Half my Villagers vanished - Bug?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Stagger77, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. Please fix that momentus bug ASAP. I tried to trap one for decoration in a world domination room in a wild base, but once I logged out, it teleported in to the wall, and suffocated.

    Also, would cobble walls possibly suffocate mobs? I lost about 26 netherhounds that I had in a cobblestone wall pen on my 2nd res, possibly due to this bug.

    And for knowing if I should try to trap one instead, do marlixes also tp when the chunks they're in are unloaded?
  2. Yes cobblestone can suffocate mobs.

    Also, I would like information regarding whether the animals which have been disappearing (and possibly suffocating) have been packed together in a small space. I do not consider one villager by itself on a block as packed. But more than that, yes.
  3. Not cobblestone, cobblestone walls. These things.
    Dimensions will be provided the next time I get on, probably tomorrow afternoon.
  4. Hard to say. Someone would need to test that. Should be the same as vanilla
  5. I don't think they count as opaque blocks, since they don't take up the full space of a block. My 27 runaway hounds may have just tp'd through the pen walls, and then suffocated somewhere else, or run away.
  6. Lost my first 2 yesterday at about 4-5 pm Empire time. They were above ground in individual stalls that had stone or wood fence on bottom and open, wood block or fence on top. They were in approximately the middle of a line of about 25 total villagers and were adjacent to each other. The chunk line ran next to them on the north. The same way the line of villagers runs. To the north west was a stone block on bottom and fence on top. I would have been in the vicinity when they disappeared but did not hear any sound that they were dying.

    It is the weirdest feeling to have that happen. It reminds me of like the Poltergeist or Missing movies. They have just disappeared and there is nothing you can do about it. Someone put up a post here, that apparently was removed, that was quite upset and advocated not voting for the server any longer. This is very upsetting and frustrating but remember it could be worse. Everything could disappear. Your hundreds or thousands of hours of work could just go away. Microsoft could pull the plug at any time they want since they aren't making on money on this. Also, remember Aikar is working hard to resolve it. He does a great job at enhancing our playing experience and something went wrong but it will get fixed. I will keep voting and this server continues to have complete loyalty.
  7. We will not be focusing a fix based on Momentus.. If its just Momentus, then its unlikely to be fixed anytime soon.

    We do not "Support" holding decorative Momentus.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. My villagers were in the complete opposite corner of my res (South West side). I've included some screen shots to give you a better idea of their positions. I've pointed arrows to where villagers once stood and put 1.7 over those arrows that were villagers from before the 1.8 transition (which I can never hope to recover). I've also labeled the walls you're looking at. I should note that I had started to replace some of the villagers I lost and put them under the signs for the old ones. While some of them stayed put, I then lost a couple of the new ones, along with another mass disappearance of more of my older ones, so now I've completely halted any entity spawning on my main res.

    Click on the images below to see larger versions:

  9. Phooey. :l
  10. So I've been doing some testing on a brand new account and residence. I basically had nothing but villagers there, for a full day. I've come and gone numerous times, with no problems and no losses (I kept checking the entc every time I returned to the res). Today, I got bored waiting for a newly spawned group of villagers to grow up, so I made a pen on the top side of the res, left for the waste and gathered two cows, pigs, chickens, rabbits, sheep, and a horse. I went back to the res and spawned them all there, along with a donkey I had found the previous day and had stored in the virtual stable. I then planted some wheat seed and some pumpkins. By that point, I knew enough time would've passed for the new villagers to have grown, so I went down to weed through them for trades I wanted. Now... I started with 68 villager eggs to work with. When I went to put the Flame I trade villager I found into an open pen, I noticed I had lost one of my other ones (he had Lure III for 23e). I did an entc check and subtracted the animals I spawned topside. At some point I lost two of my villager eggs (so I'm down to 66; 33 currently spawned and 33 in egg form). Unlike my other res, these villagers are being kept closer to the North East wall, but the one that vanished from a pen wasn't anywhere near the border of the res. I've since re-egged the animal entities to see if I'll lose any more villagers without them up there.
  11. Same thing's been happening to me. Lost a bunch of villagers, an Enraged villager, Guardian villager, and 4 cats about a week ago. They were all inside the same chunk, so that appeared to be a chunk-related issue. Chunk coords are: -6 4 -23 (SMP5)

    Lost a bunch more villagers today. This totally sucks!! :( At least I'm glad I'm not the only one! They are all within the same chunk, but there are other villagers inside that chunk which didn't disappear.

