Have an issue? Let's Talk :)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. You mean to tell me all this time I thought Aikar had it in for me because of my SU opinions, and someone was just screwing with my head? :mad:

    . . . Successful troll is successful. Damn.
  2. <3
    Come back now please? :D
  3. This thread just went meta.
    Everybody out, single file. :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. Wow, from 3 pages to 16 pages in such a short time. I liked the long posts stating very thoughtful things, and I agreed with a lot of them. It was all pretty interesting, and then theenigmaparadox showed up. I was kinda shocked, because almost all of his messages seemed to be edited by staff. Then after a few pages he was gone. I wonder what happened to him. I read everything and feel very tired now, but I think I learnt. I love how patient this community is and how it isn't so shortfused as most people are nowadays. I highly appreciate how the staff handles things, sometimes I do disagree with them, but I do understand it is a very tough job to decide what would be best to do sometimes. All in all, dramas can occur, but this is the best community I've ever been a part of <3

  5. There are people with issues, who want to see them resolved, and there are people with grudges who just want an excuse to get nasty about it. theenigmaparadox took this opportunity to be the latter, unfortunately. Nothing constructive can happen when your only intent is to insult and demean people.
  6. Yep staff was discussing problems with players and gave respectful replies. I have mutual respect with anyone who can debate about topic without hitting below the belt "dirty politics." Enigma was alright but when he started insulting fellow staff members just for the sake of hating seems little unfair. Also I saw some members think they got insulted by staff but read the message entirely wrong. Also I seen players talking different Social ranks via non-supporter,Well-known, and supporters. I think this whole social stucture is just silly and most players should be themselves and not worry about it. Anyways I could go on about politics & silly social stucture that's formed but I rather play FTL or Minecraft.
  7. And i know the player in question. This solves that...I was gonna say that sounded familiar.
  8. As a wise Admin once said, on EMC, you see, the server trolls you.
  9. I think he was joking, C, :p It sounds like something I would joke about, huehuehue.
    Cchiarell6914 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. You have been kind and patient and thoughtful since you came to EMC. You are a credit to the community sir.
  11. I appologize. I was super tired last night, and I was in a crappy mood. We cool? :3
    Hai dere 607 :3
    I know :3 I was super tired last night, and went on a rage all over the forums xD Including leaving LLO lol
    bitemenow15 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. There is an absolutely HUGE amount of content in this thread to comment on, it's all a bit overwhelming for me. Over 300 posts, each one a leviathan wall of text.

    Aikar, I really appreciate the sacrifices you've made to keep EMC going. Thank you so much.
    To Kephras and those other users concerned with OP minibosses and enraged mobs, I'm currently considering launching a new project.

    The idea would be a volunteer wild police force; basically, I would sell enchanted swords, bows, armor, obsidian, iron doors and torches to volunteers, they'd go into the wild, and they'd set up Obsidian stations near outposts. Activities would include killing minibosses and other mobs for players, setting up torches around outposts to prevent mob spawning, making obsidian walls around outposts to keep minibosses out (which would have places from which minibosses could be attacked with bows during sieges), establishing fortified rail routes to and from town, and eventually making fortified Obsidian torchlit towns where every player would get a maximum area of 3,600 blocks to build in (equal to a 60x60 town plot, though they would not necessarily be square like in Town) which, combined with the public order services provided by volunteers, would allow players to get the most out of their Wild experience.

    I would plan to make profit from this by allowing volunteers to sell me drops from the more dangerous mobs they kill, including
    • Marlix armour
    • Dirt Destroying Ticking Tocks
    • Stable & Vault Vouchers
    • Marlix's Bow
    • Skeleton Heads
    • Shiny Arrows
    • Zombie Heads
    • Shiny Flesh
    • Diamonds
    • Zombie Viruses
    • Momentus's Toothpick
    • Gunpowder
    • Golden Apples
    • and whatever else mobs drop.
    This would make the role more lucrative, thereby making it worth people's while to volunteer in the Wild.
    That's the idea anyway. I may or may not set it up, once I get this god damn sandstone sold.
  13. I don't see lava walls in there anywhere ;)
    dresden72, Cchiarell6914, 607 and 7 others like this.
  14. My issue with the Survival Update mobs runs deeper than just their difficulty, personally speaking, but I approve the initiative anyway. :) I'm sure it will help a lot of players.
    Damn you, Like button, why can I only click you once?!
  15. Yeah we are good. I wasn't offended completely - and no grudges against you either :D
  16. This isn't really an issue, more of a suggestion to improve an existing feature. Basically I am just adding on to what skydragon said about your use of social network sites.

    Make the most of social media. Social media is such a powerful thing and using it to your advantage can really do some good for EMC. How do things spread? (whether it be good or not?). How many things have you seen throughout your lifetime perhaps promoting a new trend, or informing someone about something important (such as a missing person) on social media?. How did Flappy bird get popular? It got popular through social media and word of mouth. Promoting something through social media, whether it be Facebook or Twitter or something else, then encourages word of mouth. The amount of times I've been asked 'did you see this on Facebook?' or 'have you seen what happened on twitter last night' is probably too much.

    So do more things with the Facebook and Twitter pages, inform people of what is going on more often, hold events and give out free stuff and perhaps even expand onto more social media to reach that audience. :)
    607, Equinox_Boss and brickstrike like this.
  17. As skydragon and Jake have said, a suggestion I have is that maybe screenshot builds throughout the empire.
    Would be cool to see and hey free advertisement! :p
    Equinox_Boss and Jake_bagby like this.
  18. IMO.. atm the staff is not acting like "staff". Calm down, you guys are staff. Keep opinions to yourself, and handle this in a more mature way. All of you, not just staff please. Thank you :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. This thread was created for opinions to be shared and discussions to be had. I believe that most people have handled the thread with a decent amount of decorum.
  20. The only thing that bothers me atm with EMC is how come Dragon Tombs took so long? It was announced and everyone got hyped up and was waiting for it then nothing happened. Then like a year later or how ever long it is finally getting worked on. Why the wait?
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