I know people don't see it like this now...but it is a needed thing. In my opinion Minecraft has been in a 'ruined' state since it was possible to do these farms. It completely takes away any traveling/adventuring. MC for a while has been in a state of being more "AFKCraft" than "Minecraft".
See. For a survival server/game, I think it makes it less fun. It's more or less the same thing as creative mode when you have TO much of something needed to survive without having to work for it. Having to worry about what you need to use your very few pieces of iron for instead of making infinite armor and swords because you can seems so boring to me.
I agree. I had collected so many resources that I hadn't had to go caving in forever. Today I went caving with a friend and had a blast doing it, even though we only got a stack of gold and iron. I think that the solution is appropriate for gold, but for iron I think that vilages should just merge from a longer range, so that iron farms work but only produce a little bit of iron, because they will count as one huge village.
I personally don't see this as a big problem. But, my main problem is that Mojang don't know what they're doing now, and they aren't listening to what the Minecraft community wants. Someone needs to start a massive twitter campaign against 1.8
Guize. Think of all the electricity you'll be saving by not having your computer farming all day while you aren't even using it. Trust me, I love hoarding excessive amounts of stuff too, but thats just a little plus side I thought of ^-^
#TBT to when 1.3 rendered the servers basically unplayable because it was so laggy and TONS of people left. (Other than that part it was pretty good tho )
Well i to told you guys yesterday that 1.8 will be the worst update ever, believe me now? Lets hopw aikar can done some "tweeking" with the golems and make it drop iron.
I doubt he will, obviously iron golems werent supposed to be exploited as such but were and Mojang decided to not do anything about it until now. Plus cow likes the idea of this update
So enchanting will lose its luster as well, now that 1.8 makes it a whole lot easier to enchant and repair items. Some people might be happy at this aspect, others will not. Either way, all the old iron and gold farms will be more useful for enchanting for the fact that they will have to be xp farms. Even if the iron/gold market gets "better" with time (where they become a little bit more expensive), the enchant market will have to suffer a bit to balance the market prices as a whole. It's too complicated for me and I don't really like it.