Happy Thanksgiving! 2014 Event!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. By the way turkeys still spawning was supposed to be over.
  2. Will be ending tonight. Aikar wanted to be kind to the stragglers.
    607 and cadgamer101 like this.
  3. oh alright:)
  4. :D
    *Hugs Aikar*
    607 likes this.
  5. Been getting super lucky recently. Got 5 Turkey Slicers in a row.
  6. My Feast chest farm has gotten me 4 feast chests, and 4 turkeys, one of which I've found. I have yet to kill it.
  7. a feast chest farm? how exactly do you farm something that spawns totally randomly?
  8. 15 chunk long rail. I get in the minecart, and AFM for awhile. I come back, and (am supposed to) find a few spawn messages.
    So far, I've gotten 4 chests from it, and 4 turkeys.
    Sorry Aikar, I managed to farm something completely unfarmable :p
  9. I found a super turkey trapped in a hole and I only had a ham hacker which would make the turkey fly out of the hole then I lost it...
  10. Still finding Super Turkeys out there...Guess they haven't despawned?
  11. The existing ones won't despawn, so have fun slicing :). The end of the event only signaled the end of the turkeys spawning in.
    607 likes this.
  12. Yeah I've found two feast chests out in the Wastelands today. Near the spawn points too.
  13. That is a total of 3262.5 health. My turkey had 2048 health.
  14. They have a bit of armor.
    607 likes this.
  15. Yeah, my voter's sword did 5 when it was supposed to do 8. (It's iron)
  16. ...because of the armor.
  17. have all the turkeys despawned if not found?
  18. The ones that have spawned in will not despawn so there may be some out there wandering around waiting to be murdered.
  19. I killed three more of the little suckers just this morning alone. We'll be seeing them around for awhile.