I disagree. I think these changes are a positive change for MP. In fact, I think they more so for MP than SP even. So many servers I've been on have disabled or banned both Iron and Gold farms. For reasons of lag, and because they flood the economy with iron/gold. Just like Diamond isn't farmable (except maybe on EMC), neither should gold and iron be auto-farmable. I think Mojang's focus here isn't on either SP or MP, it's simply to try to fix unwanted effects of auto-farming rareish blocks. And get back to what Minecraft was meant to be. A hard grind of adventuring/mining to obtain needed resource for other things. I mean come on.. there is so much iron in EMC atm, the price is down to 1-1.5r per ingot?? it's almost as cheap as stone. And gold isn't far from it. Do you seriously think iron should be the same price as stone?
It shouldn't. They could have just made them drop an iron ingot once in a while, which would still make farms some-what functional and still give a point to mining. This way, you could set up %'s to make mining a better source of iron than iron farms but still make the farms functional if you want to afk.
I guess... But really, I'm not exactly sure what all the fuss is about. It looks to me like the only difference between farms now and farms in the future will be that you can't just afk. And that definitely isn't a bad thing. You can still earn plenty of items, but you have to actually playing. Not that big of a deal.
It is automatic still http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1vf4zw/a_fix_for_afk_iron_golem_farms_snapshot_14w03/
I'm not seeing you complain about how skeletons or zombies don't drop anything unless you kill them yourselves. So why do you need to complain about Iron golems not doing so? This change is obviously fixing a bug that people have been exploiting.
Well guys it looks like we better get our best miners back out in the wild, which I can't say is a bad thing! So Mojang plans to make a change that some of us are against, okay and is that all. Get back into the surviving/adventuring life minecraft was made for. I say this is a new opportunity, let's not take it lightly!