Hoping EMC gets to 1.13

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Windylava, Jan 12, 2019.

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  1. EMC January Newsletter: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/empire-minecraft-news-january-2019.79326/
    Aikar comments on 1.13 development: https://empireminecraft.com/threads/empire-minecraft-news-january-2019.79326/#post-1489853


    I did originally expect MC Java 1.13 to delay mods and servers more than release 1.8 did, but not over six months and counting. It is a sincere accomplish that I enjoyed playing EMC on 1.12.x for nearly 1.5 years, but I have now reached my mental limits.

    The people of Mojang AB in Sweden are the ones to blame for this 'prison,' not our server developers. They were responsible for deciding to bury the Update Aquatic deep beneath Technically Updated, only to unintentionally cause delays due to detrimental bugs in their programming logic.:mad: (Pretending to complain at Mojang): "Remember 1.8 and 1.9?! Those updates took far too long to release, and even when they actually released, they were broken and unplayable. We players had to impatiently wait more months on top of the previous 10-18 months to get any sort of significant patches."
    "There are also these huge, popular mods and servers that have never been updated past 1.7.x, or 1.8.x if the 1.9 combat mechanics would destroy the sub-communities surrounding them."
    "Why are you calling all the technical changes you make to Minecraft 'optimizations,' when they hinder multiplayer servers? Do you people ever get complaints on how lag-y your Minecraft Realms are for European players?"

    To be continued... ?

    Staff of Empire Minecraft, it is totally not your fault that I am half-leaving this community now. The situation with Minecraft itself is why. To everyone else, I will still be around periodically, but only predominately for votes and in-game events.

    Players wondering where am I? Tell them I burned out from waiting 400+ days for 1.13+ on EMC.
  2. I swear I remember the estimate for 1.13's release in July or so being weeks away...

  3. Furthermore, why a limited empire shop? What was so bad about the full one? I know it 'capped' prices and stopped them from rising above a certain point, but it's not like vanilla items are rising in price anyway.

    About new players purchasing items overpriced and not realizing they're wasting the few rupees they have when they could go to a player shop - put warnings at the shop saying that prices here are intentionally overpriced, and the shop is for desperate people only who cant find a player run shop with the same item in stock.
    Nickblockmaster and Windylava like this.
  4. Did you really just imply that people ACTUALLY read stuff?
  5. I mean if you shove it in their face enough then sure
    Mochoa_Frap likes this.
  6. I'm glad EMC has yet to update to 1.13. I've been on 1.13 servers and the performance is purely abysmal. Whether it be because of Minecraft 1.13, Spigot 1.13, or a mix of both. The developers at EMC are writing their own code to change 1.13 and make it run smoother than the Single Player 1.13 you play on your home desktop computer.

    In other words, they're hard at work putting up with major game changes, much more than what 1.8 had from 1.7.10.

    Here's what Aikar has to say about 1.13.

    In my opinion, I would rather wait a little longer for a more solid 1.13 transition than one that will cause the server to crash repeatedly. (Yes, that has happened on the other servers that ran 1.13 right when it came out...)
    ForeverMaster likes this.
  7. Can i ask with all the devs changing code is that separate to the game if so wouldn't we need to install a mod over on the players end

    I have had a face plant writing that but oh well I will post this
    Mochoa_Frap and FadedMartian6 like this.
  8. We all did :p
  9. I have no problem finding blocks in bulk at market price. Maybe you're just bad at shopping? Let other players do the shopping for you!

    Here's how:
    • Put a chest on your res with a sell sign at 1.5x market.
    • Post a thread in the buying forums with the location and price.
    • Watch other players resell to you from the mall on your smp.
    Guarantee you'd be a community hero if you did this.

    That's how a market works. Market price rises, shops that don't sell out. EMC shop won't help here because it won't give you a below-market price.

    If you are willing to pay above market price or higher you should have no problem obtaining gravel.
    Melk73 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  10. Thread I summon thee to RESURRECCTTTT!!

    Seems appropriate with the recent discussion with Chickeneer about economy tweaks.
    FadedMartian and Merek_Shadower like this.
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