That is straight up BS and moaning. Over reaction, false info. Iron farms and gold farms etc still exist.
no more auto and i really dont think 1.8 is going to come to emc do you really think aikar needs servers with 3tps because of the iron golems not being killed 250 golems per farm and if you got ckickeneer on smp4 with a giant like 30-50 celeed iron farm i think it will lag too much so fingures crossed no 1.8 for emc
The harder something is, the less likely people are to do it. If everyone who does it now were to do it after the update, it would for sure cause lag. But we will likely see a significant drop in use due to its new difficulty, hopefully down to a level where where there is no noticeable lag increase. Also, there won't be 250 per farm, you have to factor in other creatures too like the close villagers. A car dealership would never survive if they were to keep selling the same cars from one year as time (several years) progressed. EMC is a business, and there is absolutely 0.00000000000000% chance that Aikar would risk not updating at all just to save lag. Lag means nothing if there is no one to observe it.
Hence the reason for the entity cap. If it wasn't filled with iron golems, it'd be filled with other things. I can't wait to see if the change to iron/gold farms really does affect lag that much. We'll see. The point here is. People keep saying that iron/gold farms are going to be gone. Which isn't true It's an overreaction, and completly false. I garantee you these farms will continue to exist. People are just upset they now have to interact with them to get anything from it. They'll have a moan, and eventually accept and adjust to it. I will continue to clarify false information. Iron farms and gold farms are not over. they are not broken with 1.8. They just need to change.
Using hacks? Because I don't think there is any other way to kill an entity with your player, without using your player to kill an entity..
as for my input, i dont see too many problems with the 1.8 update other than me not risking having villagers out in the open in the wild lol. as for iron/gold farming, well i do think that too much iron/gold was made easily obtainable. making the value of it go down way too low. i personally dont favor it becoming a "rare" but at least the value of it will go back up. in short there are as with all updates good and bad changes being made, but we shall all adjust just as we always have with all the past updates
1.8 will come on emc... But we will make adjustments to make sure people are not pooling up monsters and causing lag. So, you can consider the days of afk'ing for hours over. If you want to farm them, your going to have to do it not afk. In reality, our policy has actually always been don't afk farm.... We've just been relaxed in enforcing that. But due to the nature of this update, and due to recent server lag issues from peoples farms building up, you can expect something to be done to ensure we don't have problems with farms.
Well, gold isn't that useful anyways, unless you like long rails. But that's why we have portals, eh? Anywho, though this may seem bad, and I do hate caving, I'm sure this will help make Minecraft more like it was in the old days, which many want. Plus, there are bouncy blocks. So 1.8 is amazing. But Jeb, if you nerf slime farms as well, I swear I will find you and possess your fingers.
Gold isn't that useful? Gold apples? Golden carrots? Potions? It looks amazing as a block in a lot of builds as well.
Lately mojang has been making updates aimed at SP that literally ruin SMP economies.. Mesa's and afk farm nerfs.. You can tell they are going by the way of making not too big of a downside for SP; I don't think they realize what they're doing to servers like us though ;\
The mob farm nerfs - ok, its out of our control we have to deal with that, prices go up. Things such as mesa biomes, being able to craft circle stone / mossy brick is AWESOME for us because now we don't have to spend so much on these limited items. Before the mesa biomes a DC of clay was about 30k+, now you get about 5-6k per DC, that helped us out a lot. Sorry that you in specific can't make more money, but it helps our economy as a whole.
What was wrong with paying a lot for such items? Wouldn't that encourage you to go out and gather them with clay?
Meh, TNT will once have a use for Diamond Supporters again, Do I expect prices to go up for those who want to use the TNT?
Perhaps - but all the iron farms would also need to be raised for you to have the 'softener' added ... and then diamond supporter to be able to place tnt (not necessary you could use a sword) ...but yeh ... However* with emc ... wouldn't that not work anyways because of the softener and tnt - because the iron golem wouldn't have player only damage - it would have environment damage towards the golems?