Going to stand in for Progryck while he's sleeping and say that submissions are now (presumably) closed. The announcement was made in-game at 21:11:45 EMC time that EMC would update "within the next our [sic] or so"
Damn, who would have guessed the update to go this smooth this time around. Congrats to staff for surprising us all. I'll double check the submissions but I think we'll have a clear winner.
Looks like it pays off to stay optimistic. That'll teach us all to have some more faith in the updates again. Congrats to TomvanWijnen for winning the fastest round so far. Hope to see you all back at 1.19.
That was completely surprising. January 21st was supposed to be the "soonest" for the update. I wonder if I managed to get everything out already?
Wow! Even though I said I "expected" it, I did not expect to wake up today to suddenly see this message. Massive thanks to the EMC development team, well done!!
yup, but winner is decided by whoever was closest to the actual time/date, meaning Tom won since no one guessed any earlier. You can check all guesses here in case you think I made a mistake.