Without reading all of the posts here. I am in support of Mojang's change here. even though I have made a ton of profit on Iron - it is better this way.
No. I never stated that. It is kind of 50 50, 50 of the community do not like this feature and the other 50 like it. We need to at least just do a conflict resolution. (MC wise, not EMC. I never stated EMC will undo this, I am talking about the Mojang Team, not EMC )
EMC has a lot of unique features, but one thing we don't do is put in a lot of work to undo the work Mojang implements into the game...
This. If you don't like something in the MOJANG update, you don't ask EMC to fix it. That really makes absolutely no sense.
Never said that either, I wasn't talking about EMC community, I actually meant the Minecraft Community, OUTSIDE emc.
Essentially, this is what everyone is asking, for EMC to fix something up to make the 1.8 update MUCH different than the intended purpose. Which, in my opinion, is just silly.
Well, as Aikar stated...It's probably more 25 25 / 50. Of course it's never exact to those...but it fits close. 25% complain about it...25% agree with it, and the other 50% simply don't mind it, which might as well fit with the agree with it, since they're fine either way.
That is basically impossible and a little dumb, why would EMC try and fix what Mojang is intending to put in? I suspect later in the update Mojang will do some minor adjustments to the villager, enchanting table, iron and gold farm changes, though.
That's exactly what I'm saying, it wasn't specifically directed towards you, but there are quite a few people who want EMC to make it so that AFK farms stay.
Honestly, at first I disliked this, but I think that it will be beneficial. People need to learn to go caving. I just came up with a suggestion: Introduce ABBA caving to the community, I do it a lot and not only is it fun but it's a great way to get resources. I also find it just as fun to cave and just share the loot. People will get plenty of iron and substantially more gold than they would with a gold farm. Plus diamonds. Plus redstone, plus Lapis Lazuli, plus emeralds, and all the new stone blocks. I think it's a win win situation for players who afk.
Abba caving is great to watch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also I dont see why people are complaining, you need to look at the better of things. I know alot of people didnt play EMC back before Iron farms, but those who did might remember that iron was like what?, 6r per ingot? Now you can get it 2r each, this is a good thing for our economy and with repairing being so easy in 1.8 people wont mine the hassle of mining (see wat I did there? <--- ) This is a great update, and I look forward to it. And... as chicken said he is happy with the update and I believe he said he made over 1mil off just iron, so stop being so fussy guys and deal with it because Aikar isnt gonna change 1.8
What hurts the economy more, hugely excessive amounts of iron, or iron amounts back to its pre-farm levels?
You chose to join a server of a mainly SP orientated game. You chose to join a server that adds features to the game. You can't just expect Mojang to update the game to suit unofficial modifications. Also, I'm sort of glad that there won't be as much Iron and Gold in the economy, maybe people will be more creative with their building materials and we'll see less of those Iron and Gold buildings everywhere.
I hope he doesn't touch it at all and leaves it the way it is. As iron farms honestly suck. Bad. Very bad.
I wonder what Jc is gonna do lol, if she made hers into a 1.8 drop farm, she would hit entcount in like 5 mins.
Me and my farm are bad then. *shame on me for the trouble I've caused* Also Aikar has no intention of changing it. He has already posted that he won't.