Goodbye, we shall meet again one day!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Faithcaster, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. Never forget your past, but don't let it hold you from your future.

    May all your foreseeable endeavors be fulfilled; Good luck to you, sir. :)
  2. Hopefully you keep voting so you can keep your res's!
  3. Really sad to see that you're leaving. I hope you'll be happy in your future.
  4. Faithcaster, you have done so much for EMC. I hope you come back someday to continue your hard work. In the meantime, have fun exploring! :D
  5. I haven't been on EMC that long but your builds have inspired my attention to the small details in a build. Your work and your time that you have put into EMC will not go unforgotten. Thank you Faithcaster, and good luck in your future travels.
    607 likes this.
  6. We will miss you a lot, we will miss anyone who
    leaves EMC.

    Can I have 200k? :)
  7. It'll be hard to say I won't miss you because I will.
    Have a good one Faith, and if you come back, I'll be waiting for you :p
  8. The deep part: I never really knew you as a person, but I always knew of your contributions to the empire

    The shallow part: I'd like to throw my name in the 200k pot I guess :)
    keep on truckin' mang
  9. Sad to see you go... Good Lucky on your new venture!
  10. *reads, not going to post on the thread*
    *reads "who wants 200k?"*
    *posts on the thread*

    You will be missed. Can FaithInc blow up in a nuclear explosion?
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  11. Really sad to see you go. Hope you come back soon!
  12. Don't stay away too long Faith.
    But, if you do not return it was good talking and working with you.
    Take care!
  13. Will not be the same without you Faith, will message you my skype.
  14. Goodbye faith, best of luck in the future.
  15. You were one amazing player! I feel sad reading this thread :"(
    I hope you come back one day!
  16. Hey Faith,
    We had a lot of fun, I'll miss those times!

    I hope that I'll see you back soon

  17. Your coming back! Don't lie to us!
  18. Noooo, I didn't know you too well but I always hate seeing people leave the Empire. Good luck with the future!
  19. Good luck to you and I hope you find the adventure you search for.
  20. Wait, this isn't right. In your post, you said "I may not come back", while the thread's title says "we shall meet again one day".
    I feel like that's contradicting.
    highlancer54, Olaf_C and MrUnknownian like this.