idea of what is going on :p

    ShelLuser and CloverOcean like this.
  6. Remembering SMP7 as Super Friendly. ^^
    Awesome thread, I liked the Aikar Time one. :D
    607 likes this.
  7. I don't often chime in on the "Welcome to EMC" threads, mostly because I have little to add that other users haven't already. (And also, I tend to light newbies on fire. Nothing personal, just giving that "warm welcome" the server suggested!)
    When it comes to SMP8 though, I think Shel probably should've led with this. Or maybe this.
    But lest you think we're all members of the loonie-bin, there are some good things to be found as well.

    And because this:
    jumps out at me, I think it's worth mentioning that SMP8 is also home to my bookstore (see sig) - although I've been lax in keeping up with it the past few months, it carries titles from a number of EMC's writers (not just myself). Mostly short stories, but some guidebooks and entertaining journals as well. I might also recommend contacting Hashhog about his "Inkstain," a newspaper-ish periodical he mails on a subscription basis.

    Shameful plugging aside, country living is great. I've always been a country mouse tiger myself, so I know full well these "oceans" of which you speak. (I'm partial to the patchwork of trees in fall, myself - PA hillsides are gorgeous in autumn). At any rate, welcome to EMC Clover! Hope your stay is a very pleasant one!
    Palmsugar, 607, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  8. Welcome =D
    CloverOcean likes this.

  9. I just love how you worded that. :p Hehe. And flowers are one of my favorite (new-er) additions to minecraft, I can't wait to pay your shop a visit! One of the first things I did while trotting around in the wild was gather flowers.

    One of the most beautiful sceneries our world has to offer are the tree's in autumn. It's hard for me to imagine living somewhere without seasons to enjoy all the beauty. And Thank you for chiming in! The Cactus wedding is something truly awesome! :D Also, a bookstore is such an amazing idea. I always found books, quills, et cetera to be underused. I'll definitely have to swing by and purchase myself some good reading for those lonely nights I'm stuck on the homestead, waiting for my animals and crops to grow. Let me know if you accept new books/authors. And thanks for the tip about the "inkstain" ;) sounds like something I'd love.

    And Thanks again everyone for the warm welcome!
    Kephras, 607, Kytula and 1 other person like this.
  10. Welcome to EMC! I hope you enjoy the server, its a great one. Welcome:D
    CloverOcean likes this.
  11. Welcome to the Empire, where the dragons are helpful.
    CloverOcean, ShelLuser and Kytula like this.
  12. Of course that does raise the question: "with what?". Helpful with getting you dragon breath by setting you ablaze perhaps? ;)
    CloverOcean likes this.
  13. Well I'd happily step in some Ender Acid any day for Dragon's Breath.
    CloverOcean likes this.
  14. Welcome there! Glad to have you board the Empire!
  15. sometimes all of the time