  12. For those that lost villagers....

    1. What is the /entc (entity count) at your neighbors adjacent reses?
    I am curious if somehow entity totals get over 100 and ignore res boundaries, then auto-kill some of your villagers?

    2. How many armor stands do you have on your res?
    Could armor stands somehow be counting as entities and leading to early auto-killing?
    Pab10S likes this.
  13. I'm fairly 100% certain entc is not the issue with this. The issue is happening in the wild as well.
  14. I don't think that's the problem considering some of the builds these people are posting. Not to mention the wide open animal pens that are missing animals. I keep checking to make sure my minecarts aren't running off in my farm and so far they seem to all be doing fine, unlike when the marlix dupe was being worked on.
  15. Lost a 1.7 xp villager and 30+ chickens today on my utopia res. /v kevmeup 2

  16. Oh, 3 more 1.7 villagers gone from other side of res, same holder as above, impossible to suffocate.
  17. I have no pictures - but can report sheep are kaput as well. When I port away for a time (I assume chunk unloads) and come back a lot of sheep are gone. Unsure of chunk borders but there are walls for them to 'push' into.

    Open to help test if needed - let me know.

  18. I was reading online what other people and servers said about 1.8 villagers disappearing.

    Several say that in 1.8 the villagers have to be part of a valid village or else they will eventually despawn.
    Not sure if this is true, but it may explain why I have not lost any from just diapering, so far, in town or the wild (ignoring the breeding past 100 bug from months ago that autokilled many of my villagers, but I think is fixed now).
    Maybe I have been ok, because my villagers are close to a valid village/House?

    IF this is true, the "fix" is simple (if you can see the sky), just put 1 door on the ground near your villagers and then put one solid block on top of it, and one more solid block to extend the 'roof' back one block.

    If your villagers are underground, you will need to add a view of the sky (at least 1 block), in front of the door.
    You can make a column of stained glass, and even cap it with carpet and the sunlight will still get there (You can use F3 to look at the level, you will need 15 from sky).*

    Some people say in 1.8 the door must be unobstructed, be able to open and close (let you go in and out of it).
    In other words, if you place a block keeping the door from opening, it is obstructed.

    This would Not explain sheep disappearing, but it is worth trying for the villager owners.
    Warning, too many doors can lead to overpopulation, and then you may someday get the over 100 autokill issue.
    If you want to be sure, you can put one unobstructed "house" in each chunk that has villagers, to be sure that they recognize it.

    More villager "house" info, here, but it is mainly 1.7 info:


    I think this is worth trying.
    Please tell me if this helps villagers stop disappearing.
    Thank you.

    *View of the sky requirement for valid doors/houses got me thinking about those light level bugs we had several weeks back (some lighting issues still linger). Is it possible that lighting issues cause the doors/villages to no longer be valid? I'm not sure.
  19. The thing about that is it definitively should've been an issue I ran into almost immediately, when the 1.8 change rolled in. It didn't. I had, and traded, with the same villagers both before and after the 1.8 change, without any problems at all. It wasn't until the day I started this thread that I ever ran into any issue. To me, it still seems like there was something changed within that specific time period that caused the sudden disappearances to start.
    LadBlo likes this.

  20. This isn't the problem we are experiencing here. It's not just villager but all friendly mobs and possibly entities as well.

    I have had the chunk loading glitch where the whole chunk disappears now over a dozen times and now its obvious to me that it wasn't just in the nether or when moving quickly... when I was guessing that I was spending most of my time in the nether working on rails. When I said something about it in T chat other people said they were experiencing the same thing as well, again. While its a little disconcerting to actually see that it's not as upsetting as losing your animals or villagers and I'm guessing that's just why it isn't being reported as much(or maybe I'm missing it?) Either was both these problems seemed to have surfaced at the same time. While there may have been glitches with the animals/entities in the past they haven't been like this and if there ever even was a problem with the chunks not loading and making it look like there was a giant hole in the world, I have never experienced it or even heard of it before now. Of course on single player when flying around with my dull computer I will have the border chunks not load if I'm flying really fast but I haven't even had that issue on EMC, where the border chunks take so long to load that you can reach them.

    I go on about this because I believe that they are part of the same problem. I know chickeneer said it was a client side glitch but with so many people that have had no experience with that problem before and all having the problem at the same time and the same time as this disappearing mob/entity glitch I find it very very hard to believe that its just a client side error.
    LadBlo likes this.