Funny Staff Moments!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NickkG, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. Fate I have just one thing to say in response to all that. Good job on spelling booth as both twice :p That is all.
    UltiPig and DrMadFate like this.
  2. I like how both of the previous ones have been partially about me and my wives. Ehehehe
  3. step 1: lether armor
    step 2: dye it green
    step 3: rename it
    step 4: profit
  4. You should be a divorce lawyer
    NickkG, Impulsive_Egg and 607 like this.

  5. Nick with his beloved doggos -- 100 of them, to be exact.
  6. Just chicken and Elfin doing chicken and Elf things...

    <Too many vids, continued below>

  7. ------------------------------------------------

  8. Accidentally posted this on the SMP8 thread. oops
    Blurred out = irrelevant chat

  9. Poor jaq :)
    jaqque likes this.