Funny Staff Moments!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NickkG, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. chin, cd & I hiding from responsibilities

    he cant get in the mumble channel

    I said that I was on fire & starting singing the Alicia Keys song
    NickkG, Sgt_Pepper4, Tahitan and 2 others like this.
  2. I mean, it could've happened to anyone at any time, fBuilderS, what with Matheus's irrationality. I was just trying to be a good, responsible Mod doing his duties correctly and Matheus tried to make me do jumping jacks... :(
  3. Me and my BB
  4. As I'm your alt you could have just logged me onto EMC!
    TomvanWijnen and NickkG like this.
  5. ....Pretty sure I had WAY more than two things that qualified to be posted here since late July.

    Guess nobody got screenshots? Works for me! :D
    NickkG likes this.
  6. Here is one from the archives. (Almost 2 years ago - January 10, 2014)

  7. Simon turned everyone into my boyfriend..

    Bara was lagging really bad

    NickkG, Tahitan and CDJS like this.
  8. So I found Chin and Elfin running around at town spawn and I hinted at Chin turning pvp on to kill Elfin.... he did, so Elfin threatened him that he will be back :p
    We3_MPO, ElfinPineapple and Tahitan like this.
  9. Mods have access to colored chat? :p
    ElfinPineapple and Tahitan like this.
  10. /resshout and /modshout. Pretty sure /resshout is available for supporters.
    Tahitan likes this.
  11. I was not aware of /modshout. :p I'm assuming it only can post in one color like /resshout?
  12. Yep. I think /resshout was used in the screenshot though. :)
  13. /resshout uses &b :p
  14. Ok sorry for posting so many in different comments, but I keep finding new ones :p
  15. Chin trying on new headwear

    then this happened.
    Themoglover and SteamingFire like this.
  16. 662 posts before this one, and I am not included in a single one... :oops:
    What happened, did screenshots not get popular until after I became Retired Staff? :p